Jiribam district demand

Continuing the movement spearheaded by Jiribam District Demand Committee JDDC , volunteers of Kangleicha Club, Samu Punbi, Panjel Club, Sorok Atingbi Khunou and Long Live Club, Leingangpokpi staged relay hunger strike at Gularthol bazar today Source…

Continuing the movement spearheaded by Jiribam District Demand Committee JDDC , volunteers of Kangleicha Club, Samu Punbi, Panjel Club, Sorok Atingbi Khunou and Long Live Club, Leingangpokpi staged relay hunger strike at Gularthol bazar today Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=22&src=190916