Cylinder blast ignites giant inferno, three hours spent to tackle fire

Two injured, eight houses damaged in fire as 20 gas cylinders explode IMPHAL, June 24: Two persons sustained burn injuries while eight houses were damaged after a gas cylinder explosion

Two injured, eight houses damaged in fire as 20 gas cylinders explode

IMPHAL, June 24: Two persons sustained burn injuries while eight houses were damaged after a gas cylinder explosion led to a series of cylinder explosions in one of the most congested neighbourhood in the heart of the State capital at Majorkhul, next to the State Assembly Guest House today.

Around 20 gas cylinders are believed to have exploded during the inferno.

Local sources speculate that the loss of property could be around Rs one crore.

The injured are being treated at the Chamber of Commerce hospital.

The first cylinder exploded at 11.30am at a rented room occupied by a non-local in the first floor of a building owned by Rajani Panmei, 52, wife of (L) Khumanjao Panmei.

The devastating fire was finally doused after a duration of three hours by the State Fire Service which pressed a large number of fire tenders, including those from neighboring districts. The Chief Minister O Ibobi, Home minister Gaikhangam and other MLAs and ministers visited the spot during the time that the Fire Services were fighting the inferno.

After the first explosion sparked a fire in the rented room, it spread to the other adjoining rented rooms which were made of Rhino sheets and wooden planks.

Soon after, the fire spread to the other buildings located nearby followed by a few more cylinder blasts that reduced eight other kutcha buildings to ashes.

Around 20 gas cylinders blasted off during the massive fire which created a problem for the fire fighters to control the fire in time. Two fire tenders reached the site some 15 to 20 minutes after the fire started but were not able to proceed toward the direction of the fire due to the narrow road and the vehicles being parked along the road.

Locals of the area, including bystanders expressed unhappiness that two fire tenders remained parked near to the quarter of Heingang MLA Nongthombam Biren, located about 50 metres from the spot of the fire.

Many alleged that personnel of the Fire Services remained only as mute spectators and did not respond with the urgency that was required, standing by just to save the MLA quarter in case the fire reached it.

Soon after, the Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly, Th Lokeshor arrived at the spot and expressed his dissatisfaction with the response or rather the lack of it by the State fire service to control the devastating fire. He further expressed surprise over the absence of the Director of Manipur Fire Service and Imphal West SP at the spot even after an interval of half an hour after the fire was first reported.

One hour later, fire tenders from the other neighbouring districts arrived and helped to control the devastating fire. Riot control vehicle Varun along with water tankers from the CRPF and Assam Rifles were pressed into service to control the fire. More than 100 under training personnel of the police were also used to control the fire which subsided close to three hours after it first started.

Chief Minister O Ibobi, Home Minister Gaikhangam, MLA Ibomcha, MLA Th Shyamkumar, MLA Abdul Nazir, DGP Manipur Shahid Ahmed and other high ranking officers of the state visited the spot of the incident. The

Chief Minister took stock of the fire from the Manipur Press club building.

Speaking to the media before leaving the site, O Ibobi called the incident as an unfortunate one and further pointed out that it is important to make a plan to ensure fire services and security personnel can rush and control any emergencies and for the eviction of people in time. He also mentioned that the Government will consider improving the equipment put into use by the State Fire Service.

The CM also noted that most of incidents of fire outbreaks in the state are caused by electric short circuits or gas cylinder blasts. He then went on to add that very household often stocks 2-3 gas cylinders and when fire outbreaks take place, it would lead to major ones and further appealed to the public to make way for the Fire service and other security personnel so that they can rush in immediately to the spot to bring any situation under control in due time.

On the other hand, Home Minister Gaikhangam said that it was now clear that there is a manpower shortage in the State fire service. He further added that he would raise the issue in the Cabinet meeting to be held later in the day.

On the other hand a relief camp was opened at the local community hall, according to a late night report.

Meanwhile, a statement from the Director of the Fire Service said that there are only 20 staff at the Fire service head quarters including the administrative staff, even as the total strength of the every Fire station requires 35 staff.

It also pointed out that there are only about 200 fire service staff which is spread across different fire stations in the state which leads to shortage of manpower at the sites of major fire outbreaks.


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Sedition charges against RK Ranendrajit dropped

IMPHAL, June 24: RK Ranendrajit who edited ‘The Freedom Manipur’, a now defunct newspaper, was acquitted from charges of sedition under section 124-A of IPC after 17 years on Tuesday.

IMPHAL, June 24: RK Ranendrajit who edited ‘The Freedom Manipur’, a now defunct newspaper, was acquitted from charges of sedition under section 124-A of IPC after 17 years on Tuesday.

A copy of the order has been sent to the District Magistrate, Imphal West in compliance with provisions of Section 365 CrPC.

According to RK Ranendrajit’s defence lawyer Khaidem Mani, Justice A Guneshwar Sharma of the District and Sessions Judge, Manipur East gave the final verdict on the case and concluded it Tuesday.

“No evidence of RK Ranendrajit committing sedition against the state of Manipur or Union of India with criminal intentions can be established. A prima facie case against sedition can’t be established, as any instance of causing of disaffection, hatred and contempt against the government are not found on record,” he said.

Mani said that Section 124-A IPC is not applicable to the opinions expressed by the accused in the editorial column of his English daily “The Freedom Manipur” on September 12, 1997, adding that the defendant’s editorial was making a fair criticism of the Government’s policy and action in very strong words.

The mandatory sanction from the competent authority under sanction 196(1) CrPC was not obtained from the proceeding against the accused for the offence punishable under Section 124-A IPC, he reported.

Public Prosecuter Kh Bimola alleged that on September 12, 1997, the then Officer-in-Charge of Imphal Police Station S Mahendra registered an FIR and a suo mottu case against RK Ranendrajit’s editorial ‘Eclipse Month’ on his local daily.

The police tried to arrest Ranendrajit under 359(9)97of IPS u/s 124-A IPC. But before his arrest, he was bailed out. After a few years, police had submitted charge sheet before the court of Justice M Binoykumar, District Magistrate, Imphal West. Later it was transferred to Session Judge, Manipur East.

Kh Mani further mentioned that such editorials were also written in previous editions too on 12/9/97, 4/1/97, 30/1/97, 29/1/97, 17/2/97, 16/3/97 and 27/4/97.

“There were no suggestions of anti-India feelings in his editorials but simply an expression of the people of Manipur and northeast to be treated equally with people from the rest of the India. So the editorial has no seditious, inflammatory languages and ill-feelings to neither government of India nor government of Manipur. There is no protest, movement, agitation and public meeting against the government resulting from that editorial and no process has been constructed to demolish the government of India till now by people of Manipur,” he said.


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Court rejects bail pleas of accused in Baby Lungnila murder case

IMPHAL, June 24: The Chief Judicial Magistrate of Imphal West has rejected the bail pleas of two accused persons arrested in connection with the kidnapping and murder of baby Lungnila

IMPHAL, June 24: The Chief Judicial Magistrate of Imphal West has rejected the bail pleas of two accused persons arrested in connection with the kidnapping and murder of baby Lungnila Elizabeth.

CJM, Imphal West, RK Memcha Devi has refused the bail petitions of Heisnam Ningol Prem Devi, 57, daughter of (L) Yaima of Nongmaikhong Awang Leikai and Laishram Biren Singh alias Suresh, 45, son of (L) Thambalngou Singh of Pukhao Naharup.

The two co-accused in their bail pleas had mentioned that they were wrongly implicated in the murder case.

Heisnam Prem Devi submitted her plea on April 30 while Biren submitted his on May 15.

The CBI in it bail objection report maintained that they are both conspirators of the abduction and had received the ransom amount of Rs 15 lacs. The case finding of the investigation agency mentioned that in 2001, the state government had allotted 47 acres of land to a society called Paradise Youth Development Organisation.

The land was claimed by two members of the society and matters of the land dispute led to the taking the help of KNF by one side and that of KCP by another. The KCP faction led by Th Nando and Okram Deven alias Arnold negotiated with KNF led by Letkhosei Haokip alias James Kuki to back out from the land dispute.

As a condition, James Kuki demanded the assistance of Th Nando in kidnapping baby Elizabeth, which resulted to the incident.

But, subsequent arrest of Nando and his disclosure implicated the petitioner Laishram Biren Singh alias Biren alias Raju, Arnold, James Kuki, Rome and an aunty of Elizabeth.

It was also stated that baby Elizabeth was kept in a house at Kangvai village and after a few days, the aunty brought her back to Imphal and kept her at Sangaiporou area at the house of a friend of James Kuki.

Further investigation also revealed that Suresh (the petitioner) was also an active member of KCP.

Similarly, the Court was also of the view regarding the findings of the CBI that both L Biren and Prem Devi are guilty of the alleged offenses. Since, the investigation is still ongoing, the court opined that no case is made out for releasing the accused on bail and hence rejected the bail plea.

The judgement was pronounced on June 23. It may be mentioned that two co-accused of the case are still absconding at present.


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Putrid water kills fishes in Bishnupur

By Dr Huidrom Romen BISHNUPUR, June 24: A large number of fishes died after the over flowing water from the river resulting from incessant rainfall for two days which find

By Dr Huidrom Romen
BISHNUPUR, June 24: A large number of fishes died after the over flowing water from the river resulting from incessant rainfall for two days which find their way into various fish farms became putrid in Shantipur Village under Wangoi Police Station, Imphal West.

After the damming of Naoremkhong, muddy and putrid water overflowed at Waisel Maril and found their way into the fish farms resulting in the death of numerous numbers of fishes.

According to 34 year old Thoudam Bikram from Shantipur Mayai Leikai who was the first to encounter the death of massive number of fishes, his fish farm had faced the problem three days ago.

After coming across fishes weighing 2-3 Kgs floating lifeless in the early morning, he took various precautionary measures but to no avail. Till date, almost half the fishes in his farm have perished. However, not all the fishes were killed owing to the tireless preventive measures of the villagers.

The income from his one hectare fish farm on a non-cultivable marshy area financially supports his family of seven. The rupees two lakhs he earns per year from the farm sends his children to school.

However, the fishes which were to fetch rupees 200 per Kg won’t sell for rupees 20 now as they are dead. Under the circumstances, the future looks bleak, he said.

He has appealed the Fishery Department and other concerned authorities to look into the matter and save them from their woes.

The over flowing water has resulted in the loss of 200-400 Kgs of fish per household. This has spread to other nearby villages: Kokchai in Imphal West and Wanhengkhuman and Ishok in Bishnupur.

L Suranjoy, secretary of People’s Resource Development Association and members of Shamusang Shantipur Village Committee inspected the area and shared the sufferings of the affected villagers.

Suranjoy has urged the concerned authorities to set up health camps as there were cases of water borne diseases in the area and also to take necessary measures to mitigate the problems of the people.


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NDA Ministers will visit with special packages: Chaoba

IMPHAL, June 24: A team of Union Ministers will be visiting the State after the upcoming Parliament session and announce more special packages for the State, Manipur Pradesh BJP president

IMPHAL, June 24: A team of Union Ministers will be visiting the State after the upcoming Parliament session and announce more special packages for the State, Manipur Pradesh BJP president Th Chaoba told the media today.

Addressing a press briefing at the party’s Nityaipat Chuthek office, Th Chaoba who was camping at the national capital from June 15 to 24, said his team had met with around seven to eight Union Ministers including that of Home, Agriculture, Human Resource, Surface and Road Transport during their stay at New Delhi.

He said the Agri Union Minister has assured opening of a Central Agriculture College in a rural part of the State. He said that the college will have state of the art facilities.

Further according to State Unit BJP president, the Union Minister has also assured steps to improve the irrigation system in both the Hills and valley areas and encourage water harvesting and management.

The Minister had also assured to strengthen the existing KVK centres in the State allot more centres, he said and added that during the meeting with the Agri Minister, his team had highlighted that Manipur being an industrially backward State, the need is to focus on the Agro based industries like horticulture, veterinary, and fishery.

Now, since the present State government has failed to provide employment by extending the special occupation rehabilitation package in the State, he said his team had asked the Union Minister to extend special occupation rehabilitation package for fishing communities of Loktak Lake with special preference to the 1010 floating hut dwellers of which 777 had been evicted and dismantled.

The Union Minister had assured a visit to the State to inspect on the issue, he said.

Chaoba further said that the Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan assured to improve the basic health care system and proper implementation of centrally sponsored schemes in the State and to strengthen all existing PHSCs, PHCs, Community Hospitals, District Hospitals and JNIMS etc.

The Union Minister wanted to develop RIMS to the level of AIIMS, he continued.

Chaoba also informed that the Union Minister for Surface and Road Transport, Shipping, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj has also assured improvement of surface transport system in the State.

On the other hand Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister for Surface and Road Transport, Shipping, Rural Development and Panchayet Raj has also assured the team for improvement of Surface Transport system in the state, he said.

The Minister has assured that the construction works on NH 37 will be taken over by National Highway Authority of India from the BRO and that he will soon visit the State to take a road visit along the highway, Chaoba said.

On being highlighted about the prolonged deplorable conditions of the national highways, the Union had instructed the concerned official to expedite the works and call for a detail report within a week, he continued.

The team discussed about the ecological disaster of Loktak Lake after commission of the Loktak Hydel Project and review the Loktak Lake Protection Act, 2006 which is considered to be not viable with Prakash Javadekar Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting Forest and Environment who assured positive actions, he said.

Chaoba also said that the Union Minister Home Affairs, Rajnath Singh and MoS Home Affairs also assured to protect the public of Manipur.

The State delegate raised several issues including special recruitment drive for unemployed educated youths of Manipur to the Central Para Military Forces

He said both carefully listened to the State delegates and assured consideration of the points raised by the State team.

Rajnath Singh also expressed his wish to visit Manipur during the month of July or August, 2014 to oversee all the major problems faced by the State with special care.

Chaoba said the team discussed creation of infrastructure for social and HRD sectors in the State and creation of Sports University with World class facilities as a premier institute of the Nation in view of high sports talent of Manipur youths in a tremendous way without much support from Government side with Gen VK Singh, Union Minister DONER.

The DONER Minister assured the State delegates to expedite the matters and initiate for creation of Sports University as suggested in consultation with the Prime Minister, he said.

The Minister was on his way to Imphal today, but was called back by the Prime Minister from the Guwahati Airport, he said.

Meanwhile, the Human Resource Development Minister Smirti Irani has assured to do the needful in the state within short Period with special care, he said.


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Regular donors felicitated on World Blood Donors’ Day

IMPHAL, June 24: The Manipur State AIDS Control Society (MACS), NSS Cell, Manipur University and State Blood Transfusion Council had observed the ‘World Blood Donor Day’ under the theme ‘Safe

IMPHAL, June 24: The Manipur State AIDS Control Society (MACS), NSS Cell, Manipur University and State Blood Transfusion Council had observed the ‘World Blood Donor Day’ under the theme ‘Safe blood for saving mothers’ at the Centenary Hall of MU on June 24.

The program was attended by Professor HNK Sharma, vice-chancellor of MU, Dr Shailesh Kumar Chowrasai, Project Director of MACS and Professor A Meina Singh, HOD of IHBT, RIMS as chief guest, president and guest of honour respectively.

During the program, a book titled ‘Pedagogic Perspectives in Indian Classical Dance, the Manipuri and the Bharata Natyam’ will bepublished by author P. Lilabati, Guest Lecturer of MU, Department of Dance.

In connection with the program, Dr. K. Surjit, Medical Officers, I/C Blood Bank Transfusion Unit of JNIMS has said that the Human blood is an essential element of human life with no substitute. Voluntary blood donors are the cornerstones of safe and adequate supply of blood and blood products.

He further said that the World Blood donor Day marked the birth anniversary of Karl Landsteiner who helped to make modern blood transfusion possible. Since then June 14 has been observed as World Blood Donor day. Despite the late observation, it is time to give something back to the one who gave life: the mothers. Unfortunately, every 8000 women died of complications related with pregnancy and child birth globally due to unavailability of safe blood for transfusion. The problem mostly occurred in the developing countries.

During the observation, regular blood donors were felicitated and encourage them to carry on further, said the medical officer.


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Environment awareness campaign held

IMPHAL, June 24: We have to know ourselves by pondering over it first if we have to save the environment. This was stated by State expert environment appraisal committee on

IMPHAL, June 24: We have to know ourselves by pondering over it first if we have to save the environment. This was stated by State expert environment appraisal committee on the National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC 2013-14) chairman H Nadiram Sharma today.

The awareness programme was organised by Friend’s Re-Union for Development at Keishamthong High School under the theme ‘Biodiversity Conservation’.

He further said that from time immemorial biodiversity changed naturally after thousand of centuries but rapid development of the human civilization has made changes quicker.

Speaking as a resource person, Junior Scientist Th Bhogen, Department of Environment, has said that environment has become the major issue in the world because of global warming.

He also said global warming has occurred by destroying natural resources which surround us that’s why from the year 1973; June 5 is observed as world environment day under different themes in the entire country.

While telling the history of environment, he said to save the environment we have to know what we need and try to conserve for future generations and as a student start plantation at your locality.

The programme was implementing by the RRA Manipur, Directorate of Environment under the Union Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) while the function was attended by students, teaching staffs of the school.


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Rally against SI killing taken out

IMPHAL June 24: The JAC formed in connection with the killing of SI Krishnadas continued with its agitation seeking arrest of those involved in the killing by organising a silent

IMPHAL June 24: The JAC formed in connection with the killing of SI Krishnadas continued with its agitation seeking arrest of those involved in the killing by organising a silent protest rally this noon at Mayaikoibi and its surrounding villages.

The protestors were escorted during the rally by the police in order to prevent any untoward incident. Loud speakers were used during the rally, which started from Mayaikoibi Lower Primary School Ground. Protestors holding banners and placards covered Mayaikoibi PCC ground, FCI road, Sadokpam, Pate Veng, Tiddim road before concluding at the Mayaikoibi PCC ground.

The protestors demanded the police to arrest the culprits and for the culprits to surrender before the agitation escalates.


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World Cup 2014!

World Cup 2014! “On the Skew”  Cartoon Series from award winning KO cartoonist Manas Maisnam      Check out the “On the Skew” Series here:   Read More:  “KanglaOnline congratulates Manas Maisnam for

World Cup 2014!

“On the Skew”  Cartoon Series from award winning KO cartoonist Manas Maisnam 


World Cup 2014 !



Check out the “On the Skew” Series here:


Read More:  “KanglaOnline congratulates Manas Maisnam for his Special Jury award.”



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Nagaland: NCP and BJP official notification for merger expected by Wednesday

By Oken Jeet Sandham KOHIMA, June 24 (NEPS):  Former office bearers of NCP, Nagaland Unit led by its former president Imtilemba Sangtam, MLA, have appeared before the Speaker of the

By Oken Jeet Sandham
KOHIMA, June 24 (NEPS):  Former office bearers of NCP, Nagaland Unit led by its former president Imtilemba Sangtam, MLA, have appeared before the Speaker of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly, Chotisuh Sazo at his Office Chamber on Tuesday to validate their resolution passed on June 16, 2014 for their formal “merger claim” with the BJP in Nagaland.
Photo caption: Nagaland Assembly Speaker (left) at his office examining the documents of three NCP MLAs’ merger claim with BJP, Nagaland. (Right) Former NCP office bearers with Imtilemba Sangtam, MLA, coming out after appearing before Speaker, Nagaland Assembly on June 24, 2014. Photo by Oken Jeet Sandham/NEPS

Photo caption: Nagaland Assembly Speaker (left) at his office examining the documents of three NCP MLAs’ merger claim with BJP, Nagaland. (Right) Former NCP office bearers with Imtilemba Sangtam, MLA, coming out after appearing before Speaker, Nagaland Assembly on June 24, 2014. Photo by Oken Jeet Sandham/NEPS

Sazo, who was out for a week, reached Kohima late last night and could not attend to the documents of the 3 Nagaland NCP MLAs’ merger claim with the BJP in Nagaland. He, however, called the Nagaland Unit of NCP’s former office bearers and their president to appear before him at his office on Tuesday and validate their signatures appended to the “resolution” passed by them on June 16, 2014 for their merger claim along with their three MLAs with the BJP in Nagaland.
At about 3 PM on Tuesday, the former NCP Nagaland Unit office bearers led by Imtilemba Sangtam, MLA, appeared before the Speaker at his office chamber and verified all their signatures appended to their resolution for merger claim with the BJP, Nagaland.
Talking to NEPS soon after appearing before the Speaker, Sangtam said the Speaker was now satisfied after crosschecking their credentials and expressed the hope that “Official Notification” for the “Merger” of three NCP MLAs along with their party supporters with the BJP, Nagaland could be issued by Wednesday.
Talking to NEPS at his office chamber on Tuesday, Speaker Sazo disclosed that he had called the NCP office bearers and their president to appear before him at his office as he wanted to crosscheck their credentials on their “Resolution” passed on June 16, 2014 of their formal “merger claim” with the BJP, Nagaland.
Sazo also disclosed that he received documents from the three NCP MLAs—Imtilemba Sangtam, Dr TM Lotha and Mmhonlumo Kikon—with their party resolutions and Nagaland BJP’s acceptance resolution of the merger on June 16, 2014. “But I sought some more additional documents from them to furnish whether there was any resolution of the NCP National Political Party deciding to merge their party with the BJP or any authorization to the State Unit of NCP to take any decision in this regard. At the same time, whether there was any resolution of the BJP National Political Party accepting the merger of the NCP with BJP” he said.
“Because this is Constitutional matters and I need to thoroughly examine by consulting with legal and constitutional experts before any official notification with regard to the merger claim is issued from my office,” Sazo explained. “At the same time, I also have to listen to the views and counter views expressed by the parties concerned to the present development following the three NCP MLAs’ merger claim with the BJP.”
Asked when he would give official notification to the three NCP MLAs’ merger claim with the BJP, Nagaland, the Speaker said, “May not be today.” Although he did not specify the date of issuing the official notification, it is believed that “Official Notification” for the three NCP MLAs’ merger claim with BJP, Nagaland may be issued by Wednesday.


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Global Peace Makers : Binalakshmi Nepram Meets Former US President, Jimmy Carter & Kofi Annan in Oslo

New Delhi,23 June 2014: Noted woman civil rights activist,writer & humanitarian, founder of the Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network from Northeast Indian state of Manipur, Ms Binalakshmi Nepram attended the

New Delhi,23 June 2014: Noted woman civil rights activist,writer & humanitarian, founder of the Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network from Northeast Indian state of Manipur, Ms Binalakshmi Nepram attended the prestigious Oslo Forum which was successfully held last week on 18 and 19th in Oslo, Norway.


Bina with Former US President Jimmy Carter

Bina with Former US President Jimmy Carter

The Oslo Forum is one of the leading global network of conflict mediation practitioners. In the past, a number of high-level participants including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Gerry Adams, Mohammad Khatami, Martti Ahtisaari, Bono, and many other luminaries have participated in the Forum. The Oslo Forum have also hosted several Nobel Peace Prize laureates. Leading mediators representing governments and regional organisations as well as key United Nations actors charged with negotiating peace were also present.


Bina with Kofi Annan

Bina with Kofi Annan

In her visit to Oslo last week, Ms Nepram met with His Excellency Mr Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations and spoke with President Jimmy Carter who is the 39th President of USA. Ms Nepram gave to both dignitaries the beautiful Leiroom woven by the women of Manipur which was received with great warmth by President Jimmy Carter. Ms Nepram also met and spoke with Mr Tim Sebestian, founder of BBC Hard Talk besides several dignitaries who are engaged in peace talks around the world


In a statement issued after her return from Oslo, Ms Nepram said, “My participation at Oslo Forum sincerely will go a long way in ushering much needed peace in 60 decades of violence that has engulfed India’s Northeast region. Citizens across Northeast region too aspire for peace,progress,development and hope this is achieved with collective,sincere,dedicated,united efforts of all. 45 million people of India’s Northeast deserve to live with dignity,without war and loss of lives. I went in peace and have returned with lessons for finding peace for us all. The journey for peace have begun and this time it will be led by women of the Northeast”.


Contact~Office of Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network & Northeast India Women Initiative for Peace

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