May not be able to introduce political parties committee report in Winter session: Gaikhangam

IMPHAL, December 4: The All Political Parties Committee on Inner Line Permit System is in the final stage of reviewing its draft report on the feasibility of the ILPS implementation

IMPHAL, December 4: The All Political Parties Committee on Inner Line Permit System is in the final stage of reviewing its draft report on the feasibility of the ILPS implementation in the State and will submit it to the government in a very short period, chairperson of the committee Gaikhangam told media persons today.

The committee may however, be unable to submit its report for the government to introduce a Bill in the upcoming Winter session of the State Assembly, he said while elaborating that the committee may take more time in checking the points and making some minor corrections in the report.

A meeting of the committee was held today at the deputy Chief Minister`™s official chamber at Old Secretariat building starting from 4pm.

The draft report will have more than 400 to 500 pages, Gaikhangam said.

The chairperson said the committee was meeting for the 16th time today since its constitution.

He said the committee was supposed to meet the JCILPS on the issue today, however, it was late when the committee meeting ended and as such the meeting with the JCILPS was rescheduled to 6pm.

However, it had to be cancelled and deferred to some other time after confirmation with the JCILPS after the committee meeting had gone on longer, he said.

All members of the committee had today attended the meeting and reviewed the final stage report which includes opinions and suggestions on the issue from experts and intellectuals of the State, he said before adding that the committee is considering to separate the report in two volumes- one the annexure and the other to have the observations and opinions of the experts.

He said the committee has also collected some reference from States like Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim.

The committee is fully committed on the issue and trying its best to bring a fruitful end to the issue, he said while adding that once the report is submitted to the government, it will become confidential.

He said if the State Assembly passes a bill on the issue without any problem and it gets implemented in the State to help the indigenous population, than it will be a historic one, however, the committee would like to clear the issue with the Supreme Court, Home department, etc.

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