Meeting held at Noney

Longmai Noney Circle Booth Level Committee under the aegis of Nungba Mandal held a meeting at Longmai Noney village today which was presided by Gailung Gangmei in presence of Gailanjei Pamei, president, Nungba Mandal gen secy Poudinlung Riamei pr…

Longmai Noney Circle Booth Level Committee under the aegis of Nungba Mandal held a meeting at Longmai Noney village today which was presided by Gailung Gangmei in presence of Gailanjei Pamei, president, Nungba Mandal gen secy Poudinlung Riamei president ST Morcha, Manipur, Michael Dangmei gen secy, BJP Tamenglong District, Joyson Kamei president ST Morcha, Tml, Ading Gonmei Source The Sangai Express

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