Floral tributes to be paid on Apr 13

As in previous years, floral tributes will be offered to the nine PLA cadres killed in the Battle of Kodompokpi’ on April 13, 1982, said Families’ Committee for Observation of April 13 , informed today appealing to the people to take part in paying f…

As in previous years, floral tributes will be offered to the nine PLA cadres killed in the Battle of Kodompokpi’ on April 13, 1982, said Families’ Committee for Observation of April 13 , informed today appealing to the people to take part in paying floral tributes to be held on Wednesday at the Cheiraoching memorial site Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=23&src=120411

HC reprieve for family members on Apr 13

Gauhati High Court has given permission to the family members, relatives and friends of nine UG activists who were killed by security forces in offering floral tributes at their memorial constructed atop Cheiraoching, at Thangmeiband on April 13 Sou…

Gauhati High Court has given permission to the family members, relatives and friends of nine UG activists who were killed by security forces in offering floral tributes at their memorial constructed atop Cheiraoching, at Thangmeiband on April 13 Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=10&src=120411

Cuban Ambassador delivers lecture at MU

In Cuba 65 of the jobs in the technical sector are held by women, MA Ramirez Ramos, Ambassador of Cuba in India, said today during a talk on Achievement of Cuban Revolution Source Hueiyen News Service

In Cuba 65 of the jobs in the technical sector are held by women, MA Ramirez Ramos, Ambassador of Cuba in India, said today during a talk on Achievement of Cuban Revolution Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=19&src=120411

RTI exposes doctored records to get OBC certificates

OBC certificates are being mis used by sons and daughters of some high ranking Government officials to sneak into the Home Department as Sub Inspectors, according to an RTI activist Source The Sangai Express

OBC certificates are being mis used by sons and daughters of some high ranking Government officials to sneak into the Home Department as Sub Inspectors, according to an RTI activist Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=6&src=120411

MPP for repoll alliance in IMC election

MPP today took a resolution for a pre poll alliance with like minded parties to fight with Congress in the upcoming election to the Imphal Municipal Council, which is scheduled on May 25 Source Hueiyen News Service

MPP today took a resolution for a pre poll alliance with like minded parties to fight with Congress in the upcoming election to the Imphal Municipal Council, which is scheduled on May 25 Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=17&src=120411

MLA inspects Government schools

Taking serious note of the fast degenerating condition of Government schools in the State, Andro AC MLA Th Shyamkumar and Eduction Director W Rajen accompanied by a media team inspected Government schools located within Andro Assembly constituency yes…

Taking serious note of the fast degenerating condition of Government schools in the State, Andro AC MLA Th Shyamkumar and Eduction Director W Rajen accompanied by a media team inspected Government schools located within Andro Assembly constituency yesterday Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=12&src=120411

’11 AR works for peace and development’

Inspite of the strong opposition to the presence of the 11 AR by some Zeliangrong organisations, residents of Tamenglong today continued to show support and give cooperation to the 11 AR posted at Tamenglong which is taking up development works in the …

Inspite of the strong opposition to the presence of the 11 AR by some Zeliangrong organisations, residents of Tamenglong today continued to show support and give cooperation to the 11 AR posted at Tamenglong which is taking up development works in the district especially for the womenfolk Source Hueiyen News Service Daniel Kamei

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=21&src=120411

Media and ethics

A day long media workshop on ‘Ethics’ was organised by All Manipuri Working Journalists’ Union AMWJU at Manipur Press Club today Source The Sangai Express

A day long media workshop on ‘Ethics’ was organised by All Manipuri Working Journalists’ Union AMWJU at Manipur Press Club today Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=7&src=120411

Chakanlong Peidai miffed at illegal cable laying

Chakanlong Charoichagotlong Peidai has complaint against the alleged illegal laying of Vodafone cable and BSNL cable without the knowledge of land owners and prior permission of Chakanlong villagers and Peidai Source The Sangai Express

Chakanlong Charoichagotlong Peidai has complaint against the alleged illegal laying of Vodafone cable and BSNL cable without the knowledge of land owners and prior permission of Chakanlong villagers and Peidai Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=14&src=120411

Are OBC certificates being issued without proper verification

A cloud of doubt has shadowed the issue of OBC certificates by the government authorities when a RTI activist accompanied a woman in a press conference Source Hueiyen News Service

A cloud of doubt has shadowed the issue of OBC certificates by the government authorities when a RTI activist accompanied a woman in a press conference Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=18&src=120411

Calling time on the most unsafe state in India – Part 1

Chingna koina pan saba Haona koina pan ngakpa; Manipur sana leibakna Matau asumna pallami, Maong asumna leirami. Friends, Manipuris and countrymen; I’ve come to bury ethnic-strife, not to praise it…. Read more »

Chingna koina pan saba Haona koina pan ngakpa;
Manipur sana leibakna Matau asumna pallami,
Maong asumna leirami.

Friends, Manipuris and countrymen; I’ve come to bury ethnic-strife, not to praise it. Gone are the days of lying between the sheets all charred with mendacious happiness, with head over the pillows tainted with romantic dreams. A lesson on a formula of a composite Manipur should be bedtime reading for those who have no time to read.

Gone with the wind are the stories of Meitei/Naga chivalry that no longer fit into the lean, callous Indian news machine. In the existing tumultuous political and social disorder in Manipur where gun-toting youths dictate the community’s life, we should begin bemoaning with flickers of angst, the existing ethnic divide.

Manipur is the most unsafe state in India, unlike Kashmir where its insurgents do not harm their own people. Everybody in Manipur can expect a bullet or a hand grenade any day from any of the various groups of insurgents, particularly KCP.

Manipur has been standing with one foot in hell for a long time with anarchy and seasons of ethnic discontent. It’s time for all the players in the theatre of war, to come to the negotiating table to work out the issue of ethnicity and inequality.

All Manipuris are familiar with the above ballad. It means something to anyone who looks back at the history of Manipur. It’s time for the young and old folks of Manipur to familiarise themselves with its core meaning.

The lyricism of this narrative song is a sentimental explication that the chingmees and tammees lived together in and defended Manipur in historical times.

I have been writing to establish with empirical and some archaeological evidence that Manipur belongs to both the hill and plane people and that Manipuri language is not a Tibeto-Burman language. Divided, the Meiteis will survive and so will the Nagas, but just be able to eke out a living with handouts from Delhi every year. That’s not the life for our children.

They are preamble to my conviction that Manipur will remain as it is, unchanged by forces of nihilism, as will Kashmir. Who will dare ask the Chinese to hand back the part of Kashmir in their occupation?

India promised plebiscite in Kashmir and Junagard, and then it reneged. The UN is helpless as India says it is an internal matter, which is cogent in International law. India has yet to agree to a plebiscite in Manipur ie a proposal to cede Manipur from India.

In the meantime, all of us in Manipur should join hands to build a strong Manipuri identity and sing “Auld Lang Syne”. Why? Without it we will lose our cultural and ethnic identity and we will remain forever just as “Northeasterners”. Manipur will continue to live under military occupation, curtailing our freedom – not having the same rights as other Indians. Further, the inherent neglect by Delhi will turn into a legitimate excuse for not developing Manipur.

Time changes and with it human nature changes with culture and religion, which have an intense effect on human behaviour. Because they determine how people react to others and express their feeling to others.

Manipuris are at a crisis situation, at a point of time when a critical decision must be made. Ethnic discontent and internecine fighting are hampering our progress.

We must have a certain future and a progressive goal as the Americans have – known as ‘American dream’. We need a dream – a ‘Manipuri dream’ and a plan for our posterity. We cannot leave their destiny in the lap of gods.

A few school children from Manipur sent me emails asking for guidance as ‘they are confused’ about their future. A Naga doctor from Dimapur sent me an email, equally confused about his origin.

The scenario I am proposing is not predictions or depictions of a desirable future, which I wish to promote. It is designed to help people understand the major trends that would shape our Manipuri identity. The aim is to challenge, inspire and excite so that people feel motivate to plan for a better, more sustainable future for Manipuris.

We need to form a “federal” Manipur, based on the Swiss Federation. The word “federation” is loosely used here, in the sense that all the ethnic communities resolve to build a prosperous Manipur despite the variance in culture, language and religion.

Evidence as the foundation of history will show the chances of an independent Manipur vis-à-vis the Government of India and the possibility of forming a greater Nagaland vis-à-vis the Meiteis. But good luck to those who are still struggling for an independent Manipur or wanting to integrate parts of Manipur with Nagaland.

The insurgency is quiet on the northern front (Nagaland) and inside Manipur. Even the anti-AFSPA movement is as quiet as a mouse. Everyday a few insurgent cadres are getting “nabbed” by the security forces, and a few surrender intermittently. In view of the total number of insurgent cadres, the fighting force will soon decimate to only a few effete Kalashnikov holders.

In the case of the ‘Nagas’ of Manipur (not an eponym I would like to use for Manipuri tribal peoples who have different respectable names), they should now look into their conscience and reformulate the old plan for building a ‘Naga nation’ mainly because of economical disparity and other legitimate grievances along with better prospects that might accrue from joining Nagaland. The grass is always greener on the other side.

It is not clear who are the “Nagas” and who are not in Manipur. Generally, by Nagas it seems to mean Tangkhuls, Mao-Maram and Kabuis. What is the future for the rest of the 36 different tribal groups in Manipur?

Mixing theory with practice is not always compatible. Theory gives us framework for analysing a problem while practice gives us experience. Theoretically, the Nagas must, by now realise that in Manipur they are Manipuris but in Nagaland they are outsiders and will always be treated as such.

The NSCN(K) faction openly says that Muivah is a Tangkhul not a Naga and Tangkhuls are not Nagas. It further says (September 2003) that “The Tangkhuls were Meiteis and joined the
Naga National movement only after Nagas entered ceasefire with the Indians just to create misunderstanding.”

The leader of the NSCN (IM) at the moment is Muivah – a Tangkhul and there are many Tangkhuls in this faction. It’s a matter of worry what the outcome would be when Muivah is no longer the leader.

As an advance notice, some NSCN (IM)) killed many Tangkhuls at Dimapur on May 5 2008. This sort of events does not occur in Manipur – their state.

On March 5 2011 NSCN (IM) killed a cadre of the Zeliangrong United Front in a gun battle at Khoupum Tampak.

There is also disillusionment among the Phungyar Tangkhuls as they see the reality that because of ethnic-strife their villages would be left behind in the Stone Age. They are rightly demanding the creation of a Manipuri district of their own by dividing the present Ukhrul district into haves, pouring cold water on the UNC’s separatist policy.

Large numbers of Kabuis live in the Imphal plane scattered in fifty odd villages. They have undergone microevolution differing from their counterpart Zeliangrongs in the hills, in looks, culture and habits. They have already expressed their views of staying put in Manipur, as they feel closer with the Meiteis.

History will imitate itself. We know the plight of Bihari Muslim immigrants to Muslim East Pakistan in 1947, and the atrocities they suffer since 1971 when they were forced to go to Pakistan from Bangla Desh. They are contemptuously treated as mhajir (immigrants). They now wish they never left India where fellow Muslims enjoy equal rights and opportunities of any Indian.

During the Calcutta Hindu-Muslim riots in 1947, some Meitei Pangals took shelter with Meitei students. They are descendants of Meitei mothers ie blood relations.

ATSUM and ANSAM should be aware that dissatisfaction is not one sided. For example: the Meitei youths are far from happy that all the top jobs are given to tribal people because of the quota system and that they pay no taxes for their large remunerations. They would also like a bit of land on the beautiful Siroi ranges in Ukhrul, or near the Barak Water Falls in Tamenglong, but they are denied due to “protective racism”, while every community is welcome to the Imphal valley.

The post-modern and liberalised Meiteis believe that there is no institutional discrimination against any ‘tribe’ in Manipur though discrimination and prejudice on a personal scale exists anywhere in the world.

I do appreciate these young “Nagas” struggling for economic prosperity except that their demands are always vitriolic saying “how the majority Meitei imposes unwelcome rule on the minority tribal people, which in fact is political rather than economical.

Having posited a dismal future for all of us, my thesis is aimed at finding an amicable solution for all the Manipuri communities. That’s where our prosperous future lies.

Manipuris are marching to an unheard drum in an arid political clime. It’s time for mothballing the old history of Manipur; it’s time for burying the hatchet; it’s time for the creation and reinforcement of a collective identity for Manipuris.

We need an increased share of a common language of Manipuri and an equal share of our economy, and willingness to celebrate a plural and secular society. We have to forge ahead in the larger interest of Manipur for Manipuris.

We have a common language that does not affect the right of ethnic minorities of other languages to use their native languages. Speaking the same language makes one feel belonging to the same community.

Message from the writer:
I appreciate what many readers are saying about my name. In fact, I wrote an article in a Manipuri daily this year that all Meitei youngsters and children should do without the pseudo -Rajput name of SINGH and DEBI; because we feel as if we are living in somebody’s body when we go abroad. But for old people like me it is too late. My name is legally bound in my passport, driving licence, banking, credit cards, and electoral register and so on.

The writer is based in the UK
Email: imsing@onetell.com
Website: www.drimsingh@onetel.co.uk

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/i2vzH3GCck0/

Hazare And Sharmila Crusades Posers Raised : Why Different Yardsticks

Imphal, April 11 : Though the whole State supports social activist Anna Hazare’s anti-corruption movement, many have expressed serious concern over the Centre’s quick response to his demand to pass the Lok Pal Bill while on the other hand maintain…

Imphal, April 11 : Though the whole State supports social activist Anna Hazare’s anti-corruption movement, many have expressed serious concern over the Centre’s quick response to his demand to pass the Lok Pal Bill while on the other hand maintaining an air of indiference to the more than ten years of fast launched by Irom […]

Read more / Original news source: http://manipurhub.com/news-manipur/hazare-and-sharmila-crusades-posers-raised-why-different-yardsticks/

Diaspora sections are more enthusiastic: Meinya – KanglaOnline

Diaspora sections are more enthusiastic: MeinyaKanglaOnlineThe main function was observed at Kangla fort, Imphal organized by the Maharaj Narasingh Memorial Committee under the aegis of the Government of Manipur. The observation was graced by Lok Sabha…

Diaspora sections are more enthusiastic: Meinya
The main function was observed at Kangla fort, Imphal organized by the Maharaj Narasingh Memorial Committee under the aegis of the Government of Manipur. The observation was graced by Lok Sabha MP, Th. Meinya, retired Lt. Col. and former minister

and more »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHllGaQqYM8i1nBeI4j0ABNqLB-rQ&url=http://kanglaonline.com/2011/04/diaspora-sections-are-more-enthusiastic-meinya/

Diaspora sections are more enthusiastic: Meinya

IMPHAL, April 11: The National Dedication Day commemorating the 161st death anniversary of Maharaja Narasingh was widely observed in the state today. The main function was observed at Kangla fort,… Read more »

IMPHAL, April 11: The National Dedication Day commemorating the 161st death anniversary of Maharaja Narasingh was widely observed in the state today.
The main function was observed at Kangla fort, Imphal organized by the Maharaj Narasingh Memorial Committee under the aegis of the Government of Manipur.
The observation was graced by Lok Sabha MP, Th. Meinya, retired Lt. Col. and former minister Haobam Bhuban, Padmashree RK. Jhalajit, and retired IAS P. Sonamani, as the chief guest, guest of honour and functional president respectively.
Delivering his speech, MP Meinya observed that the diaspora sections are more enthusiastic when it comes to sense of patriotism and history of Manipur. He pointed out that the story of seven year devastation and observation of remembrance of Maharaj Narsingh apparently has become only a routine subject of the memorial committee while general public remain ignorant.
The MP lauded the encouragement of the memorial committee for giving away distinction awards in various field ranging from Education, Culture, Department level, police service and other social issues etc. He stressed the need to retrospect and learn the sense of sacrifice, conviction, discipline of the late Maharaja and asserted that the reputation of the late Maharaja will forever remain history.
The society today could have been a peaceful one if the past followed the path of the late Maharaja.
The MP maintained that in order to strengthen the democratic system in the country, it is must to strengthen to Education system. Even though India is known for its vast Democracy practice some part of the country has failed to maintain the proper practice due to poor education system. Nevertheless the Government of India is trying its level best maintain a comprehensive Education system by introducing RTE, ICDS, SSA.
The dignitaries and participants also paid a floral tributes at the royal cremation site of the late Maharaja and also given a gun salute by Manipur Police. At the same time a Tarpan (religious offering) and Sanskritan was given in memory of the Patriots of the seven years devastation.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/TXwJCWy6lHs/

SPF government serious in policy implementation

IMPHAL, April 11:  Prior to the UPA governance, no commendable developmental works were carried out by those in power before, the development policies instituted by the UPA have reached every… Read more »

IMPHAL, April 11:  Prior to the UPA governance, no commendable developmental works were carried out by those in power before, the development policies instituted by the UPA have reached every nook and corner of the Nation including Manipur, said  MPCC president ,Gaikhangam in a District Level Special Training Programme on Flagship Schemes and Other Schemes of the SPF Government  held at G.M. hall today .
The  program was attended by MP of Lok Sabha, Dr. Th Meinya, president of MPCC Gaikhangam, speaker of Manipur Legislative assembly, I. Hemochandra, health minister L. Jayentakumar, general secretary of MPCC Jyotin Waikhom, MLA Kh. Loken, vice president of MPCC AK. Mirabai Devi among other officials of the MPCC.
Speaking at the training program , Gaikhangam stated that the ruling government of the state in the decade before has failed to empower the development policies in the state, but after the populace put their trust in the UPA governance,things have turned around for the better.
Further he mentioned that the SPF government is serious in implementing  the schemes  for the development of the state. He also appealed to Congress workers, contractors who are in charge of certain developmental works, related ministers of the development programs to complete the works within the stipulated timing with transparency and quality management. The works will be a testament to the public about the endeavor of the SPF government. He voiced that attendance of such training programs by policy makers is a must as to inform the populace and to give an opportunity to interact with the masses regarding the workings of the government. Chief Minister O Ibobi scheduled as the chief guest of the function failed to show up.
The training program focused on the implementation and the success of 15 flagship programs in the state including PMGSY, NRHM,JNNURM etc.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/kNSHXGGPVhg/

AZSU condemns Assam police

IMPHAl, April, 11:  All Zeliangrong Studnets’ Union strongly condemns the Assam police who let loose reign of terror on the peaceful demonstrators at Haflong NC district Assam on the  April… Read more »

IMPHAl, April, 11:  All Zeliangrong Studnets’ Union strongly condemns the Assam police who let loose reign of terror on the peaceful demonstrators at Haflong NC district Assam on the  April 8 this month.
The official statement of the union mentioned that, the demonstrators  were coming out in support of peaceful bandh called by the  Indigenous  people Forum demanding bifurcations of the NC Hills Autonomous District Councils, i.e one for the  Dimasa and the  other one for the Indigenous  people. It is the  democratic rights of the  indigenous people to demand for any political arrangement within the purview  of the Indian Constitution.
The statement further urged that, why should they be treated as criminals, and enquired about Telangana state and Gorkhaland state demands even though their people have resorted to violent protest and abuses, However, police of Andhra Pradesh, Bengal have treated them as fellow human being and allowed them to express their democratic rights.
 The statement also further questioned why Assam police had come down so heavily upon those peaceful demonstrators, nine persons were injured severely when the police lathicharged them hurting Lalengzou Hauhar, 24, Tongillal Lhouvum 22, Luthua Singson, 24, Sumsanglal Zate, 30, Teusuibe Zeme, 32, Teutuile Zeme, 22, Insatliang Riangme, 22, Haimuing and Adinle Kaume, 30 all residence of Halflong NC Hills.
The release further mentioned that, the demand of  the IPF for bifurcation of NC Hill Autonomous District Council is a justified one as NC hills is a heterogeneous district where 64% populations are non Dimasa but the Dimasa who represents only 34% of population dominates.
There is nothing wrong in bifurcating the autonomous district council into ethnic lines i.e one for Dimasa and another for non-Dimasa indigenous people for bringing party in term of development among various ethnic groups living in the district.
Mentioning on all these fact, the union has urged the state Assam Government to take necessary actions against the  ASP Amitabh Singha and  Shaker Swarggway ()C) and those high handed Assam Police personnel who involved in the  indiscriminate firing upon those peaceful demonstrators, and further demanded for payment of compensation to those injured victims and bear the medical expenses by the government of Assam the release added.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/ungfFxt2qY8/

RTI Reveals OBC Certificates Being Misused By High Ranking Govt Officials

IMPHAL, April 11 : OBC certificates are being misused by sons and daughters of some high-ranking Government officials to sneak into the Home Department as Sub Inspectors, according to an RTI activist. While seeking certain information by invoking the …

IMPHAL, April 11 : OBC certificates are being misused by sons and daughters of some high-ranking Government officials to sneak into the Home Department as Sub Inspectors, according to an RTI activist. While seeking certain information by invoking the RTI Act, some information suggestive of the misuse of OBC certificates by daughters of some high-ranking […]

Read more / Original news source: http://manipurhub.com/news-manipur/rti-reveals-obc-certificates-being-misused-by-high-ranking-govt-officials/

MAO Council Condemns SAYO/SAPO’s Actions

DIMAPUR, APR 11 (EMN): The Mao Council (MC) today said it is seriously viewing the action initiated by the Southern Angami Youth Organisation (SAYO) against the Mao people over the Kozure land problem which it said has arisen in recent years between S…

DIMAPUR, APR 11 (EMN): The Mao Council (MC) today said it is seriously viewing the action initiated by the Southern Angami Youth Organisation (SAYO) against the Mao people over the Kozure land problem which it said has arisen in recent years between Southern Angami Public Organisation (SAPO) and some Mao villages. Stating that hundreds of […]

Read more / Original news source: http://manipurhub.com/ne-news/nagaland/mao-council-condemns-sayosapos-actions/

Large Amount Of Text Books Confiscated In MSF Drive

IMPHAL, April 11: Along with seizing books prescribed by CBSE which were being taught in a private school instead of the ones prescribed by BSEM, volunteers of Manipuri Students’ Federation (MSF) have yet again confiscated a large number of text boo…

IMPHAL, April 11: Along with seizing books prescribed by CBSE which were being taught in a private school instead of the ones prescribed by BSEM, volunteers of Manipuri Students’ Federation (MSF) have yet again confiscated a large number of text books which were being sold without the hologram of the Board. Addressing a press conference […]

Read more / Original news source: http://manipurhub.com/news-manipur/large-amount-of-text-books-confiscated-in-msf-drive/