JAC alleges husband’s family involvement

By A Staff Reporter

IMPHAL | Aug 6

Joint action committee against unnatural dead of Sapam Ningol Thaonaojam Ongbi Sumati alias Ichal Devi, Wangkhei Ayangpalli, Leima Keithel alleged Th. Jiban and his family for the death of Sumati.

Convenor of JAC, Yumlembam Memma Devi charged the family of Jiban who is the husband of the deceased as the death is unnatural, during a press meet held today at Manipur Press Club.

According to Memma, Sumati when she was alive was constantly tortured by the husband and his family as she was not able to give birth for three years after she got married with Jiban.

After she got In Vitro Fertilization (IVR) treatment of for two times she got pregnant, she added.

Further Memma said Sumati was taken to Nambol dispensary last Friday following food poisoning. Due to her serious condition Sumati was referred to RIMS for further treatment. Subsequently RIMS hospital referred Sumati to Shija hospital for treatment. But when she reached Shija hospital she was declared brought dead by the hospital authorities.

Sumati’s body have scar mark in her back from shoulder to hip, which indicates that she was beaten blue and black, Memma said. In this regard the JAC demands the authority concerned to investigate the case at the earliest and to punish the culprit involved in the case, Memma added.

By A Staff Reporter

IMPHAL | Aug 6

Joint action committee against unnatural dead of Sapam Ningol Thaonaojam Ongbi Sumati alias Ichal Devi, Wangkhei Ayangpalli, Leima Keithel alleged Th. Jiban and his family for the death of Sumati.

Convenor of JAC, Yumlembam Memma Devi charged the family of Jiban who is the husband of the deceased as the death is unnatural, during a press meet held today at Manipur Press Club.

According to Memma, Sumati when she was alive was constantly tortured by the husband and his family as she was not able to give birth for three years after she got married with Jiban.

After she got In Vitro Fertilization (IVR) treatment of for two times she got pregnant, she added.

Further Memma said Sumati was taken to Nambol dispensary last Friday following food poisoning. Due to her serious condition Sumati was referred to RIMS for further treatment. Subsequently RIMS hospital referred Sumati to Shija hospital for treatment. But when she reached Shija hospital she was declared brought dead by the hospital authorities.

Sumati’s body have scar mark in her back from shoulder to hip, which indicates that she was beaten blue and black, Memma said. In this regard the JAC demands the authority concerned to investigate the case at the earliest and to punish the culprit involved in the case, Memma added.

Read more / Original news source: http://www.ifp.co.in/item/2600-jac-alleges-husband-s-family-involvement