Quality Education And Health Care V/S Extortion

RS Jassal “Education is the process where the powers of human nature becomes developed by good habit” (L) Prof. J.Adler Mortimer (Education Reformer) Education is enlightenment. Education is the empowerment… Read more »

RS Jassal “Education is the process where the powers of human nature becomes developed by good habit” (L) Prof. J.Adler Mortimer (Education Reformer) Education is enlightenment. Education is the empowerment of masses to shape and mould their destinies. It is also the instrument of the enlightened and the empowered to ignite their vision and of mediocre & less privileged human beings in multi- faceted forms, it may be for understanding the intricacies of the nature i.e., cosmology, strengthening the wisdoms, reaching out to technologies and attaining high standards of in learning at research centres, ethics, morals and the aesthetics . Till independence of India i.e., 1947 and a decade thereafter educationalists depended on conventional education aimed at joining blue/ white collared jobs only. With huge expansion in service sector there was a phenomenal rise in student’s enrolment at schools and colleges which remained managed in conventional manners only miserably lacked in infrastructure. India being a vast country and rural based, educational experts realized that some additional system to spread education to every nook and corner of India be introduced. It saw the introduction of non-formal system of education i.e., open schools, open universities and other related institutions to benefit the under privileged people and persons who could not afford to go for further studies in places like Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh and Chennai and also to assist those who wished to improve qualification’s while in service. However this type of open, distant education and conventional system in vogue were found not commensurate to accommodate upsurge in student’s community, especially so in the North East. To meet this challenge, Govt. of Manipur approved many private schools and gradually but progressively such schools produced excellent results and today toppers list is shared by them every year. Conversely, governmentally run schools went down and down. But one gets surprised when hears about repeated extortion demands on such schools for the past two decades. Considering this, it has to be said that not raising our voice against extortion demands on our schools that are doing yeoman service in shaping our youth is a big mistake. It does not mean that certain anomalies & malpractices set in educational system in both governmental & privately run schools need not be checked or exposed. There are lawful means available to do it & RTI is the right weapon to be used. Extortion from schools by undergrounds is actually extortion from our children and their parents. Education, whether through non-formal or formal system, conventional or non-conventional, malpractices in overall educational system which are attributed to corruption and extortion in various forms has crept in the system. So with degrees multiplying and honest students scholars lagging behind in selections for jobs where honesty, sincerity and creativity is involved , they feel not only disappointed & frustrated but in many cases they commit suicides too. But still we do make a big cry for quality education. Teachers are honoured every 5th September, by student bodies in a dignified manner and now they are resorting to streets, weeks in advance to fleece money from passers-by and citizens. Constitutions of student welfare bodies must be scrutinised. To meet any demand by non- educational organisations by politicians and undergrounds, through processions be banned. It ignites different and negative ideas in the minds of students which ultimately affect the body and mind of the entire society. Above all, if the parents wish to see their ward(s) come up in progress and growth, they (whether educated or uneducated) must guide their ward(s) to positivities & establish continuous contacts with their teachers and prevail on undergrounds to leave education as a free zone. Some chapters like importance of role of religion in one’s life, understanding the meaning of human rights duties and values, vicious affects of corruption and extortion on the societal order in the services, health & education sectors if adopted in school syllabus will surely lead to give quality education which can bring upright youth to evolution for a peaceful State and better understanding of the human core. As said by Socrates “ Education means bringing out the idea of universal validity which is latent in the mind of every man” This is the story of education. Health sector which is again a major building block of healthy society on the edifice of dependable youths and cheerful adolescents can be acquired only with good health care. During Ashoka period King & philanthropists used to establish free dispensaries & hospitals not only for human beings but for animals too taking health as ‘service to God’. With hundred fold increase in population,, eco-environs sufficiently shaken , global warming, adulterated food, contaminated drinking water, lack of hygienic living conditions for majority of people many new set of diseases are appearing and Govt. Hospitals are not sufficient to meet medical needs of populace , Govt. of India and UNESCO have encouraged setting up of new hospitals privately too. 100% costs cannot be borne by the Govt. so medical experts out of dedication and desire to provide health care and create job opportunities for deserving & the needy opened the private clinics & hospitals depending on availability of the resources & loans. In the context of Manipur, there are many – some of very big but others of medium nature. Here in the last two decades it is found that almost all such hospitals and all the privately run (though Govt. approved) hospitals & schools are being slapped with monetary demands from not one group of undergrounds but as many as are carrying some or the other nomenclature . Many a times, chemists had to close down their businesses for days together due incapacity to meet UGs repeated demands. At times even life saving drugs had run out of stock. Meeting one monetary demand leads to consult the corruption reference book which is patent to Manipur only to make up the losses. Who suffers mostly, the poor or say ‘aam admi’. Many specialised doctors are threatened to send their juniors to attend to suffering UG cadres for treatment at risk to their life. It causes fear psychosis though they might have been looked after well. Thus this corruption & extortion move hand in hand overarching the state machinery. Everyone will agree that in Manipur the practice of corruption, terrorism, insurgency, revolution and extortion criss – crosses various sections of society, hills and valley both. In our contemporary situation much to the dislike of the society, the activity of extortion has come to stay. Anti- social elements are mushrooming day by day. To eke out huge sum of easy money in a materialistic world through unlawful taxes, black mailings, ransom vis- a- vis hostage methods are becoming a matter of research. The drama of extortion has different themes viz, kidnapping on account of business rivalry or the administrative diktat or a political hostage for repatriation or extradition and so on. Even in Manipur where extortion has been sadly accepted as an integral part of one’s day to day life, extortion from schools and hospitals cannot be tolerated. It is like stealing the rice meant for BPL families. Scripturs hold a society where teachers, priests and doctors are not shown respect heads for doom. Or is it our majority choice. It is simply eroding our social base. Please watch out!

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/aTqWdQ7rbF4/

Editorial – Sparkling Performance

Manipur sportsmen and women have done the state proud again, finishing second in the medals tally behind Services in the just concluded National Games at Jharkhand. The Services are the… Read more »

Manipur sportsmen and women have done the state proud again, finishing second in the medals tally behind Services in the just concluded National Games at Jharkhand. The Services are the combined strength of the Indian security forces and belong in that sense to all the Indian states so in effect it can be said that Manipur finished top of the medals table if the competition were to be between states only. Again, it is also learnt that many of the medal winners representing other states were sportspersons from the state. They competed for other states on account of their studying or working in these states or else opting to represent them as they were nipped in the competition to represent Manipur by sporting compatriots. Manipur’s feat is nothing to trifle. It is a wonder that an impoverished state like Manipur which lacks modern infrastructure to groom sports achievers of the kind it has been producing consistently year after year, generation after generation, beating much bigger and richer states. Our sportspersons are there not because of state patronage, but despite the absence of it. They are in short the product of sheer determination and perseverance. Amidst all the news of blood and gore, violence and counter-violence that the state has come to be associated with, it is heartening to see a different and very positive image of the state being projected before the world by our sportsmen and women. The whole state owes its gratitude to them for the goodwill they have brought for the state. This notwithstanding, the state, and more importantly the government, needs to be wary lest the standard of sportsmanship the state has been able to maintain does not sustain. Especially in the Imphal area, many of the playfields which once were teeming with life every afternoon after school and college are today deserted most of the time. There seems to be a slump in the general enthusiasm for games and sports all around. Much of the steam has also now been weaned away to the fun sports of Yaoshang (Holi) which have now become an annual tradition. While there can be no objections to these fun sports, this cannot be at the cost of dedication to the competitive variety of Olympics sports. Enthusiasm for the two must run parallel to each other, with neither encroaching on the territory of the other. The idle playfields must be made to come alive again. The more the grooming grounds for sportsmen and women there are in the state, the more sustainable it would be for the state to be a sports powerhouse of the country that it has been year after year. There is another weak point noticed of the Manipur contingent this time as in past years for quite some time now. There were practically no medals won from the track and field events. In short, while sportspersons from the state are good at indoor and team sports, they have not impressed on what are considered as the mother of all sports – athletics, with the exception perhaps of cycling. This is an area that sports planners in the state needs to look into seriously. If athletes of the state do not have the physique suited for sprints and throws, there is no reason they cannot do well in the mid and longer distance running. Manipur in the past have done well in the various marathons organised across the country showing the potential it has to produce good endurance athletes. Why has no effort been made to actualise this potential to the best benefit? Obvious there is something missing. A few years ago, there used to be many high profile marathons and half-marathons organised in the state by different organisations round the year. Today these are become increasingly distant memories. Manipur once used to have a State Games in which different sporting clubs competed in different Olympics events. This tradition too has tragically died out. The Manipur government’s sport authorities must make efforts to revive it. Similar competition would normally be expected at the inter-school and inter-college levels, but these too have failed to take off. Here too something needs to be done urgently if sporting excellence is what the state wants.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/nLu-MsJxAKE/

Youth convention

A one day District Youth Convention on Empowerment of Youths jointly organised by D CACUS Education Centre, NIngthoukhong and Youths Foundation for Fitness and Service Manipur YOFFS under the sponsorship of Nehru Yuva Kendra Bishnupur was held at Nin…

A one day District Youth Convention on Empowerment of Youths jointly organised by D CACUS Education Centre, NIngthoukhong and Youths Foundation for Fitness and Service Manipur YOFFS under the sponsorship of Nehru Yuva Kendra Bishnupur was held at Ningthoukhong Community Hall today Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=27&src=280211

Centre approves Ayush Hospital in state

Central government has approved to construct and established an Integrated Ayush Hospital with 50 beds in the state which will give benefits of medical treatment of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy to the people of the state …

Central government has approved to construct and established an Integrated Ayush Hospital with 50 beds in the state which will give benefits of medical treatment of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy to the people of the state Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=25&src=280211

Person involved in kidnapping Sagar in KNFP custody Police

Investigating the kidnapping of Sagar Prashad 14 son of Suresh Prashad of Sapermaina, police have come to know that the person who was with Sagar when he was being kidnapped is currently in the custody of the KNF P Source Hueiyen News Service

Investigating the kidnapping of Sagar Prashad 14 son of Suresh Prashad of Sapermaina, police have come to know that the person who was with Sagar when he was being kidnapped is currently in the custody of the KNF P Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=23&src=280211

College teachers call off strike School teachers continue stir

College teachers have called off their planned indefinite ceasework strike which was to commence Monday following an assurance from the government even as teachers of high and higher secondary education continue their stir Source Hueiyen News Service

College teachers have called off their planned indefinite ceasework strike which was to commence Monday following an assurance from the government even as teachers of high and higher secondary education continue their stir Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=21&src=280211

‘Naga Script’ to be introduced by April

A One month basic course on Naga Script will commence from March 1, 2011 at United Builders’ School Auditorium Tamenglong Source Hueiyen News Service Daniel Kamei

A One month basic course on Naga Script will commence from March 1, 2011 at United Builders’ School Auditorium Tamenglong Source Hueiyen News Service Daniel Kamei

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=19&src=280211

Thoubal project will be completed by December, 2011 Chief Minister

Chief Minister, O Ibobi Singh inspecting the progress of construction work of Maphou Dam, component of the Thoubal Multi purpose Project today, said that the project would be completed by December this year Source Hueiyen News Service

Chief Minister, O Ibobi Singh inspecting the progress of construction work of Maphou Dam, component of the Thoubal Multi purpose Project today, said that the project would be completed by December this year Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=17&src=280211

Two traffic cops among 8 hurt in blast

At least eight persons including two traffic policemen were wounded today when suspected UGs set off a hand grenade outside a shop dealing in steel bars at Hatta Golapati Source Hueiyen News Service

At least eight persons including two traffic policemen were wounded today when suspected UGs set off a hand grenade outside a shop dealing in steel bars at Hatta Golapati Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=15&src=280211

Meeting resolves to adopt plebiscite

A public discussion on Manipur India muknaba amasung muknaba asi wakheiba asida miyam saruk yaba was held at Mayang Langjing community hall today Source Hueiyen News Service

A public discussion on Manipur India muknaba amasung muknaba asi wakheiba asida miyam saruk yaba was held at Mayang Langjing community hall today Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=26&src=280211

Department’s drive to give uninterrupted power supply CE

The drive of the state electricity department is to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the people of the state, said N Sarat, Chief Engineer, Power today in the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Manipur Electricity Employees Union MEEU held at Lamy…

The drive of the state electricity department is to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the people of the state, said N Sarat, Chief Engineer, Power today in the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Manipur Electricity Employees Union MEEU held at Lamyanba Shanglen, Palace Compound Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=22&src=280211

Social body asks Awangbou to attend budget session

A social organisation from Tamenglong district has urged a resigned Naga MLA to participate in the forthcoming Manipur assembly budget session Source Hueiyen News Service Newmai News Network

A social organisation from Tamenglong district has urged a resigned Naga MLA to participate in the forthcoming Manipur assembly budget session Source Hueiyen News Service Newmai News Network

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=18&src=280211

AMWJU extends boycott of government till March 7

After a thorough discussion on the action taken by the government with regard to the pending case of AMWJU’s vice president, Editor A Mobi of Sanaleibak in an emergency meeting, the standing committee of the All Manipur Working Journalists’ Union has d…

After a thorough discussion on the action taken by the government with regard to the pending case of AMWJU’s vice president, Editor A Mobi of Sanaleibak in an emergency meeting, the standing committee of the All Manipur Working Journalists’ Union has decided to extend the boycott of government till March 7 Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=20&src=280211

GK Pillai will stoke the amber of tribal unity

Union home secretary GK Pillai will be participating in the 2nd Manipur Tribal Cultural Exchange Program 2011 set to be celebrated from March 4 6, 2011, in Ukhrul district headquarters Source Hueiyen News Service Newmai News Network

Union home secretary GK Pillai will be participating in the 2nd Manipur Tribal Cultural Exchange Program 2011 set to be celebrated from March 4 6, 2011, in Ukhrul district headquarters Source Hueiyen News Service Newmai News Network

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=24&src=280211

Airport expansion Affected residents served eviction orders

Residents of Ningombam Atom and Ningombam were unhappy with the government serving eviction notice before completing the rehabilitation work being taken up at the foothill of Langthabal Phuramakhong Source Hueiyen News Service

Residents of Ningombam Atom and Ningombam were unhappy with the government serving eviction notice before completing the rehabilitation work being taken up at the foothill of Langthabal Phuramakhong Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=16&src=280211

Pack up, US tells Gaddafi Cops join people’s uprising

Muammar Gaddafi’s grip on Libya looked ever more tenuous on Saturday, as his police abandoned parts of the capital Tripoli to a popular revolt that has swept the country and the United States bluntly told him he must go Source The Sangai Express …

Muammar Gaddafi’s grip on Libya looked ever more tenuous on Saturday, as his police abandoned parts of the capital Tripoli to a popular revolt that has swept the country and the United States bluntly told him he must go Source The Sangai Express Agencies

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=14&src=280211

Bus terminus work goes on war footing

Along with engagement of over 300 labourers construction work of the Inter State Bus Terminus, Chingmeirong is on a war footing as a tentative target has been set for completing the complex in april, next year Source The Sangai Express

Along with engagement of over 300 labourers construction work of the Inter State Bus Terminus, Chingmeirong is on a war footing as a tentative target has been set for completing the complex in april, next year Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=7&src=280211

FECTAM calls off agitation

The proposed indefinite ceasework strike planned by teachers of 28 Government colleges of the State has been called off temporarily following an understanding between the Government and the Federation of College Teachers’ Association, Manipur FECTAM …

The proposed indefinite ceasework strike planned by teachers of 28 Government colleges of the State has been called off temporarily following an understanding between the Government and the Federation of College Teachers’ Association, Manipur FECTAM Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=12&src=280211

Pillai set to grace Ukl with peace message

Union home secretary GK Pillai will be participating in the 2nd Manipur Tribal Cultural Exchange Program 2011 set to be celebrated from March 4 6, 2011, in Ukhrul district headquarters Source The Sangai Express Newmai News Network

Union home secretary GK Pillai will be participating in the 2nd Manipur Tribal Cultural Exchange Program 2011 set to be celebrated from March 4 6, 2011, in Ukhrul district headquarters Source The Sangai Express Newmai News Network

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=6&src=280211

Citizens’ Forum of Tamei AC urges N Awangbow

A social organisation from Tamenglong district has urged a resigned Naga MLA to participate in the forthcoming Manipur Assembly budget session Source The Sangai Express Newmai News Network

A social organisation from Tamenglong district has urged a resigned Naga MLA to participate in the forthcoming Manipur Assembly budget session Source The Sangai Express Newmai News Network

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=10&src=280211