Centre assures Manipur government of complete support in ensuring sufficient stock of foodgrains in the state – NE India Broadcast

Centre assures Manipur government of complete support in ensuring sufficient stock of foodgrains in the state  NE India Broadcast

Centre assures Manipur government of complete support in ensuring sufficient stock of foodgrains in the state  NE India Broadcast

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilgFodHRwczovL25laW5kaWFicm9hZGNhc3QuY29tLzIwMjMvMDYvMTQvY2VudHJlLWFzc3VyZXMtbWFuaXB1ci1nb3Zlcm5tZW50LW9mLWNvbXBsZXRlLXN1cHBvcnQtaW4tZW5zdXJpbmctc3VmZmljaWVudC1zdG9jay1vZi1mb29kZ3JhaW5zLWluLXRoZS1zdGF0ZS_SAQA?oc=5