”BWF Coaches Education Program, Boon for the North East Region”

“O Lord! Shower your blessings upon me, let me be the winner” players pray.
It is a fact that, Hindus go to Temple, Muslims to Mosque, Christians to Church and others go to their respective places of worship to pray. Mostly/Generally people of different religion do not pray together at a particular place of worship. But, in a playfield when a match is arranged/played the players belonging to different caste, creed and religion pray together to the God whom they believe and worship. They don’t need a Church, Mosque or a Temple, the playfield itself becomes a place of worship for the players.

The post ”BWF Coaches Education Program, Boon for the North East Region” appeared first on The Sangai Express.

“O Lord! Shower your blessings upon me, let me be the winner” players pray.
It is a fact that, Hindus go to Temple, Muslims to Mosque, Christians to Church and others go to their respective places of worship to pray. Mostly/Generally people of different religion do not pray together at a particular place of worship. But, in a playfield when a match is arranged/played the players belonging to different caste, creed and religion pray together to the God whom they believe and worship. They don’t need a Church, Mosque or a Temple, the playfield itself becomes a place of worship for the players.

The post ”BWF Coaches Education Program, Boon for the North East Region” appeared first on The Sangai Express.

Read more / Original news source: http://www.thesangaiexpress.com/bwf-coaches-education-program-boon-north-east-region/