Statues of Akaba and Suisa unveiled

IMPHAL, January 3: Commemorating Chingsubam Akaba on his eighth death anniversary today, his statues and that of Rungsung Suisa were unveiled by Manipur`™s titular king Leisemba Sanajaoba and other dignitaries

IMPHAL, January 3: Commemorating Chingsubam Akaba on his eighth death anniversary today, his statues and that of Rungsung Suisa were unveiled by Manipur`™s titular king Leisemba Sanajaoba and other dignitaries in a function at the Wakha Leima Ching in Imphal East making it a distinct feature of the observation.

The statues of both the leaders were installed on the same plinth in a significant gesture symbolising the unity of the hills and the valley. The statues are being named as `Twin Statues of Love, Peace & Fraternity`™.

Vice-chairman of R Suisa Trust, Akhui Zimik speaking as a guest of honour at the function stated that mutual respect among people of both the hills and valley is the need of the hour to preserve peace and harmony in the state.

Politicians and underground groups, in the name of revolution, have created confusion among the common people and the time has come for the people to wake up and mull over it, he opined.

He said Chingsubam Akaba and his contribution towards unity among the hills and valley communities are acknowledged by the highest echelons of Naga organisations with due respect.

He added that he felt honoured at being invited at the function and revealed that he had skipped a grand festival at his village to attend the occasion.

Speaking about the twin statues, he said it was of great significance signifying a remarkable moral value while calling for promoting a sense of unity among the various communities in the State.

The commemoration of the 8th death anniversary of Chingsubam Akaba was jointly organised by Luchingpurel Chingsubam Akaba Ningsing Lup (LUCANIL) and Meetei Erol Eyek Loinasillon Apunba Lup (MEELAL).

As a part of the observations, a song based on R Suisa and Chingsubam Akaba composed by Shivadutta Luwang was presented by Tharonganbi Leima and her troupe.

During the observations, the Meeyamgee Luchingpurel Chingsubam Akaba Ningsing Mana that carries a souvenir, certificate and cash reward was presented to two individuals for their contribution in bringing unity among the hills and valley communities. The two awardees are Golmei Makuchung Kabui of Langthabal Khoupum and Sadokpam Thoungamba Mangang of Ningombam.

Speaking as the chief guest of the function, Leisemba Sanajaoba said the two leaders during their lifetimes have strived to integrate both the hills and valley communities of the State. He urged students to come visit the place to witness the symbol of unity to learn from it and to contribute in spreading the message of unity and integrity to the people.

The function was also attended by Manipur college principal Dr Kh Jayentakumar as the president, chairman of the organising committee of the commemoration and former minister RV Mingthing, Meitei National Front advisor M Naodalenkhomba, Tangkhul Naga Long president V Weapon Zimit, MEELAL president S Tomba Mangang, LUCANIL trustee member N Tomba, Tangkhul Naga Wungnaolong president Sweeten Rahing as guests of honour.

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