When is Google’s birthday? Surely Google knows. You do know, right, Google?

Google is old enough to drink, buy cigarettes and vote in the UK. But does it know its date of birth? What’s that Google? It’s your 18th birthday today? Happy birthday Google! You’re now old enough to drink in Britain. Though the existence of Google Plus suggests you’ve been quietly breaking that law for a […]

Google is old enough to drink, buy cigarettes and vote in the UK. But does it know its date of birth? What’s that Google? It’s your 18th birthday today? Happy birthday Google! You’re now old enough to drink in Britain. Though the existence of Google Plus suggests you’ve been quietly breaking that law for a […]

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2016/09/when-is-googles-birthday-surely-google-knows-you-do-know-right-google/