Origin, migration and settlement of Zeliangrongs

Dr Budha Kamei The Zeliangrongs are one of the natives of Northeast India. Myths, legends and traditions narrate the origin and migration of the Zeliangrong people. However, the actual original homeland and the migration routes of the Naga tribes including the Zeliangrong into the present habitat have not been fully studied. Folklore, mythology and ethnology […]

Dr Budha Kamei The Zeliangrongs are one of the natives of Northeast India. Myths, legends and traditions narrate the origin and migration of the Zeliangrong people. However, the actual original homeland and the migration routes of the Naga tribes including the Zeliangrong into the present habitat have not been fully studied. Folklore, mythology and ethnology […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/origin-migration-and-settlement-of-zeliangrongs/

Non-biodegradable solid wastes management for Khwairamband Bazar

N Irabanta Singh Introduction: The author already expressed his opinion about organic wastes management for Khwairamband bazar( Imphal City) through vermitechnology (The Sangai Express, Imphal September 10,2016 issue). In this article, the author made an attempt how non-biodegradable solid wastes for Khwairamband bazar could be managed through the sincere effect of the Imphal Municipal Corporation. […]

N Irabanta Singh Introduction: The author already expressed his opinion about organic wastes management for Khwairamband bazar( Imphal City) through vermitechnology (The Sangai Express, Imphal September 10,2016 issue). In this article, the author made an attempt how non-biodegradable solid wastes for Khwairamband bazar could be managed through the sincere effect of the Imphal Municipal Corporation. […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/non-biodegradable-solid-wastes-management-for-khwairamband-bazar/

“Study hacks that worked for me”

Leima Chanu Shakti Yambem Coming from a state like Manipur, where the tuition culture is sky rocketing and the evenings are flooded with parents waiting outside the coaching centers; I believe that we should at least know how to study effectively. I am just an average student who stumbled upon these methods while trying to […]

Leima Chanu Shakti Yambem Coming from a state like Manipur, where the tuition culture is sky rocketing and the evenings are flooded with parents waiting outside the coaching centers; I believe that we should at least know how to study effectively. I am just an average student who stumbled upon these methods while trying to […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/study-hacks-that-worked-for-me/

Downfall of Congress party in Manipur and India

TK Haokip The Congress Party has been ruling India for more than 57 years out of 70 years of Independence in 1947 and in Manipur for the last continuous 15 years with Shri O. Ibobi Singh and Shri Gaikhangam as the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister respectively. During this 15 years regime Shri Ibobi […]

TK Haokip The Congress Party has been ruling India for more than 57 years out of 70 years of Independence in 1947 and in Manipur for the last continuous 15 years with Shri O. Ibobi Singh and Shri Gaikhangam as the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister respectively. During this 15 years regime Shri Ibobi […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/downfall-of-congress-party-in-manipur-and-india/

Class 12 marks may decide your college but not your life

Birkarnelzelzit Thiyam “Dream small to achieve big” You might be in the category of those who are being teased for wearing unbranded cloths and wearing dirty cloths. People must be laughing at you for being poor. Do you know that one day there will be traffic jam in every road that you take because everyone […]

Birkarnelzelzit Thiyam “Dream small to achieve big” You might be in the category of those who are being teased for wearing unbranded cloths and wearing dirty cloths. People must be laughing at you for being poor. Do you know that one day there will be traffic jam in every road that you take because everyone […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/class-12-marks-may-decide-your-college-but-not-your-life/

Why is corruption a part and parcel in our society?

Moichingmayum Mustaque Alish Aijaja The history of corruption is deep rooted. Now it is a shame that despite fifty years of independence India figures at 76th of most corrupt countries of the world. The credit for this goes to those who lack in morals and who exploited their positions, status or resources for personal gains. […]

Moichingmayum Mustaque Alish Aijaja The history of corruption is deep rooted. Now it is a shame that despite fifty years of independence India figures at 76th of most corrupt countries of the world. The credit for this goes to those who lack in morals and who exploited their positions, status or resources for personal gains. […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/why-is-corruption-a-part-and-parcel-in-our-society/

Eco blockade: Politics wins, common man loses

Ajay Sharma The economic blockade in Manipur this year has exceeded the 120 days record of 2012, something that seems to have become a ‘way of life’ in Manipur. After four months of continuous blockade of NH 2, has the UNC been able to achieve its stated objectives? Have we the Nagas been able to […]

Ajay Sharma The economic blockade in Manipur this year has exceeded the 120 days record of 2012, something that seems to have become a ‘way of life’ in Manipur. After four months of continuous blockade of NH 2, has the UNC been able to achieve its stated objectives? Have we the Nagas been able to […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/eco-blockade-politics-wins-common-man-loses/

Drinking bottled mineral water culture in Manipur

N Irabanta Singh Introduction : Potability of water depends on its various quantities such as its physical, chemical and bacteriological aspects. The quality of water is maintained for promotion of health and well being of the consumers. Pure water is one which is colourless, free from turbidity and abnormal taste and odour. While wholesome water […]

N Irabanta Singh Introduction : Potability of water depends on its various quantities such as its physical, chemical and bacteriological aspects. The quality of water is maintained for promotion of health and well being of the consumers. Pure water is one which is colourless, free from turbidity and abnormal taste and odour. While wholesome water […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/drinking-bottled-mineral-water-culture-in-manipur/

Know your test: Uric acid

Dr David Howdijam (MD) Uric acid is a natural substance produced in our body which has both good and bad side effects. Under normal concentrations, it is a very potent antioxidant which accounts for more than 50 percent of the antioxidant activity in our blood. When its levels are normal, it is beneficial. But when […]

Dr David Howdijam (MD) Uric acid is a natural substance produced in our body which has both good and bad side effects. Under normal concentrations, it is a very potent antioxidant which accounts for more than 50 percent of the antioxidant activity in our blood. When its levels are normal, it is beneficial. But when […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/know-your-test-uric-acid/

International Women’s Day: A Hindi tract with feminist ideals from a time before feminism was known

Mrinal Pande Seemantini Updesh (A Tract for A Married Woman), is a rare 19th-century Hindi work rooted in what we now recognise as feminist epistemology. The author is an anonymous Hindu woman (ek agyat hindu aurat, the book says), who perhaps lacked the facility to write Hindi in the Devanagari script. So, she dictated the […]

Mrinal Pande Seemantini Updesh (A Tract for A Married Woman), is a rare 19th-century Hindi work rooted in what we now recognise as feminist epistemology. The author is an anonymous Hindu woman (ek agyat hindu aurat, the book says), who perhaps lacked the facility to write Hindi in the Devanagari script. So, she dictated the […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/international-womens-day-a-hindi-tract-with-feminist-ideals-from-a-time-before-feminism-was-known-2/

International Women’s Day: A Hindi tract with feminist ideals from a time before feminism was known

Dr Sanjeeev Gulati Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, and its prevalence has been projected to grow by 40% in the next decade Obesity in India has reached epidemic proportions in the 21st century, with morbid obesity affecting 5% of the country’s population. Not only that according to a recent WHO report Childhood obesity is […]

Dr Sanjeeev Gulati Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, and its prevalence has been projected to grow by 40% in the next decade Obesity in India has reached epidemic proportions in the 21st century, with morbid obesity affecting 5% of the country’s population. Not only that according to a recent WHO report Childhood obesity is […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/international-womens-day-a-hindi-tract-with-feminist-ideals-from-a-time-before-feminism-was-known/

Lifecycle ceremonies of the Zeliangrong of Northeast – Part 6

Dr Budha Kamei From previous issue In Zeliangrong society, the period of mourning of a death is observed for one year until the celebration of next Gaan-ngai festival. The family of the deceased observes the mourning in the form of abstention from amusement. The meaning of such action seems evident: grief felt for the loss […]

Dr Budha Kamei From previous issue In Zeliangrong society, the period of mourning of a death is observed for one year until the celebration of next Gaan-ngai festival. The family of the deceased observes the mourning in the form of abstention from amusement. The meaning of such action seems evident: grief felt for the loss […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/lifecycle-ceremonies-of-the-zeliangrong-of-northeast-part-6/

Lifecycle ceremonies of the Zeliangrong of Northeast

Dr Budha Kamei From previous issue Then, the son or a near male relative of the deceased uprights a bamboos stickabout 3ft long close to the niche saying: ‘Ho-ou-we Tameipule Lampingleo Ai naiye’. This is called Loukham Teng Khunmei. A woman is not allowed to perform. Loukham Teng Khunmei gives two meanings: the last thing […]

Dr Budha Kamei From previous issue Then, the son or a near male relative of the deceased uprights a bamboos stickabout 3ft long close to the niche saying: ‘Ho-ou-we Tameipule Lampingleo Ai naiye’. This is called Loukham Teng Khunmei. A woman is not allowed to perform. Loukham Teng Khunmei gives two meanings: the last thing […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/lifecycle-ceremonies-of-the-zeliangrong-of-northeast/

Election regale in Manipur– Reflecting a societal point

Roviso Marza Many do not like the churns of elections, even those dealing the subject. It is often considered a pattern run by those who are for it, and for them alone. Other professions and thosedisliking ittend to stay away even duringvoting, apparently due to election’s volatile form, however powerful it gives. Are elections really […]

Roviso Marza Many do not like the churns of elections, even those dealing the subject. It is often considered a pattern run by those who are for it, and for them alone. Other professions and thosedisliking ittend to stay away even duringvoting, apparently due to election’s volatile form, however powerful it gives. Are elections really […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/election-regale-in-manipur-reflecting-a-societal-point/

Lifecycle ceremonies of the Zeliangrong of Northeast – Part 3

Dr Budha Kamei From previous issue This is called Kanungduipang Hekmei in local dialect. Kanungdui is the mythical river which symbolizes the boundary between life and death. Then, a man with the fire of thatching grass will wave inside the grave by way of purification called Maihammei. Another idea of contacting fire is probably to […]

Dr Budha Kamei From previous issue This is called Kanungduipang Hekmei in local dialect. Kanungdui is the mythical river which symbolizes the boundary between life and death. Then, a man with the fire of thatching grass will wave inside the grave by way of purification called Maihammei. Another idea of contacting fire is probably to […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/lifecycle-ceremonies-of-the-zeliangrong-of-northeast-part-3-2/

With or without majority, BJP is bound to form the next Govt in Manipur

Dr Th Suresh Singh With state assembly countdown approaching fast, Manipuris are awaiting the result with a deep breath. Time for accusation to each other political parties regarding blockade is gone. Every candidate is having a do or dies fight in their respective assembly seat with their opponents. The question in everybody’s mind is – […]

Dr Th Suresh Singh With state assembly countdown approaching fast, Manipuris are awaiting the result with a deep breath. Time for accusation to each other political parties regarding blockade is gone. Every candidate is having a do or dies fight in their respective assembly seat with their opponents. The question in everybody’s mind is – […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/with-or-without-majority-bjp-is-bound-to-form-the-next-govt-in-manipur/

Career as Chef

Ranjan K Baruah Many of us are fond of cooking, we love to cook and also taste different cuisines. We cook food ourselves or sometime go out and eat outside in restaurants. Cooking is integral part in our life but when we look it as career, there are many option related to it. If one […]

Ranjan K Baruah Many of us are fond of cooking, we love to cook and also taste different cuisines. We cook food ourselves or sometime go out and eat outside in restaurants. Cooking is integral part in our life but when we look it as career, there are many option related to it. If one […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/career-as-chef/

Lifecycle ceremonies of the Zeliangrong of Northeast – Part 3

Dr Budha Kamei From previous issue Theimei (death): Theimei (death) is the last crisis in the life cycle of an individual. It signifies the total cessation of life process that eventually happens in all living beings. The usual theory of the process of death is the separation of the soul from the body.99 However, the […]

Dr Budha Kamei From previous issue Theimei (death): Theimei (death) is the last crisis in the life cycle of an individual. It signifies the total cessation of life process that eventually happens in all living beings. The usual theory of the process of death is the separation of the soul from the body.99 However, the […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/lifecycle-ceremonies-of-the-zeliangrong-of-northeast-part-3/

Lifecycle ceremonies of the Zeliangrong of Northeast – Part 2

Dr Budha Kamei From previous issue In Zeliangrong society, marriage is considered not a simple social contract but a religious sacrament. A marriage relation between a man and woman cannot be disunited because it contains rite and rituals performed in the name of Tingkao Ragwang. On the day of marriage, Mhairakmei ceremony is performed in […]

Dr Budha Kamei From previous issue In Zeliangrong society, marriage is considered not a simple social contract but a religious sacrament. A marriage relation between a man and woman cannot be disunited because it contains rite and rituals performed in the name of Tingkao Ragwang. On the day of marriage, Mhairakmei ceremony is performed in […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/lifecycle-ceremonies-of-the-zeliangrong-of-northeast-part-2/

Manipuri : Do we belong to a society that cares for the environment?

Dr Maibam Dhanaraj Meitei Manipur, called land of jewel or Switzerland as quoted, but does the titles fit the place that it is in actual? A land locked state of 22,327 km2 by area, with the surrounding hills and a small valley in the middle, endowed with rich flora and fauna, is Manipur. May be […]

Dr Maibam Dhanaraj Meitei Manipur, called land of jewel or Switzerland as quoted, but does the titles fit the place that it is in actual? A land locked state of 22,327 km2 by area, with the surrounding hills and a small valley in the middle, endowed with rich flora and fauna, is Manipur. May be […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2017/03/manipuri-do-we-belong-to-a-society-that-cares-for-the-environment/