JSRTAM stages sitins across the district

As part of the ongoing indefinite cease work strike called by Joint SSA RMSA Teachers’ Association Manipur JSRTAM , sit in protests were staged at the respective ZEO and DI offices of different districts Source The Sangai Express

As part of the ongoing indefinite cease work strike called by Joint SSA RMSA Teachers’ Association Manipur JSRTAM , sit in protests were staged at the respective ZEO and DI offices of different districts Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=24&src=150219

JSRTAM stages sitins across the district

As part of the ongoing indefinite cease work strike called by Joint SSA RMSA Teachers’ Association Manipur JSRTAM , sit in protests were staged at the respective ZEO and DI offices of different districts Source The Sangai Express

As part of the ongoing indefinite cease work strike called by Joint SSA RMSA Teachers’ Association Manipur JSRTAM , sit in protests were staged at the respective ZEO and DI offices of different districts Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=24&src=150219