1st Senapati District League

Imphal, Sep 1: The 1st Senapati District League 2016 sponsored by RS Hile Henry , ex-chairman and member ADC Koide, will start from September 5. All the clubs and organisations under DSA Senapati are informed to join the tournament without fail, said a…

Imphal, Sep 1: The 1st Senapati District League 2016 sponsored by RS Hile Henry , ex-chairman and member ADC Koide, will start from September 5. All the clubs and organisations under DSA Senapati are informed to join the tournament without fail, said a statement issued by general secretary, DSA Senapati.

The post 1st Senapati District League appeared first on The Sangai Express.

Read more / Original news source: http://www.thesangaiexpress.com/1st-senapati-district-league/