Thanga women vendors cry foul

IMPHAL March 7: The members of the All Thanga Schedule Caste Ima Khwairamband Keithel Nga Yonbi Lup condemned the Thanga MLA T Mangibabu of favoritism among the women fish vendors… Read more »

IMPHAL March 7: The members of the All Thanga Schedule Caste Ima Khwairamband Keithel Nga Yonbi Lup condemned the Thanga MLA T Mangibabu of favoritism among the women fish vendors and ignoring the plight of the women of the organization.
A press release states that the women had pressed the government to allot them seats  for vending fish at the market and after several round of talks with the concerned officials ,a total of 314 seats were allocated for the women. The development was purely the credit of the women organization as the local MLA had turned a deaf ear to the issue when taken up to his notice before, the release states. Further, on learning about the seat allocation,workers of the MLA forged the documents of the stated organization and have tried to grab the quota of seats for themselves only, such unscrupulous activities have led to confusion to the concerned officials and have brought about unwanted issues. The statement appeals the concerned MLA to rectify the situation in the interest of the deserving persons and in the name of justice.

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