Bomb attacks continuing, Singjamei protest killing

Mail News Service Imphal, Jan 23: The body of Meisnam Ratan (45), Chingamakha Meisnam Leikai was received by relatives from RIMS morgue today. Chief Minister, O Ibobi Singh, Speaker I Hemochandra , Congress President, Gaikhangam and others paid a visit to meet family members of a blast victim at Singjamei today. To protest the killing […]

Mail News Service
Imphal, Jan 23: The body of Meisnam Ratan (45), Chingamakha Meisnam Leikai was received by relatives from RIMS morgue today. Chief Minister, O Ibobi Singh, Speaker I Hemochandra , Congress President, Gaikhangam and others paid a visit to meet family members of a blast victim at Singjamei today. To protest the killing of a Congress worker and injury of four persons in a blast yesterday at the residence of Speaker I Hemochandra people blocked all roads at Singjamei constituency today.
The body was brought from morgue and local residents took out a protest rally along with the body from Yumnam Leikai and a JAC has been formed in this connection.
The speaker and local MLA also took part in the rally.
All shops, business establishments were closed dawn at Singjamei. The protesters also blocked the road from Chingamakha to Heirangoithong. It may be mentioned here that RAtan was killed when a bomb was exploded near the residence of I. Hemochandra last night.
An IED weighing about two kgs were found planted enar the house of a BJP Candidate, Thingbaijam Ibosana of Kshetrigao A/C this morning around 5.30 a.m.
The Top Awang Khunou women welfare assn. and Seba Marup Top Awang Khunou urged the concerned not to repeat such incident in future.
Some unknown persons hurled a hand grenade at the residence of Yumnam Janeshwor (55) Irom Meijrao Mayai Leikai last night aroung 7.30 p.m.
He is a congress worker. Some persons also hurled a hand grenade at the house of a congress worker, Md. Iboton of Kumbi last night around 10.30 p.m.
In a similar incident, some persons fired some rounds at the house of Pukhrambam Homen (45) of Joypur Khunou, Bishnupur last night.
Meanwhile a workers of INC Candidate of Tengnoupal A/C Korungthang received injuries when some persons suspected to be NSCN(I/M) fired at the residence of the candidate at Maring Langol last night around 11 p.m.
The injured worker was identified as Momo Tarao (34) Maring Langol.
He was rushed to Shija Hospital in a critical situation.At least four localities of charangpat Mamang Leikai received injury when the local MLA K. Meghachandra and his workers physically assault on Sunday at around 4 p.m. at a public meeting held at Charangpat Maning Leikai. The injured persons were L. Ingocha 48 year, Y. Inao 30 year, Y. Sunil 23 year and Y. Uttam 21 year of Charangpat. They were hospitalized at JN Hospital.
According to the injured persons, a public meeting of Dr. Nimaichand Luwang a MPP candidate at Wangkhem Kendra was held on Sunday at Charangpat Maning Leikai, Sajal lampak. They were at the road side near the meeting site. At that time local MLA K. Meghachandra and his escorts with a active workers rushed to them and started to beat them black and blue. The escorts hit them with the gun butts. They received injury at head, band, back and face.
The localities condemned the action of local MLA.
In connection with the incident, a public meeting organized by women welfare association charangpat Mamang Leikai was held today and resolved that the local MLA K. Meghachandra is social boycott at Charangpat Mamang Leikai. The meeting resolved that legal action should be taken against the MLA and his party.
The meeging also resolved that the localities of Charangpat Mamang Leikai will boycott those who support the MLA in the ensuing election.

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