Fuzzy Development Logic

For far too often we have been told, and indeed made to believe, there is no paucity of developmental funds for the Northeast. The North Eastern Council, NEC, with its… Read more »

For far too often we have been told, and indeed made to believe, there is no paucity of developmental funds for the Northeast. The North Eastern Council, NEC, with its headquarters in Shillong and the relatively recent Department of North East Region, DoNER ministry in New Delhi, are supposed to be the nodal instruments by which these development funds are to be disbursed for the purpose, and whatever funds not utilised is also supposed not to lapse but go into a separate coffer of non-lapsable pool of fund to be carried over to subsequent years and remain basically a Northeast developmental fund. Although we do not have the exact figure, understandably this non-lapsable pool of NE developmental fund would have built up quite sizeably in the years that have gone by. The question is, why is this fund not translating into any tangible and visible developmental projects? There are developmental activities no doubt, but hardly at the pace of magnitude that could or should have been.

A sense of urgency is what is primarily missing in any government activities in the regard. For the last five or six years, consumers in the state have been fed the excuse that electricity is scarce in the state because transmission lines available currently are outdated and not broad enough to bring in the state’s greatly increased requirement from the Northeast power grid and that these transmission lines were being upgraded to make them fit for the purpose. What is taking the government so long to do the needful? Why is it not taking up this matter on a war footing? The injuries this acute power shortage has caused and is still causing are immediate and desperate for it is stunting the growth of the state’s fledgling private sector, the health of which nobody will doubt will prove to be the ultimate solution to the employment problem above all else, the government’s direct employment capacity being limited and already super-saturated. This is a matter which cannot wait unlike say the rail line being constructed. The rail line is important but it is a long term need. Electricity is a daily necessity for any modern economy and indeed household.

In the midst of the monsoon, we also find treated municipal piped water is still scarce. One can only imagine what the situation would be even a month after the wet season is over. Why is this issue also not being taken up on a war footing? There are many more similar cases that need urgent government attention and with it remedial action. None however is forthcoming. There are also many ongoing projects, such as the Imphal sewerage project, which have been overshooting deadlines continually. What is worse, there are also no indications whatsoever so far that this project would come to a fitting closure in the near future. Meanwhile, the citizenry are expected to keep tolerating the fiasco created by these projects in perpetual states of incompleteness. It is atrocious that the old argument that it is insurgency which is keeping all these work at bay is still sought to be the balm to keep public outrage at bay. Development must happen despite all barriers. If the government acknowledges extortion cannot be curbed then let it factor in this extraordinary cost into its project estimates so that the projects themselves do not suffer.

What is also noticeable in recent times is that the military suddenly seems to have become flushed with developmental money. It is now thinking in terms of undertaking small and mid level developmental projects as part of its civic action programmes. Is this money coming from the non-lapsable pool with the DoNER ministry? The military can now donate community halls, sports complex etc to villages. Has there been a shift in the developmental funding pattern of the Government of India? The military adamantly refuses to be brought under civil law when it come to the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, AFSPA, which incidentally is 54 years old now, but would readily be given civil responsibilities in matters of implementing civil developmental projects. Is this an amplified version of what has often been referred to quite disparagingly as “donor agenda” (meaning donors would directly or indirectly dictate the terms and directions of development) when it came to funds availed to various Non Government Organisations, NGO, especially by foreign funding agencies? Is this a way of silently militarising civil space both literally and metaphorically? India is a thriving democracy. How then is it that in backwater states like Manipur, governance seems to tend towards conditions that resemble that of a military junta.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2011/08/fuzzy-development-logic/

Give and Take

By Bobo Khuraijam Two fortnights of displacement from the keyboard and monitor earns up excuse easy enough to convince the editor. That Leipung had to take leave for two fortnights…. Read more »

By Bobo Khuraijam
Two fortnights of displacement from the keyboard and monitor earns up excuse easy enough to convince the editor. That Leipung had to take leave for two fortnights. The leave was applied via the mobile cellular service. Without any hitch the leave was granted. The call cost one rupee and twenty paisa of Indian currency. People close to him would know. Our editor does not speak much. Keeps always to the point, has a good bass vocal but seldom heard him sing. May be he had tried in his school days. Experience must have taught him not to sing in the public. Some says his speech is not as good as his writing. You don’t find him commenting on the headlines in the morning taret makhai pao. In the evening when he is immersed in work, almost buried among the keypads of his laptop mono syllables like ‘o’, ‘um’ would be his words. He would beam a smile when you crack a silly joke. We hope he would spare Leipung for digging up on his quirks. As dubious as we may sound we had to take leave anyway. We are not as fortunate as the government employees. Like those who are posted in the hills. They can swap with a dummy. The largest democracy in the world can have proxy voters. But we reaffirm ourselves that there cannot be proxy Leipung – as simple as that.

COUNT YOUR BLOOD: Have not we mentioned? The leave we asked our editor cost one rupee and twenty paisa. Here are some more price tags for a few things. A unit of blood cost rupees two thousand and three hundred only on Indian currency. An income tax statement for not being a tax payer cost rupees one thousand and five hundred only on Indian currency. Allow us to elaborate. Someone not from the leikai, not from the valley; a wife of a husband from a hill district had to be admitted to the hospital following her complains of extreme fatigue for quite some days. They have modest income but no sangga-pangga in the valley. The couple headed straight to a private hospital as they could not muster up enough patience to wait for a decent bed in the government hospital. They were told that she was suffering from anemia. She needed rest and two to three unit of blood without delay. Her hemoglobin count was below the normal. The blood bank in the private hospital could give them only one unit. As per the rule they have to replace it back by a donor. The husband volunteered to be the replacement donor. He had to arrange the remaining from some other blood bank. The husband went to the blood bank of a well known government hospital. He was told to buy a ticket from the emergency counter. It was the mandatory charge for cross matching the blood sample: Rupees eight hundred. The husband had a sign of relief when he was told that blood is available in the bank. He was told to wait for sometime. After a while he was gently told that he have to pay rupees one thousand and seven hundred only. Not at the counter but at a room near the blood bank. The husband thought for a few seconds. He decided not to argue. Instead he requested the man with the thick register to reduce the money. They settled with rupees one thousand and five hundred only on Indian currency note. So, dear all, who donates blood regularly. Please keep up your priceless humanitarian act of donating blood regularly. We have faith in each of the individuals who donates blood. From civil voluntary organization to defense personals, from patriots who donate blood on the eighteenth of June to officers of lions and tigers club; every single drop of your blood is going to save someone’s life; more than that every single drop of your blood is going to make someone’s purse swell. Keep donating and keep saving life. As for the leipung members, we are going to demand our share of money from the man with the register every time we donate blood.

PAY YOUR TAX: “I am a tax paying citizen and I know my rights as a citizen of a democratic country”, this is a statement oftentimes used by educated citizens whenever they mean to assert their rights. The government spent huge sum of Indian currency to persuade citizens to pay their tax well in time. They even honour celebrities who pay tax regularly. It is obligatory for everyone to pay tax. People who earn in enormous amount like industrialist and celebs of the tinsel town have to pay more tax for they earn more. What about those who do not earn or earn a little? Well, they do not need to pay income tax. At the most they have to pay electricity and water bill. Sometime back some one from the Leikai who runs an embroidery centre, with a little amount of saving decided to launch a NGO. We have no idea at whose advice she was doing that. We know that she is active in leikai meira paibi besides her embroidery centre. Not too old to get married. We heard she is standing in the next Panchayat election. Someone must have told her that an NGO would be a good option to give opportunities to people. And she can earn well if she has heijara singjaragadi quality. She opened a bank account and got a PAN card in her name. All that while, she had little idea when her PAN card would come to a use. It anyway looks beautiful with her photo and signature on it. Much better than the electoral ID card. She was advised to get her organisation registered. After that she can run for government funding. One fine day news came in that her project report got approved from the authority. She has to sign an agreement with the authorities. Along with the signed agreement she has to furnish income tax assessment order for a financial year. She got baffled. How on earth? She has never paid any kind of income tax. At last some one prepared her income tax statement after spending rupees one thousand and five hundred only on Indian currency. She tried to argue that nobody had asked her to pay income tax so far. And on the contrary how can she be asked to furnish a statement like that. Someone convinced her that once anyone got a PAN card in their name, he or she would be considered a tax payer. She was happy. All these while, sitting on the Leipung we got message after message in the mobile phone. That a ‘gyanpack’ worth subscribing is in the offer; rupees Seven only on Indian currency, we hardly press any of the keys on the phone; then we got a congratulatory message that we have just subscribe the ‘gyanpack’. Rupees seven gone without touching keys: miraculous, is not it? It reminds us of a graffiti written on the wall of a public toilet – save the earth, die now. So be it, Bharati Airtel!

FOOTNOTE: Not again, our political fat cats are up to building a five star hotel in the heart of the town. That too at the cost of causing displacement to many families, Leipung Ningthou calls it, “thi chaamba heitringaida tie punnaba hotnaba”.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/qvfSf8-r0so/

Ukl people welcome transfer of works from PWD to GREF

From John K Kaping UKHRUL, July 2: The people of Ukhrul town showed signs of joy when the road development works of the town were transferred to General Road Engineering… Read more »

From John K Kaping
UKHRUL, July 2: The people of Ukhrul town showed signs of joy when the road development works of the town were transferred to General Road Engineering Force (GREF) from the state public works department.

The PWD has failed to develop the roads of Ukhrul town for quite a long time thereby causing much inconvenience to the people.

After taking over the responsibility of developing the roads of Ukhrul town, the GREF could show good progress in the work.

The present condition of the dilapidated road has caused immense hardship and inconvenience to the people of all walks of life. The remains of the dug-out earth piled up on either side of the made it difficult for people to walk on the road especially during monsoon season.

The vehicles of all types plying on this one-way-traffic road always get jammed because of the slippery mud and narrow passage.

However, the GREF has been working to improve the condition of this deplorable road by using all its manpower and machineries. The people of Ukhrul town are indeed happy with the work progress of the GREF and they hope that their woes for having bad roads will soon be over.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/zc6C5A9fvNM/

IGAR (S) greets Cheiraoba

IMPHAL, April 13: Major General C A Krishnan, AVSM, Inspector General Assam Rifles (South) and All Ranks of Assam Rifles extend a very warm greetings and sincere goodwill to the… Read more »

IMPHAL, April 13: Major General C A Krishnan, AVSM, Inspector General Assam Rifles (South) and All Ranks of Assam Rifles extend a very warm greetings and sincere goodwill to the people of Manipur on the auspicious occasion of “CHEIRAOBA”. IGAR (South) also expressed that may this festival herald an era of peace, progress and prosperity in Manipur and enhance the spirit of unity, cohesiveness and brotherhood in the region.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/azCbMsOChDA/

MPSC thrashes YDO by 4-1

IMPHAL, Aug 19: MPSC defeated YDO by 4-1 goals in today’s match of 6th Manipur State League Football Tournament held at Khuman Lampak Main Stadium. Nilamani of MPSC scored three… Read more »

IMPHAL, Aug 19: MPSC defeated YDO by 4-1 goals in today’s match of 6th Manipur State League Football Tournament held at Khuman Lampak Main Stadium. Nilamani of MPSC scored three goals in 49th, 72nd and 75th minutes while Thangminlien added another goal in 89th minute. N Joykumar scored the solitary goal for YDO in 32nd minute. Thangminlien and L Romeo were booked yellow card.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2011/08/mpsc-thrashes-ydo-by-41/

Disaster management course

IMPHAL, August 20: A five days basic course on Disaster Management for police officers will be organized by the relief and disaster management, government of Manipur on August 23 to… Read more »

IMPHAL, August 20: A five days basic course on Disaster Management for police officers will be organized by the relief and disaster management, government of Manipur on August 23 to August 27 at the conference hall of state guest house, Sanjenthong.

The inaugural function of the programme will be graced by principal secretary of Manipur, I.S Laishram, Dr. Suhel Aktar and retired IGP M. Susil Kumar, as the chief guest, president and guest of honour respectively.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2011/08/disaster-management-course/

Ulfa`s Double Role Endangers Prospects for Peace

By Anil Bhat A recent news report in this daily about security agencies alerting the Assam police that Paresh Baruah, now heading Ulfa’s anti-talks faction, has sent 35 armed cadres… Read more »

By Anil Bhat
A recent news report in this daily about security agencies alerting the Assam police that Paresh Baruah, now heading Ulfa’s anti-talks faction, has sent 35 armed cadres to launch offensives in oil-rich Upper Assam districts and target the leaders of the pro-talk faction of Ulfa, again bring into focus some factors, which are not favorable for peace in Assam.

The report also cites authoritative security sources mentioning that among the 35 armed cadres, few are new recruits, who may try old Ulfa tactics of abducting officials of oil companies operating for Oil and Natural Gas Commission and Oil India Limited which have been resisting the Ulfa’s extortion demands and may also blow up oil pipelines to create fear psychosis. In 1991, among many persons abducted by Ulfa, were a bureaucrat and Russian engineer Sergei Grishchenko, who was later killed.

In a feature by this writer titled ‘Disarming pro-talks militants’, published in this daily on 22 April 2011, it was brought out that the “pro-talk” leaders released of the from jail moving about freely and ULFA’s symbol of the rising sun becoming visible in villages had boosted Paresh Baruah’s efforts to recruit volunteers to make good the loss of at least two battalions. This has been confirmed by the security sources saying that the anti-talk faction of Ulfa has also recruited nearly 100 new cadres sent to Burma for arms training.

It is also significant that Assam chief minister Tarun Gogoi has also admitted that the anti-talks faction of Ulfa has been carrying out recruitment and extortion in Upper Assam districts.

In 1991, Ulfa supported the Hiteshwar Saikia led Congress to power not just to do down AGP, but to save its own leaders from the Army. Reportedly, there was an internal agreement between Hiteshwar Saikia and Paresh Baruah through the mediation of Rewati Phukan, a top industrialist and Paresh Baruah’s good friend and co-player when both represented Assam in football.

In 2001, Congress led by Tarun Gogoi sought Ulfa’s support from. ULFA did everything to bring Congress to power, including selection of candidates, attacks on pool booths, grenade blasts in Janata Bhawan etc. with a hope of establishing talks between the outfit and the Government.

This time around Mr Gogoi’s new year’s gift to Rajkhowa and co. of releasing them from jail, also seems to have paid up.

Taking the advantage of elections and peace-process that had slowed down the operations of the security forces, the pro-talks leaders freely moving around and creating awe amongst youth has resulted in the anti-talks Ulfa succeeding in roping some unemployed youths to join the outfit.

Security sources have reportedly admitted that free movement of the pro-talk Ulfa leaders and cadres might create some confusion for the security forces so the state government has been advised to confine them within the boundary of designated camps. While home ministry is reported to be firm on its policy of starting talks with the insurgent groups only after the surrender of arms and restricting cadres in designated camps, Ulfa has ‘reservations’ on both matters. Whereas home ministry has reportedly proposed three designated camps for about 250-300 Ulfa cadres, they want nine camps. About surrender of arms, the Ulfa leadership has been insisting on keeping the arms ‘under joint custody’. Government must certainly not allow any negotiating group to keep its arms and all surrendered leaders and cadres must be kept under close watch in designated camps.

On the possibility of anti-talks leader / leaders joining the pro-talks group, there have been two versions reported in media. One was that the Centre was arranging a meeting between a top pro-talk leader and Ulfa’s ‘general secretary’ Anup Chetia, currently lodged in a jail in Bangladesh, ostensibly to get his consent for the dialogue. This version, if true, is quite hair-brained. The other version is that two top anti-talks leaders may soon join the peace-process. Refusing to reveal their names, security sources however hinted that the process to deport them from Bangladesh back to Assam will start soon. While government must not allow any pro-talks leader to go to Bangladesh to meet Chetia, extraditing any leader/leaders under Paresh Baruah would be a clever move which is bound to affect him adversely.

Meanwhile, Ulfa’s gory past, which includes mass graves and countless attacks on innocent civilians, is reported to be catching up with it. Victims of Ulfa’s terror are demanding a say in the talks. They are seeking justice for those killed by Ulfa. Speaking to media, one victim said, “The Government and those involved in the peace talks need to know what our problems are, and what we`re thinking and must involve us directly.” While CM Gogoi has assured them of a ‘fair hearing’, it remains to be seen how he is going to provide the victims with any relief or justice, given how hard he worked at freeing from jails those guilty of heinous murders, colluding with Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) and implementing all kinds of acts of war/destabilization, like massacres, sabotage, causing demographic changes, circulation of fake Indian currency etc.in Assam. So far, political expediency has been the main uncompromised priority.

The Sanmilita Jatiya Abhibartan (SJA), an intellectual umbrella body of civil society organisations of Assam, recently handed over a charter of demands to the pro-talk Ulfa faction, listing issues which could be discussed with the Centre. SJA Chief Convener Dr Hiren Gohain, a Sahitya Akademi winner, handed over the charter to Arabinda Rajkhowa in the presence of top leaders of both the organisations in Guwahati. Pro-talks leaders will discuss the charter and may redraft it to include any more of their own demands before submitting it to the Centre. Expresspmg the hope that the talks between Ulfa and Centre would lead to positive results, he is reported to have said, “I am hopeful that the talks will be fruitful as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has made it clear that the Indian constitution is flexible and necessary changes could be made to fulfill the aspirations of the indigenous Assamese.” The document has included various burning issues facing the state and the indigenous Assamese population. The SJA chater demands Constitutional amendments to give Assam, and thereby its people greater control over their own future by strengthening the State`s power to control the revenues generated, the natural resources, and the planning process and ensure a secure demographic situation as well as accelerated and balanced development. Gohain said, “If the government of India and the ULFA honour the Charter in letter and spirit and do not undersell it, we may look forward to untroubled peace, true development, and vigorous growth of democracy in the region.” SJA noted that the present calm does not at all mean the return of peace. Rajkhowa told media that the outfit would press for a time-bound dialogue with the Centre and would not like the talk process to drag on for long. The next and substantive session of talks between the ULFA and the Centre is expected to be held towards end-June.

According to an Assamese daily, Paresh Baruah’s decision not to join the talks could be so that he can impact pressure on the talks. It is understood that if the entire brass of ULFA leaders and cadres comes out to open, they will be under complete dominance of the Government. Talks under domination from one side on the other might then lead to no fruitful results. The other possibility is that Paresh Baruah wants to wait and watch where the lateral talks lead to. The hardliner faction has already announced their conditional support to the talks where they have asked:

Consider ULFA armed revolution as a democratic-aspiration movement of natives of the land, keeping in mind the inception of their movement in context of time and situation.

Grant Assam a special status under the Constitution of India by an amendment under Part XXI that deals with Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions. This should enable Assam to draft a publically acceptable Constitution/Legal Document of its own.

Endow the state government with the right of self-governance and adjudication over any matter relating to socio-political-judicial issues that concern the interests of entire group or community domiciling in Assam.

There should be an official national anthem for Assam as the Indian federation will not be in a position to change its own national anthem, which grossly discriminates Assam by excluding from the most-audible federal representation.

A detailed investigation relating to the crimes committed and attributed to either belligerent parties i.e. Federal authority of India and ULFA be it the Kakopathar massacre of 2006 or the blast in Dhemaji. This is to be done through the good offices of International Humanitarian Fact Finding Commission (or any credible international organization) that are in a position to deal over issues of international and non-international armed conflicts.

This group is currently actively involved in managing many ‘businesses’, including procuring arms for Naxal-Maoists through contacts with ISI and Chinese intelligence operatives, among many other nefarious and anti-India activities.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/tC6ZnsecGSQ/

Henglep school wins in Subroto football

IMPHAL, July 5: Henglep Govt. High School defeated Ukhrul Higher Secondary School by 6-0 in the opening match of the U-14 state level Subroto Mukherjee football tournament which kicked off… Read more »

IMPHAL, July 5: Henglep Govt. High School defeated Ukhrul Higher Secondary School by 6-0 in the opening match of the U-14 state level Subroto Mukherjee football tournament which kicked off today at Practice Field of Khuman Lampak Sports Complex.

Sonmilal Haokip scored two goal for Henglep in the 10th and 30th minute and Phungtanlian too scored two goals in the 19th and 22nd minute.

Jesse Ngamlenmang and T Thangjoumou Haokip scored one goal each in the 38th and 57th minutes respectively.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/G8G3osGQqMU/

RPF blames CM

IMPHAL April 16: The statement given by the Chief Minister on April 13 at a function held at Mantripukhri IGAR(S) headquarters is unclear, states publicity secretary of RPF,T Leishemba in… Read more »

IMPHAL April 16: The statement given by the Chief Minister on April 13 at a function held at Mantripukhri IGAR(S) headquarters is unclear, states publicity secretary of RPF,T Leishemba in a press release.
Dishonest words will not bring about a solution to the Indo Manipur political conflict, the CM needs to be honest and must analyze the political conflict so the public can accept his statements whole heartedly.
It is a fact that the Manipuris want to be an independent nation and do not want to reel under a colonial rule and the insurgent movement is not made up by disgruntled unemployed persons.
Britain suffered huge losses due to the aftereffects of the second World War and was helped by America to get up economically. The countries under the colonial rule of the British were finally given independence and except for India waged an armed struggle. It is a matter of deliberation that India did not get its independence due to the non violence movement initiated by Gandhi.
The endeavor of Gandhi was respected by the British, but the non violent protest by Irom Sharmila has been ignored by and large by the Indian government, gross violation of human rights are perpetrated by the security forces in the name of counter insurgency including the north east and Kashmir, it states.
The corrupt governance of the Ibobi government has seen ministers and officers holding high posts accumulating property from the development projects meant for the public. Also the SPF government hardly acts without provocation, the release charged.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/-NfdRd0Y2_c/

NSCN (K) faction confirms ceasefire continuation

IMPHAL July 6: A statement of the NSCN (K) signed by its MIP, Secretary, has clarified that a ceasefire was signed in between NSCN(K) or National Socialist Council of Nagaland… Read more »

IMPHAL July 6: A statement of the NSCN (K) signed by its MIP, Secretary, has clarified that a ceasefire was signed in between NSCN(K) or National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang) and the GOI and definitely not with the NSCN (Kitovi) or for that reason not even NSCN(Khole) and the ceasefire continues to be there as it was before with the NSCN(K).

It has stated that If Kitovi feels that, chairman S.S.Khaplang is a Burmese than, he must be an Indian. Therefore, a ceasefire between an Indian Kitovi and his own Indian brothers does not arise. There is no question of any ceasefire among them when they share everything in common, it maintained.

Kitovi is a pawn in the hands of some Indian agencies and is doing everything on the directives of those forces who are bent to weakened the sacred Naga national cause and to bring division among the Naga family and for that matter Kitovi has also roped in Khole who was paid Rs.70 lakhs(Seventy lakhs ) at Minyaksu on Oct. 10, 2010 to speak his language, it asserted.

Khole who was among the most regarded Naga leader, had vowed not to step in the Naga soil on the Indian side until Nagas achieve full independence and he did so until as recently as 2009. But, he was slowly poisoned by Kitovi into today’s materialistic world. He was a general even during the undivided NSCN and was the most respected Naga Army general but, today Kitovi has reduced him to a general without an army, it further maintained.

It is unfortunate that Kitovi, who in his long career as an ato-kilonser never had any political wisdom for the Nagas, is today trying to cultivate divisions among the Naga family to please his godfather and his cheap propaganda clearly indicates that, Kitovi is another name for a burden to the Nagas, the statement ended.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/_MRFRPffxlY/

Super six Hockey league deferred

IMPHAL, July 7: Hockey Manipur has postpond Super Six Hockey league-2011 due to unavailability of the Astro-Turf Hockey field and natural calamity. Top six hockey clubs/associations of Manipur namely MPSC,… Read more »

IMPHAL, July 7: Hockey Manipur has postpond Super Six Hockey league-2011 due to unavailability of the Astro-Turf Hockey field and natural calamity.

Top six hockey clubs/associations of Manipur namely MPSC, COSMO, YCCIC, UYAC, SSA and MEIRAA are to take part in the league.

Hockey Manipur has informed all the concerned officials of the participating teams to submit official entry on or before July 10 along with entry fee of Rs 2000.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/hvExZigNZb0/

S Birendra football

IMPHAL, Aug 23: DMRAO defeated THAU by 4-0 in today’s match of S Birendra Memorial Imphal West Super Division Football League held at Chajing Kangjeibung. The scorers of DMRAO were… Read more »

IMPHAL, Aug 23: DMRAO defeated THAU by 4-0 in today’s match of S Birendra Memorial Imphal West Super Division Football League held at Chajing Kangjeibung.

The scorers of DMRAO were Anilkumar (two goals), Premananda (one goal) and Mah Bahadur (one goal).

KSC is leading the point tally with 13 points followed by DMRAO with 8 points.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2011/08/s-birendra-football/

Social Service

IMPHAL, April 18: With the objective to keep surroundings clean, a social service camp would be organized by Kanglei Economic Development Organisation (KEDO) at Imoinu Keither and Phouoibi Keithel beginning… Read more »

IMPHAL, April 18: With the objective to keep surroundings clean, a social service camp would be organized by Kanglei Economic Development Organisation (KEDO) at Imoinu Keither and Phouoibi Keithel beginning 7 am, April 19. The social service camp would be held in commemorating the fourth foundation day of KEDO.
A film “Nangi Ashada” directed by (L) O Shanou which is based on work culture would also be screened. All vendors are requested to close their respective stalls in the two markets in connection with the social service camp.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/g1-VbxwPRLg/

FIFA officials inspect artificial turf installation site in Imphal

IMPHAL, Aug 24: A team of three officials from FIFA has inspected the ongoing construction works for the installation of artificial turf at RAU Ground near Khuman Lampak Sports Complex… Read more »

IMPHAL, Aug 24: A team of three officials from FIFA has inspected the ongoing construction works for the installation of artificial turf at RAU Ground near Khuman Lampak Sports Complex today.

The visiting officials are Cherysantha Perera, AFC consultant from Sri Lanka, David Borja from Zurich and BMR Mehta from AIFF.

The artificial turf is to be installed under the “Win India with India” project sponsored by FIFA. Manipur and Meghalaya are the only two states of North-East selected for this project.

The visiting officials were dissatisfied with the kind of work being taken up for the installation of artificial turf. The RAU Ground was found inundated by the officials.

Speaking to IFP, David Borja stated that the artificial turf is manufactured by a well-established Italian firm and it has been widely used in European Champions League. The average life-span of the turf is 10 years. However, the turf would get spoilt within one year if the ground remains inundated.

The FIFA officials were really upset at the conduct of the state officials who are unable to take up various construction works such as drainage system prior to the installation of artificial turf at RAU Ground

YAS director, H Deleep assured the visiting officials of fulfilling all pre-requisite works for the installation of the turf.

Secretary AMFA, Ranjit Roy stated that transfer and posting of YAS director is a factor for delay in the construction of drainage system and other works necessary for the installation of the turf. All construction works would be completed soon so as to handover the artificial turf to the footballers of the state, he averred.

Meanwhile, the materials required for the installation of artificial turf have arrived Imphal. The artificial turf is likely to be installed within this year.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2011/08/fifa-officials-inspect-artificial-turf-installation-site-in-imphal/

Tamenglong ADC appeal

IMPHAL, April 19: The chairmen of the Tamenglong district ADC has appealed has clarified that DRDA Tamenglong office could not be opened in the district headquarter due to disturbances given… Read more »

IMPHAL, April 19: The chairmen of the Tamenglong district ADC has appealed has clarified that DRDA Tamenglong office could not be opened in the district headquarter due to disturbances given ADC chairmen and councillors by some youths claiming to be UNC.
A statement issued by the chairmen ADC Tamenglong said DRDA office could not be opened in Tamenglong as UNC members forced elected councillors to leave the district headquarter when the chairmen himself and some councillors called for a meeting on March 5 at Tamenglong.
The ADC chairmen also appeal general public to extend cooperation and help in successful operation of District Council in the district.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/RzLmHoOfV-c/

Discourse on Impact of Corruption and Extortion

IMPHAL April 20: One day discourse on Impact of Corruption and Extortion on Civil Society was held today at Classic hotel. The one day discourse was jointly organized by Manipur… Read more »

IMPHAL April 20: One day discourse on Impact of Corruption and Extortion on Civil Society was held today at Classic hotel.

The one day discourse was jointly organized by Manipur Committee for Social Concerns and Kuki Research forum. The function was attended by many dignitaries, well known personalities, intellectuals and scholars.

Speaking on the occasion as the Chief Guest of the function veteran congressman Rishang Keishing said `MLAs and bureaucrats think only of the ways to benefit from corruptions`¦ they don`™t think for the welfare of the public`. He added that nowadays corruption has become more and more of a problem.

M.Prithiviraj, MLA said as the Guest of Honour of this function that the root causes of corruption and extortion is poverty and lack of employment in rural areas.

C. Dongel, Ex-minister and Prof. Lal Dena were also present as the other guest of honour and president respectively.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/Oi93LY9sjXw/

Macha Leima observes 42nd foundation day

IMPHAL April 21: MAcha Leima observed its 42nd foundation day at its Palace compound head office today.According to a press release of the organization, the function was graced by Oinam… Read more »

IMPHAL April 21: MAcha Leima observed its 42nd foundation day at its Palace compound head office today.According to a press release of the organization, the function was graced by Oinam Sarju, president of Macha Leima as the chief guest, while founder members, life members and other members attended the occasion and paid homage to departed founder president Chingakham Usharani by observing a two minute silence. The participants resolved to carry out activities aimed at the welfare of the masses, a press release by T Demona, general secretary of Macha Leima said.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/1EVoetzNXbc/

Students` bodies withdraw boycott

IMPHAL, July 11:  The student bodies of the state including Manipur Student’s Federation, All Manipur Students’ Union and the Democratic Students Alliance of Manipur and the Kangleipak Student Associaiton have… Read more »

IMPHAL, July 11:  The student bodies of the state including Manipur Student’s Federation, All Manipur Students’ Union and the Democratic Students Alliance of Manipur and the Kangleipak Student Associaiton have today withdrawn the boycott of the education minister, principal secretary, education (s), director education (s), SSA department and the Board of Secondary Education Manipur following a three-tier assurance by the principal secretary education (s) to their demands regarding the non-availability of SSA textbooks in the state.

Representatives of the students’ bodies told IFP that the assurance was provided by the principal secretary during a meeting with representatives of the student bodies today.

During the meeting, the principal secretary education (s) has assured that the government will initiate the process for appointment of new chairman of the BOSEM at the earliest possible time.

The government representatives also assured that the BOSEM has already issued show cause notices to all the printing presses which have failed to print the text-books in time and that the board will blacklist them after a scrutiny.

Furthermore, during the meeting the government representatives also promise to initiate action against the persons responsible for selling text-books printed for SSA outside the state illegally.

The meeting which was attended by the principal secretary education (s), education (s) director, BOSEM secretary and representatives of the students’ bodies was convened with the approval of education minister DD Thaisii.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/i4gM0iDqdFI/

Jiribam District Demand Committee to meet CM today

IMPHAL August 28: Convener of the Jiribam District Demand Committee, M Maipaksana said that the Chief Minister has invited the representatives of the committee for addressing the district demand tomorrow… Read more »

IMPHAL August 28: Convener of the Jiribam District Demand Committee, M Maipaksana said that the Chief Minister has invited the representatives of the committee for addressing the district demand tomorrow evening at his bungalow.

“We are hopeful that the C M will give us a positive response”, he told reporters at a press conference held a Manipur Press Club today.

He further said that a cabinet decision on August, 2006 had agreed to pass demand of awarding a full fledged district status for Jiribam. The proposal was subsequently sent to the Delimitation Commission of India in September, 2006. The Commission had also approved the proposal, but there was no positive follow up since the last 4/5 years, he said.

The initiative taken by the Committee to impose a road blockade along the National Highway 53 from August 14 to August 30 was differed as minister Ranjit and MLA Bijoy Koijam had assured the committee members that their demand would be addressed by the state government at the soonest.

In the regard a response was forwarded by the Chief Minister to the committee for talks, “An eleven member team of the committee will meet him tomorrow”, he added.

He mentioned that there is no confusion of land boundaries between Jiribam and Tamenglong district. Earlier there was a claim from the Zeliangrong Baudi, Zelaingrong Union, Rongmei Naga Council that some areas of Tamenglong had been demarcated as belonging to Jiribam sub division. The matter has been looked into by the committee. “Tatbung village,Phaitol village shares close proximity with Jiribam and land records are also with Jiribam ADC, but the case is clear cut and there is no confusion, the villagers have been compensated for the Jiribam Tupul railhead by the Tamenglong DC only and others development schemes for the areas are given by the same, there is no issue of land encroachment ”, he said.

The convener mentioned that agitation will resume if the demand for Jiribam district is not met.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2011/08/jiribam-district-demand-committee-to-meet-cm-today/

State team flagged off

IMPHAL, April 22: Altogether 211 players and officials have left Imphal today for Arunachal Pradesh to take part in the 23rd NE Games to be held in Itanagar from April… Read more »

IMPHAL, April 22: Altogether 211 players and officials have left Imphal today for Arunachal Pradesh to take part in the 23rd NE Games to be held in Itanagar from April 30.
The Manipur contingent was flagged off today at Khuman Lampak Sports Complex by director in-charge of YAS Jayenta this morning.
Manipur will compete in all the 12 disciplines in the NE Games. The disciplines are Archery, Athletics, Boxing, Badminton, Taekwondo, Karate-do, Table Tennis, Judo, Weightlifting, Wushu and Football.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/feUn6LXK0hk/