Interaction with community leaders

MOREH, June 19: Brigadier Upendra Dwivedi, Commander 26 Sector Assam Rifles interacted with the community leaders, members of the Chamber of Commerce and media persons of Moreh on June 19… Read more »

MOREH, June 19: Brigadier Upendra Dwivedi, Commander 26 Sector Assam Rifles interacted with the community leaders, members of the Chamber of Commerce and media persons of Moreh on June 19 at battalion headquarters of the 31 Assam Rifles here.

On the onset of the interaction, the army officer congratulated the people of Moreh for maintaining spirit of unity and harmony when everyone else is fighting for individualistic, selfish goals.

Upendra observed that harmony amongst the people of Moreh, is key to the peace and tranquility which has been restored allowing trade and commerce to flourish.

The Commander reassured that in the fight against terrorism and for the better future of the border town, the people of Moreh will always find Assam Rifles standing right beside them providing assistance and security. Addressing the media persons he commended the maturity which has been displayed by the media in handling and publishing sensitive issues and highlighted the important role media plays in shaping public opinion.

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