Missing woman found dead after two days; accused in police custody

IMPHAL June 25: The body of a 40 year old woman who had gone missing three days back was found with tell-tale signs of rape at Ramrei Ato Village on

IMPHAL June 25: The body of a 40 year old woman who had gone missing three days back was found with tell-tale signs of rape at Ramrei Ato Village on June 24.

The woman has been identified as Khongrei Awungshi Shanti wife of (L) KA Hormi of Ramrei Ato Village, Ukhrul district under Litan Police Station.

She is the second wife of (L) KA Hormi and is survived by three minor children.

Her body has been deposited at the RIMS mortuary where post mortem was conducted today.

Meanwhile, the Litan police have arrested an accused Jukeshwar, a brick mason working in the construction of a house adjacent to Shanti`™s house, last evening from his residence at Laikhompal.

Shanti`™s body was recovered following a massive manhunt after she went missing since June 22 evening.

According to a villager who had participated in the manhunt, there were struggle marks and several knife injuries on her nose, lips, wrist and other parts of the body.

He said her throat was slit open and lower torso not properly clothed.

Awungshi`™s children said she was present at their home in the morning of June 22, and went missing only in the evening. She never returned, they said.

The next day the whole village was alerted and a massive manhunt launched but there were no trace of her, according to the locals

Interestingly, on the third day, the family had consulted a local soothsayer who helped in `locating the body from among the high reeds growing in the village around 3pm yesterday` according to locals.

A villager expressing concern over the conduct of the police said the police team led by OC Manikanta arrived almost three hours later since the body was recovered and without any forensic expert of executive magistrate.

He continued, the police were unwilling to touch the body and even asked the villagers to lift the body into their vehicle.

`Such lethargy on their part deflates our confidence in the procedure`™, informed a concern villager expressing fear that such improper inquest procedure might omit the vital evidences.

According to family members, the main accused Jukeshwar is a married man and was working in the construction of an adjacent house.

Family members also said that they found a message in Shanti`™s phone from Jukeshwar stating that he was waiting. They also said that Jukeshwar had called several times on the third day after Shanti went missing and had even enquired with the children if their mother has returned.

The police have already taken possession of the mobile phone, the locals informed.

A villager also expressed anger and said it is unfortunate a hired mason has committed such a criminal act on our womenfolk.

`We consider this a crime against out village`™ another said.

Meanwhile, KA Hormi`™s first wife KA Anandi said we will not take back the dead body unless the government book the culprits and award befitting justice and explicitly provide for the surviving orphaned minors.

It is indeed a moment of shock and anger, she added.

Tharmi, secretary of 56 villages collective, Tangkhul Naga Foothill Organisation said, `Such savage rape and murder is a sexist discrimination against women. It is a first instance in our vicinity and we strongly condemned such brutal and barbaric criminal act committed on K A Shanti. The government should immediately investigate and book all the involved persons and award them befitting penalties.`

`Simultaneously as a welfare state, they should also be mindful of the three minor orphans, for their education, their survival and their psychological health,` he said.

Wunganing Zimik, a teacher of the village Primary school said, `All the three orphans are my students and we are deeply saddened by this shocking incident. Their mother as the sole bread earner was working very hard to support the family both financially and emotionally`™ MK VLCson convener of the Joint Action Committee against the brutal rape and murder of K A Shanti informed the media team and the civil society teams, `We will not remain mute spectators to such a heinous rape and murder of a mother. We demand immediate investigation to book all the involved culprits and restore the confidence of the people on legal recourse. Until then we will not take back/receive the dead body. We also expect the government to announce protection support for the three children until they attained adulthood to ensure their educational entitlements as well as their livelihood survival.`

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/06/missing-woman-found-dead-after-two-days-accused-in-police-custody/