An open letter to Amit Shahji, National President BJP

First of all greetings and warm welcome to you on your maiden visit to Manipur. Manipur is a land locked state and plagued with varied problems. Anyway your visit will surely boost the morale of the euphoric people of Manipur who have been waiting…

First of all greetings and warm welcome to you on your maiden visit to Manipur. Manipur is a land locked state and plagued with varied problems. Anyway your visit will surely boost the morale of the euphoric people of Manipur who have been waiting an opportune time to replace the present regime with a new one. The moment you were escorted out from the Imphal airport to your hotel, you must have felt the pleasant climate of Manipur, but little bit dusty along the road you were driving.

The post An open letter to Amit Shahji, National President BJP appeared first on The Sangai Express.

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