‘Yarra’ youth festival begins at Hungpung’s Rashon

At a time when the values of age old traditional customs and practices are fast tapering off among the younger generation, youth of Rashon locality in Kazipphung of Hungpung village brought alive the traditional youth festival ‘Yana’ to its past glory …

At a time when the values of age old traditional customs and practices are fast tapering off among the younger generation, youth of Rashon locality in Kazipphung of Hungpung village brought alive the traditional youth festival ‘Yana’ to its past glory Source Chronicle News Service R Lester Makang

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=40&src=050522

‘Yarra’ youth festival begins at Hungpung’s Rashon

At a time when the values of age old traditional customs and practices are fast tapering off among the younger generation, youth of Rashon locality in Kazipphung of Hungpung village brought alive the traditional youth festival ‘Yana’ to its past glory …

At a time when the values of age old traditional customs and practices are fast tapering off among the younger generation, youth of Rashon locality in Kazipphung of Hungpung village brought alive the traditional youth festival ‘Yana’ to its past glory Source Chronicle News Service R Lester Makang

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=40&src=050522