72 militants lay down arms to CM

Mail News Service Imphal, July 20: Seventy two militants including a woman cadre today laid down arms to the Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh at IGAR(S), Mantripukhri. The surrendered UG cadres belonged to (UNLF 14, PULF (All Faction) 8, KYKL 13, PREPAK 7, KNLF 3, KCP (All Faction) 15, PLA 12, MNRF 1. Large number […]

Mail News Service
Imphal, July 20: Seventy two militants including a woman cadre today laid down arms to the Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh at IGAR(S), Mantripukhri.
The surrendered UG cadres belonged to (UNLF 14, PULF (All Faction) 8, KYKL 13, PREPAK 7, KNLF 3, KCP (All Faction) 15, PLA 12, MNRF 1. Large number of weapons including AK-47s,G3 Rifles, Lathode, Carbines and Pistols were surrendered.
Speaking at the occasion, Chief Minister Shri 0. Ibobi Singh said that peace is the foremost necessity for progress and development. He said that prolonged armed movement in Manipur has not achieved anything for the people of the State except bring disorder and chaos in the society. While the rest of the world is progressing fast, the State is still struggling with basic things like law and order, he added.
Maintaining that there is no place for violence in a democratic country, the Chief Minister observed that violence and arms struggle only create more problems instead of bringing any solution. For bringing peace and normalcy, Government’s door is always kept open for negotiation and talk with all concerned, he reiterated.
The Chief Minister further said that the home coming ceremony is a testimony that the people of the State abhor violence and are desirous of leading a peaceful and prosperous life. He appealed to all the UG groups of the State to abjure the path of violence and join the main stream.
The Chief Minister congratulated the officers and jawans of Assam Rifles and the State Police force for their commendable job in bringing back various UG outfits to the main stream. He assured the surrendered cadres that the Government would try its best for their proper rehabilitation.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister said he welcomes the 72 youths as not as surrendered militants but as misguided youths . He hoped that they will help in working for peace and normalcy in the country. There is no place for violence in a democratic country , violence and arms do not solve any problem he added.
He however said the government will not tolerate illegal activities by militants who are under suspension of operation (SOO). The government will also start talks with another Manipur based militant outfit he added. He congratulated the Assam Rifles and the Manipur Police for working hard to bring peace in the region.
Maj Gen UK Gurung, IGAR(S) said the militants have decided to lay down arms due to the incentives given to them by the government. The troops in the border areas are on vigil to see if there is any move to infiltrate by militants into Manipur from Myanmar as there are reports of Myanmar government asking all bases of various organizations to close down.
Maj Gen Gurung said the family members and the society played a crucial role in making the militants come back to normal life and the function is named “Homecoming”. Now many parents are asking their children to lay down arms he further said. The former militants will now lead a normal life he assured.
The ceremony was attended by the Home Minister Gaikhangam, DGP Y. Joy Kumar, IGAR (S) , Principal Secy Home, Suresh Babu, Maj Gen U K Gurung, YSM, besides other distinguished persons.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/72-militants-lay-down-arms-to-cm/