Be An Ambassador Of Peace!

By Dr. Thamsing LamkangFew things are as important as friendship: Friendship without frontiers, without resentment, without problems, without hate. How many barriers man has created? The barriers that destroy and… Read more »

By Dr. Thamsing LamkangFew things are as important as friendship: Friendship without frontiers, without resentment, without problems, without hate. How many barriers man has created? The barriers that destroy and kill, that discriminate between people because of their belief, or their origins. One of the most destructive forces or barriers that are created is for the ‘love of money and power’. It is evident today that are the product of SIN, because God says that the result of ‘sin is Hate and Death’!
Some people think that they can conquer anything. They don’t seem to care what they do or how they live. I’ll do as I like is their motto, and it carries them straight to destruction. Many didn’t understand that, ‘you are your own worst enemy when you follow only your will’. Don’t believe you can do as you like and ignore God and the people around you. Some day your own life will bring you to a fatal reality. Always remember that ‘you are your own worst enemy’. You may think I can do as I like and have it all, in the worst sense of the word, ignoring those who advice you to slow down, but one day you’ll be sorry for your own action.
It is hard to find real ‘Peace Makers’ in our land. It is difficult to find people who seek real peace of God and dependence on God. Many leaders proclaim peace everyday but ‘it is usually a biased peace, a peace that is convenient. It is easily spelled without any initiative’.
Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison for the love of his people. Mandela is people’s leader who proclaimed ‘Peace and Forgiveness’ instead of ‘Hate and Revenge’. His reasons ‘Mandela love God, and love others without any conditioned’ (that included 27 years in prison). His people waited 27 years for his release so that they will take ‘revenge’ headed by him.
But on the released day ‘he proclaimed Peace, forgive them and let there be peace in our land’, indeed peace prevails since then. The people were ashamed to speak out for revenge. The man who spent half of his life in jail is willing to forgive, and are we not ashamed to speak for revenge? Nelson Mandela, the man who truly loves God, also proven to love others through his proclamation of Peace.  God teaches us that we should be at peace as much as possible with everyone. Those who seek peace are blessed! Peace is followed by Love. The First Commandment is, ‘to Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, mind and strength. The Second is, to love your neighbors, and also to love your enemies’. Love is an easy word to proclaim but somewhat fails to accept, because they don’t really know God. True love is unconditional, with the true spirit of sacrifice and surrender, provided for others to experience ‘Real and Lasting Peace’!
We need real ‘Peace Makers’ that are very essential in the present political scenario. The first reason is because we love God, and the second reason is to love the people. But it cannot be done in your power, you need God’s power. It is a commandment for every Christians to make peace with everybody; men and women who never accept evil; men and women who prefer to lose their own rights to let God be glorified. There’re men and women who are able to abandon all disputes so that the gospel is not stained with their attitude. Peace Makers truly are the happiest people.
How many divisions have been created even in the Christian churches, because the members did not know how to give in! How many problems for the gospel have been caused by useless traditions! How many problems are caused because of the leaders hungry only for Money and Power to rule the world in their own interest! How many minute details have separated entire families during years of quarrelling! How many ‘because-I-say-so’ arguments have created enmity that has only been resolved by death and divisions, struggles, jealousy, and anger as the favorite weapons of the Devil, to destroy the unity of the peace loving people! Worthy indeed are those who seek peace.
God says that ‘Peace Makers’ will be called His children, but the world will recognize them as bad influenced. God is the greatest example of a Peace Maker because He made peace with all men through His only Son Jesus Christ, while we’re still His enemy. One should never forget that one of God’s characteristics is His kindness: unlimited kindness. We know that by experience. Let every Naga people always remembers that, ‘Peace Makers: Happy People. Peace Makers: Happy Nation!’
Let the peace of God prevails in our land.  Let every Naga people be an “Ambassador of Peace”. For every Ambassador of Peace it is not essential to consider its people, tribe, color, race, religion or denomination and sect. But let all men be the light of peace, not only in every heart and family, but Naga-nationwide. “We must tear down all the barriers, the walls of enmity and envy”. If these walls are not pulled down now, they might become a mountain, which would be a disaster for the younger generation. God placed the people wherever they lived, so that the gospel lights shine to their neighbors!
The people who seeks peace is happy, because he doesn’t let hate live in his heart! “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God” Matt. 5: 9.Dr. Thamsing LamkangPastor & Advisor, Nagaland Sports Coalition

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One election, Many Campaigns strategies; One party, many influence theory

By Gautam Sharma For this upcoming IMC election, we have seen many campaigns undergoing everywhere for various candidates. Regardless of the candidates`™ potential, many of them are positioned-high by their… Read more »

By Gautam Sharma
For this upcoming IMC election, we have seen many campaigns undergoing everywhere for various candidates. Regardless of the candidates`™ potential, many of them are positioned-high by their supporters. But my men! See their profiles; some looks very old enough like the Alzheimer is near to attack. Some just stand-up because they gained little pseudo-kudos from their local elite, and some because their husband strikes some big shot, and brought her in the 5 Star Environment. Other because, without a doubt, just supported by Aam Aadmi. Ask yourself, why and how? Mamata`™s achievement is extraordinary. Is it just because she faced some extraordinary challenges or is it because of braving the sunny and rainy weather of Kolkata`™s streets or is it just because of that 1 lakh car project (Tata`™s Nano) which she able to built credible Public Relation than the Tata`™s PR officials or is it of her Guts that she possess to stand against the corporate head honchos of Biz-tycoon like Tata`™s. Ok! Let`™s leave it aside because West Bengal is not Manipur. But if the Japanese happen to see our people`™s Interest in IMC elections today, they would absolutely become surprise and would say, my gosh, this is HUNKO!`™ (Hunko equals unbelievable in English). Nevertheless, our people can`™t forget, our usual utterance `“ May the best person win. But when the best person won, only some will seal their fate and many others will deal in pain. So let`™s pray – `may this best person not won the election`™.

Some candidate`™s campaigns looks very alike as an Ads Campaign, because of the broadcasting nature in, of, Media. To me, it looks like they are planned, well-coordinated linked broadcast focusing in positioning a brand, an image of the candidate with an agenda from a maha-politician. And also seems like their messages are focus on directing towards a particular segment of population over definite and planned periods of time and space, with an aim to achieve specific objective such as rising pseudo-awareness or to increase share of the franchise market. But, we should not analyze because this isn`™t our absolute business. You know, campaign means `an organize course of actions to achieve a goal`™ and the term is widely used in military as a `series of operation in a definite area with or with one objective or forming the whole or distinct part of the war`™. And let don`™t debate about its origin, it doesn`™t matter where the term comes from, French `Campagn` meaning open country or Latin `Compainia`. Our job is to understand what seems all Greek to us, what seem us about the broadcaster that looks like owned by the party, or that seems like the party have buys the broadcaster.

Some others candidate`™s campaign, follow the old Propaganda theory. That was born during 17th century, when the Catholic Church set up its `College of propaganda`™ to propagate their views or faith. Later, in which Nazi mostly used as an instrument of politics, a power for social control, and mobilization of masses for war efforts before and during WW- II. In which, according to Goebbel, one was forced to distort the facts or even to falsify them to achieve one`™s purpose. This view has struck on and it has come on to mean any Publicity or information which is not necessarily related to reality. This may be the possible reason why, its pure novelty dies away and perhaps acquired a wide negative connotation due to excessive use or association with most manipulative or jingoism. What is more interesting to understand is many of their public speeches create more confusion about many issues and challenges that our people are encountering, making important one seems trifling, insignificant persons/things or issues seems weight, it create scene of divide amongst peoples which I want to termed it as `Election Divide`, which keeps people battling in a fog. Their Bandwagon techniques are really a WOW! They tells big lies that always made us credible, employed words and speech with double meaning, omit important facts and resort to the gross exaggeration to convince many that their views is No.1 and always above others. So, you should accept it. They also use an alibi-technique which is specially designed to scapegoat, to accuse someone for their many planned mistake, to blame for the evils suffered by the people. But now let`™s not blind with their science. If elections are to mean to divide rather than unite people, that what`™s the sense of electing someone?

And the latest trend adapting the environment now is `the theory of Influence`; it has its own various types but its usage and approach to INFLUENCE peoples varies from person to person, and community to community. I didn`™t construct this theory but it`™s widely practiced and became an undying fashion. The first model is somewhat look like the Brainchild of Paul E. Lazarsfeld, Benard Berelson & Hazel Gaudget. Which they came to discovered from a classic study during 1940s Presidential election in the US. Their book `the people`™s choice`™ reveals that the Interpersonal relationship gives more influence and has an enormous impact on voter than direct influence like Public speeches, media etc. So, after internalizing the concept, what we do here is that, the candidate discuss then impressed and influenced the opinion leaders of a community groups or social groups, it may be a leader of local Clubs, organization or local pressure groups. This opinion`™s leaders are none but those people who are little bit ahead from the groups, in term of knowledge, information, economy standard, and modernity etc., and ultimately became a respected member from the groups which the entire members relies him for ideas, information or knowledge, and many decisions of the groups are indirectly led by Him (opinion leader). This Opinion Leaders have many followers of his opinion and the opinion followers are easily influence by their leaders to extend their Franchise-support for the persons, the choice of the opinion leaders ultimately became the choice of the opinion followers. The make a group decision led by the opinion`™s leader then throw a party— Chak `“Cha-nabi, haikhradi loiray! Tea party bu tauradi Soidarey! (If said a luncheon, then it`™s ultimate! If done tea party, it`™s for sure!).

But there are also many who don`™t belong to luncheon or tea party; they are kind of freelance people who can`™t be influence by the opinion leaders but influence silently by the candidate agents through TA plus DA, their usual utterance is `please don`™t make it acknowledge to anyone`™. And the category that doesn`™t belong to the both is the die-hard activist who strongly provide for a winning-supports physically, emotionally, mentally and financially for the candidate. They mobilized starting from their family members to relatives and friends. They are the future agent/dealer for many IMC Schemes if the candidate expectation is met. And, I think, we don`™t need to mention about old phenomenon, that is Self- Supporting theory, Party supporting its owns party candidate. This one is very crucial because it stands like a Mock test for General Election and applied new `trick of the trade`™ to check the feasibility for upcoming big election.

But, there is also another influence theory which can be called as `Self- Influence theory`™. This theory is practiced only by few people who seem to get a little Buddha comparing with others, and who are highly aware of their own Right & Duties. They do self-influence stays free and away from any other influence and make enable them to make right decision and right choice. But this self-influence people`™s choice can`™t steer the direction of the peoples because they aren`™t the majority. So, you know who Steer`™s and what will happen`¦`¦`¦..

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Insurgency on Osama’s death

Insurgency on Osama’s death By Raju Athokpam (raju.athokpam AT It was September 11 2001, popularly known as 9-11, when I came to know a person name Osama Bin Laden…. Read more »

Insurgency on Osama’s death
By Raju Athokpam (raju.athokpam AT

It was September 11 2001, popularly known as 9-11, when I came to know a person name Osama Bin Laden. His name had carried such bad impression that after few years when I heard of a person called Obama, campaigning the US presentational election, I thought Obama must not be a good guy. That was my first instinct and it is not intended to judge or compare the two persons.

As soon as Osama’s death is confirmed, Barack Obama gave a ten minutes inspirational speech and broadcast on internet. He proudly said that he gave the authority to execute Osama. The West are not saint states too. The proclaimed new world order for peace and human dignity is being processed only half-heartily. Their national interest and national security are always on priority. However, there is no wrong in supporting the counter-terrorism measures being conducted.

The definition of terrorism is still a debatable thing, but an obvious attributable fact is, its symbolic target and non-distinction between target and audience. In our own soil, the insurgency groups of Manipur, are gradually embracing terrorism. Theoretically, an insurgent should not display a terror image publicly. The insurgents emerges in the hope of improving a prevailing condition. It should compromise its target for the audience (the common people). In other words, the armed rebellion against the constituted authority should not be conducted at the cost of civilians, notwithstanding the intensity of crisis. In practice, the word ‘audience’ has become obsolete from its dictionary and the ‘target’ becomes more and more symbolic.

Some say, when fundamentalism practices obscurantism, terrorism is born. Luckily, there isn’t much acclaimed fundamentalist but very unluckily there is enough obscurantism. The knowledgeable and the educated insurgents are sitting on the high post, radicalizing the young bloods based on ethnicity difference with the Indian race, narrate about the corruptions and favoritism of government officials etc, all of which could also to be told in a tolerable tone and not racially (read obscurely). They also obscure the very idea that it is merely a business and percentage negotiation of the government funds with the government authority.

Fascism can be remembered in relation to the present scenario. Numerous unrelated and fanatic thoughts are put in to contain the organizations with time. For instance, ‘social equality’ will be put forth and projects a Marxist class-struggle; at the same time, its authoritative and coercive ideology will also be seen in action. Worse, it ignores the difference between ‘private’ and ‘public’ and tries to put everything under its ambit. This is a very totalitarian view and the growing despotism needs a constant check. In a nutshell, prediction is near to impossible and therefore, trust is zero.

The question, whether or not insurgency is necessary in Manipur, has to be taken up elaborately. The article is about the insurgency vis-a-vis terrorism. In relation to the event of Osama’s demise, the head of one of the most dreaded terrorist network, Al Qaeda, may God bless the humankind and give the strength to wave goodbye to terrorism forever.

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BY WANGKHEMCHA CHINGTAMLEN The Paklei Namsa on the foreheads of the peoples of the Meetei Race following the indigenous Sanamahi Religion. The Kangleicha Meetei Race, the descendants of the seven… Read more »


The Paklei Namsa on the foreheads of the peoples of the Meetei Race following the indigenous Sanamahi Religion.

The Kangleicha Meetei Race, the descendants of the seven salais, that is, the descendants of the seven sons of the first Kanglei Monarch, Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa, followed the Sanamahi Religion since time immemorial in Kangleipak. This Paklei Namsa on the forehead (in the centre of the forehead above the line of the eyebrows) is a tradition amongst the Meetei Race Peoples when they prepared themselves for joining in a religious gathering in Kangleipak. The Kangleicha Meetei Race peoples never go to a religious ceremony without ‘Paklei Namsa’ on the foreheads upto this day.

A young Kangleicha Meetei couple with their children before going to a religious ceremony with Paklei Namsa on the forehead

A young Kangleicha Meetei before going to a religious ceremony with Paklei Namsa on the forehead

The tradition of Paklei Namsa started in this way:

The Lainingthou Salailel Sitapa (the space personified as a male person) and Ima Leimalel Sitapi (the earth personified as a female) had two sons, Konsen Tulei Sengpa (also knowns as Sanamahi Lainingthou) and Pakhangpa. The first son was in the status of God and the second son Pakhangpa was in the status of Human Being. When they became of age, Salailel Sitapa, the God Father asked the two sons to go round the Nongkhong (The foundation of the Universe), the one who comes first would be given the throne of mankind.

The first son, Konsen Tulei Sengpa, the Sanamahi Lainingthou started immediately to go round the universe (Nongkhong), the second son, Pakhangpa, a human being did not even know what was a Nongkhong, disappointed in the order of the God Father Salailel Sitapa. He went directly to his mother, Ima Leimalel Sitapi, with tears in his eyes for consultation.

His mother, Ima Leimalel Sitapi consoled her second son Pakhangpa, told him that the Seat of his Father, Salailel Sitapa is the universe Itself and to go round His Seat seven times amounted to going round the Nongkhong, and to bow down to His God Father, Salailel Sitapa touching his forehead the Earth (the ground). Then the second son Pakhangpa went directly to His God Father, Salailel Sitapa sitting on His Seat. He went round the Seat of His God Father, Salailel Sitapa seven times and bowed down before his God Father, Salailel Sitapa touching his forehead the Earth (The ground).

The God Father Salailel Sitapa was so satisfied with the conduct of His second son Pakhangpa and His second son was given the Name of Pakhangpa (Pakhangpa=Pa+Khang+Pa=Pa means Father, the universal Father+khang means Khangpa, further means to know+Pa means Male Person) and Pakhangpa was given the throne of mankind.

The tradition has many proverbs. That only mother knows the Father of the Child, that human father is the universal God Father on the Earth etc. When Pakhangpa bowed down before Salailel Sitapa, the God Father touching his forehead the Earth (the ground), a considerable amount of the Earth (Leipak) was on the forehead of Pakhangpa. This is the beginning of Paklei Namsa tradition of present time. The considerable part of the forehead of Pakhangpa, when bowing down before his God Father, Salailel Sitapa touching the Earth (the ground) was covered by a thin layer of the Earth substance, which we called leipak in Kangleipak. This is our present paklei namsa (Paklei=Pak+lei = Pak means Pakpa, further means widely +Lei means Leipak, further means the Earth substance. Namsa=Nam+sa=Nam means Namba, further means to put by the hand on the forehead +sa means the body, the forehead for this tradition).

The philosophical side of the Paklei Namsa tradition is the extreme gratitude of the Kangleicha Meetei Race towards the common deathless mother of all Living Beings on the Earth, that is, the mother Earth. Your own Mother, human mother, will be no more after caring you for some time. But for the mother Earth, she cares you and other innumerable living beings born on the Earth for all times without telling you and others not a single moment she is exhausted, tired, unable to do her duty of caring you etc. So, the Meetei Race shows extreme gratitude, extreme respect putting her on the forehead as a mark of religion.

You have seen above the origin of the Paklei Namsa tradition of the Meetei Race. Now you see the origin of the Paklei Namsa tradition of the Kanglei Meetei Race from another angle other than the tradition narrated above.

Even today, elderly man and woman, whether he/she is a converted Hindu or follower of indigenous Sanamahi religion, in the early morning at the time of rising from the bed, before treading first on the earth for the day, put his/her middle finger tip of the right hand on the earth (the floor), and then put the middle finger tip on the forehead. You have seen this generally amongst the peoples of the Kanglei Meetei Race, not amongst the peoples of the other races.

This is what exactly how a Paklei Namsa is put on the forehead of the follower as mark of Kanglei Sanamahi Religion.

When a Paklei Namsa is put on the forehead, we do as the following:

In the left hand palm, we put some water and a little lump of the Earth (Leipak). The lump of the Leipak is rubbed on the palm with the water to produce a paste. The paste is put on the forehead by means of the middle finger of the right hand. This is what we do to put the Paklei Namsa on the Forehead.

You please see another manifestation of this extreme gratitude and respect of the Deathless mother Earth, ever-loving and evergreen, unexhausted and unreserved love and care symbol for all Living Beings on the Earth.

When a Kangleicha people of the Meetei Race touched/trampled on the body/body part of another fellow being by his/her foot accidentally, he/she will put his/her right hand middle finger tip on the body of the fellow being, and then put the finger tip on his/her forehead as a sign of extreme respect to the fellow being touched/trampled by his/her foot.

This is another manifestation of Paklei Namsa of the indigenous peoples of Kangleipak towards his/her fellow beings showing extreme cultured traits of a very ancient race on the earth.

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BY WANGKHEMCHA CHINGTAMLEN The Paklei Namsa on the foreheads of the peoples of the Meetei Race following the indigenous Sanamahi Religion. The Kangleicha Meetei Race, the descendants of the seven… Read more »

The Paklei Namsa on the foreheads of the peoples of the Meetei Race following
the indigenous Sanamahi Religion.
The Kangleicha Meetei Race, the descendants of the seven salais, that is, the
descendants of the seven sons of the first Kanglei Monarch, Konchin Tukthapa Ipu
Athoupa Pakhangpa, followed the Sanamahi Religion since time immemorial in
Kangleipak. This Paklei Namsa on the forehead (in the centre of the forehead above
the line of the eyebrows) is a tradition amongst the Meetei Race Peoples when they
prepared themselves for joining in a religious gathering in Kangleipak. The
Kangleicha Meetei Race peoples never go to a religious ceremony without ‘Paklei
Namsa’ on the foreheads upto this day.
The tradition of Paklei Namsa started in this way:
The Lainingthou Salailel Sitapa (the space personified as a male person) and Ima
Leimalel Sitapi (the earth personified as a female) had two sons, Konsen Tulei
Sengpa (also knowns as Sanamahi Lainingthou) and Pakhangpa. The first son was
in the status of God and the second son Pakhangpa was in the status of Human
Being. When they became of age, Salailel Sitapa, the God Father asked the two
sons to go round the Nongkhong (The foundation of the Universe), the one who
comes first would be given the throne of mankind.
The first son, Konsen Tulei Sengpa, the Sanamahi Lainingthou started
immediately to go round the universe (Nongkhong), the second son, Pakhangpa, a
human being did not even know what was a Nongkhong, disappointed in the order of
the God Father Salailel Sitapa. He went directly to his mother, Ima Leimalel Sitapi,
with tears in his eyes for consultation.
His mother, Ima Leimalel Sitapi consoled her second son Pakhangpa, told
him that the Seat of his Father, Salailel Sitapa is the universe Itself and to go round
His Seat seven times amounted to going round the Nongkhong, and to bow down to
His God Father, Salailel Sitapa touching his forehead the Earth (the ground).
Then the second son Pakhangpa went directly to His God Father, Salailel
Sitapa sitting on His Seat. He went round the Seat of His God Father, Salailel Sitapa
seven times and bowed down before his God Father, Salailel Sitapa touching his
forehead the Earth (The ground).
The God Father Salailel Sitapa was so satisfied with the conduct of His
second son Pakhangpa and His second son was given the Name of Pakhangpa
(Pakhangpa=Pa+Khang+Pa=Pa means Father, the universal Father+khang means
Khangpa, further means to know+Pa means Male Person) and Pakhangpa was
given the throne of mankind.
The tradition has many proverbs. That only mother knows the Father of the
Child, that human father is the universal God Father on the Earth etc.
When Pakhangpa bowed down before Salailel Sitapa, the God Father
touching his forehead the Earth (the ground), a considerable amount of the Earth
(Leipak) was on the forehead of Pakhangpa. This is the beginning of Paklei Namsa
tradition of present time. The considerable part of the forehead of Pakhangpa, when
bowing down before his God Father, Salailel Sitapa touching the Earth (the ground)
was covered by a thin layer of the Earth substance, which we called leipak in
Kangleipak. This is our present paklei namsa (Paklei=Pak+lei = Pak means Pakpa,
further means widely +Lei means Leipak, further means the Earth substance.
Namsa=Nam+sa=Nam means Namba, further means to put by the hand on the
forehead +sa means the body, the forehead for this tradition).
The philosophical side of the Paklei Namsa tradition is the extreme gratitude
of the Kangleicha Meetei Race towards the common deathless mother of all Living
Beings on the Earth, that is, the mother Earth. Your own Mother, human mother, will
be no more after caring you for some time. But for the mother Earth, she cares you
and other innumerable living beings born on the Earth for all times without telling you
and others not a single moment she is exhausted, tired, unable to do her duty of
caring you etc. So, the Meetei Race shows extreme gratitude, extreme respect
putting her on the forehead as a mark of religion.
You have seen above the origin of the Paklei Namsa tradition of the Meetei
Race. Now you see the origin of the Paklei Namsa tradition of the Kanglei Meetei
Race from another angle other than the tradition narrated above.
Even today, elderly man and woman, whether he/she is a converted Hindu or
follower of indigenous Sanamahi religion, in the early morning at the time of rising
from the bed, before treading first on the earth for the day, put his/her middle finger
tip of the right hand on the earth (the floor), and then put the middle finger tip on the
forehead. You have seen this generally amongst the peoples of the Kanglei Meetei
Race, not amongst the peoples of the other races.
This is what exactly how a Paklei Namsa is put on the forehead of the follower
as mark of Kanglei Sanamahi Religion.
When a Paklei Namsa is put on the forehead, we do as the following:
In the left hand palm, we put some water and a little lump of the Earth
(Leipak). The lump of the Leipak is rubbed on the palm with the water to produce a
paste. The paste is put on the forehead by means of the middle finger of the right
hand. This is what we do to put the Paklei Namsa on the Forehead.
You please see another manifestation of this extreme gratitude and respect of
the Deathless mother Earth, ever-loving and evergreen, unexhausted and
unreserved love and care symbol for all Living Beings on the Earth.
When a Kangleicha people of the Meetei Race touched/trampled on the
body/body part of another fellow being by his/her foot accidentally, he/she will put
his/her right hand middle finger tip on the body of the fellow being, and then put the
finger tip on his/her forehead as a sign of extreme respect to the fellow being
touched/trampled by his/her foot.
This is another manifestation of Paklei Namsa of the indigenous peoples of
Kangleipak towards his/her fellow beings showing extreme cultured traits of a very
ancient race on the earth.

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Gender Bias In Manipuri Society – A reappraise

By Mrs. Priyadarshni M. GangteThe lofty height of idealism on “Equality” as enshrined in the Preamble to the constitution of India is a manifestation of anti-climax of inequality which has… Read more »

By Mrs. Priyadarshni M. GangteThe lofty height of idealism on “Equality” as enshrined in the Preamble to the constitution of India is a manifestation of anti-climax of inequality which has been in existence in the traditional Indian society. Equality being the cardinal value of the constitution of India as against the background of elaborate values and clearly perceived inequalities to secure justice, social, economic, and political to all its citizens has to be the premise wherefrom the same could be achieved. Despite equality in economic, political, religious, social and cultural institutions, these are by and large controlled by men.
We already know that before the low status accorded to women in traditional Indian society which was relatively reflected in its laws the constitution guarantees “equality before the law and equal protection of laws” and prohibition of discrimination on the ground of sex in their favour. But these provisions by themselves can hardly be expected to usher in the desired social change said Shivaramyya (B. Shivaramayya, “Inequalities And The Law, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow, 1984, p.64). Thus notwithstanding considerable body of legislation enacted to prevent women’s exploitation, and to remove discrimination against them, women suffer disabilities in many spheres, and continue to be victims of exploitation.
Mira (Mira Seth: Women And Development, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, London, N. Delhi, 2001, p.17) was emphatic in saying that it is an interesting reflection on women’s status in the Vedic age that women would remain unmarried and remain Brahma vadini devoted to the pursuit of knowledge and self-realisation or marry young men. Normally women married after brahmacharya (a life of celibacy till the age of 25). Young men and even not so young men could convert their romantic friendships into marriage. Marriage, according to the Rigveda was based on truth and duty. It had a spiritual connotation which meant to strengthen the social aspect, the mind, life-breath and body of the couple. Bible also defines the same in the like manner ((i). Corinthian 7:1-16; (ii) Hebrew 13:4). In society marriage is regarded as a noble institution – it creates its bonding and is a strong social commitment. A woman was to be considered as a symbol of good fortune in the husband’s home.
It is vital for a woman’s health and life that she has access to medical and health care needs for preventive, as well as curative health, so as to be able to play her full part in the development of her family, society and country.In our society, particularly that of Manipur, there has always been recognised the need for special consideration for women in its traditional health sciences. In ancient times it was Maiba or maibi, puithem, rishis or sages who composed the medical treatises. Among one of such treatises is Charak Samhita, believed to have been composed in the 5th century B.C. (Mira Seth: Ibid, p.157). It contains special sections on women’s health and how to treat their medical problems. The Susruta Samhita supposed to have been composed in the 4th century B.C. and the Kashyap Samhita of 2nd and 3rd century BC (Ibid) also contain remedies for the treatment-specific ailments. The Unani system of medicine came to India along with the Muslims after the first millennium (Ibid). These systems of medicine have been available for centuries in most villages of India through hereditary vaidyas and hakims that were generally a family. The social, economic and political status of the Indian women apart from other factors set up is also governed by her past resulting justice for female to remain a dream and a far cry all these years of our democratic even an honest young man striving for a job finds that bribery plays a far more decisive roll than merit in competition for recruitment to public services (Rising Corruption, Low Convictions by U.C. Agrawal – South Asia Politics, edited by Dr. Subash C. Kashyap Vol.I, Issue-4, K-316/4, IInd Floor, Lado Sarai, N. Delhi – 30, August, 2002, p.13).
Generally women constitute the marginalized section in our society. Within them tribal women are more exploited and remain further marginalized notwithstanding the community-based affirmative action provided by the action and the rhetoric of empowerment for women on a more general plane, tribal women constitute to remain at the margins and denied of effective participation in different domains of society. Within the traditional system, they do not have representation or voice in village or clan councils. While the subjugation is rooted in patriarchy it is sanctified by custom and reinforced by the state, says ‘Tiplut Nongbri’ (The Marginalization of Women in Tradition and Policy presented by Tiplut Nongbri, Director, NEISP, JNU, New Delhi, at the National Seminar on Women in Traditional Institution and Worldviews, organized by NEISP, JNU, New Delhi, CMS, MU, Imphal and CSSEIP, MU, Imphal sponsored by ICSSR (NERC), Shillong at Manipur University, Canchipur on March 13-15, 2009). This is reflected in the manner in which issues that affect their interest rarely receive adequate attention to address the problems faced by them in the community (ibid).
The development of a nation cannot only be measured through the technological and materialistic advances but through the quality of life the people live. The growth of a nation lies in its capacity to elevate the lot of the weakest section of its society. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had rightly said :“The status of women indicates the character of country”.Again a famous Chinese saying goes like this :“if you want to plan for a year plant wheat, if you wish to plan for ten years grow trees but if you want to plan for 100 years educate young women”.
Indian Women’s status has seen many ups and downs since the ancient Vedic times to the present day. During the early Vedic period, girls were welcome in a family; they were given education; their age of marriage was after maturation and they could select the male of their own choice for marriage through the tradition of “Swayamvar”. They had independence for taking part in decision making, enjoyed power and participated in social, economic and political, cultural and literacy activities. They had control over finances, agriculture and general activities, (Mira Seth: Ibid, p.17). This Vedic and past Vedic  periods in history, can also be called a golden era (Laxmi Devi (ed) Women And Development Institute For Sustainable Development, Lucknow, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-92; p.172). However, in the later Vedic Brahmanic period status of women started declining slowly, varied by the code, as given by Manu. According to P.N. Tikoo “In Manu Samhita, ideas about womanhood are laid down and morality is assigned in authoritarian codes which bring down to the level of sub-species” (Indian Women : A Brief Socio-cultural Survey (1985), B.R. Publication Corp, Delhi).
However, now, there are several number of international human rights instruments provide protection to women and girls and requires states to take effective measures to prevent and eradicate gender based violence. At the international level :( i) the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;(ii) the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;(iii) the Convention on the Elimination of All Former of Discrimination Against Women; (iv) the Convention on the Rights of the Child;(v) the Convention against Torture and the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
To go in detail, say, for the Committee on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) had already adopted general recommendation no. 10 on different types of violences against women. Therein, the Committee suggested to state parties that, in reviewing their laws and politics, and in reporting under the convention, they should have regard to a number of recommendations related to violences against women. To cite a few of such as by the 172nd report of the Law Commission of India made not only a few recommendations including, substitution of the word “rape” by “sexual assault to make law more comprehensive; making the law gender-neutral by substitution of “woman” with “person”.
The government of India and Manipur have brought-forth many amendments in law to give women an equal right and status – a full ministry of social and women’s welfare has been formed in 1985 and now followed by the inception of the National and State Women Human Rights Commissions, yet women are still facing some of the most heinous crimes committed against them, such as rape, flesh trade, feticide, female infanticide, child abuse wife beating, dowry death, sati, financial exploitation, sexual exploitation of working women and female students. Law is there to prevent all this, yet we find women oppressed, exploited, cheated, uneducated, financially dependent, mentally hoisted, morally run down and physically violated. A country where socio-economic growth cannot take place if half of its population is downtrodden it becomes rather difficult for women to participate effectively and make an indelible mark upon the society, yet they make every effort to better their social condition and contribute in whatever little big or small way in their respective societies.
According to Rahul Rai (Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Athorspress, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-92, 2004; p.41) other concerns include, inter alia the exploitation of woman and girl in prostitution and interstate and cross-border trafficking and their exposure to HIV/AIDs and health risks; the very high maternal and infant mortality rates, the adverse sex ratio and the incidence of sex-selective abortions despite the law banning that practice, the sex selective targeting of family planning only at women, the law participation of qualified women in the administration and the judiciary, including family courts and Lok Adalats or conciliation tribunals the practice of debt bondage and the denial of inheritance right in land. He (Ibid; p.49) has further maintained that gender relations framework is a useful conceptual approach to the structural inequalities that characterize the relationship between men and women in their day-to-day activities and expressions. Rather than dwelling purely on the male/female sexual differences, the gender relations approach here refers to the substantive issues arising from structurally perceived and socially constructed role expectations and differences in diverse social setting.
EDUCATION OF WOMEN :To bring a change in the mindset of masses, certainly, education is the only weapon by which social trend is made to a twist steadily or suddenly. We cannot depend solely on women, male participation is considerably essential, without male’s support, not much can be achieved. Moreover, the specific constraints and restraints that prevent women’s access to education and reduce the possibility of their completing it have to be connected to enable them to those who have been traditionally excluded from contended Bhattacharya (P. Krishnaprasad (ed), Women And Society, Student Struggle, Vol.31, Issue 2 February, 2002, SFI-II, Windsor Place N. Delhi-1; p.5). Also, we need to register the presence of women in our society and also to break feminine stereotypes through texts so as to start from the grass-root levels.
Accessing women to education Black Shield (A.R. Blackshield’s Paper “Secularism and Social Control” in the Indian Law Institute, Delhi’s Seminar, 1989) has also affirmatively asserted that education, for its part must continue to be processed of thoroughgoing objectivity and realism. The idea of wholehearted objective devotion to a job, the need for thoroughness and precision and depth of understanding in basic and advanced skills; an ever-ready willingness to experiment and explore the constant drive to “make good” rather than “make do” but the ability to measure success in terms of quality rather than quantity, whether of handicrafts, agricultural and industrial products, books, or academic degrees, an absolute respect for truth even (when need be) at the cost of courtesy; a fundamental appreciation of the importance of every human individual, and of the seriousness and worthwhileness and intrinsic interest of A “thing-techniques” from handloom weaving to atom-splitting, and of objective factual knowledge generally – all of these must be instilled in the pupils above all the manifest and not stumble example of the teacher. It is an empirical fact that he or she is a human engineer.
Thus, law, religion and education are the best social controls prevalent in any society (Ibid). It is distinctly seen how the educated women in a very conservative society for instance Saudi Arabia have brought a tremendous change especially in the course of women’s lives (Jean P. Sasson : Princess, Doubleday Transworld Publishing Ltd., Berks, U.K., 1992; p.163). As a matter of fact, women, now, in Saudi have held the post of Education Director and portfolio of Education Minister.
Inadequate educational opportunities given to girls due to preference for boys doing better is leading to poorer income-generation opportunities for girls and women. Many women are in the informal small-scale sector where credit facilities are more difficult to procure, while the economic risks are higher, with poor potential for expansion. There are many cultural and social hurdles for girls and women to overcome mainly due to gender biases, with girls and women being under-represented in educational institutions.
DEVELOPMENT :Sustainable development must meet the needs of both female and male gender to ensure visibility and equity of both genders. This is realisable through a development process untried with an ideology that ensures participation, ownership and distribution of resources between women and men. (Rahul Rai : Ibid; p.48).
It is also relevant to observe what Amar was emphatic and very clearly perceived that earlier, sustainability used to be confined only to environmental related issues but today, the term has acquired broader meanings. It has to be practised not only in case of environment but in the case of social, economic and political variables as well (Development Sustained, But What Does That Mean : Amar Yumnam – Imphal Free Press, 6.3.2011).
A sustainable society is one where individuals have the opportunity to grow without discrimination and there is possibility of collective glory. With the rise of democracy the necessity of enlarging the scope for individual advancement is being increasingly appreciated (Ibid).
Indeed, economic status is very important which can be earned due to control over economic access and power, it is examined through the distribution of economic power i.e. whether the female household head is an earner or dependant, their holding of tangible asserts, nature of inheritance of ancestral property and nature of job opportunities in which women are involved as against their male counterpart (P.M. Gangte : Women of North East in Present Context, Maxford Books, Delhi- 2011; p.184). Considering the tribal women, they are primary gatherer of forest resources to meet household needs, they collect vegetables of different varieties from the wild, non-timber forest products and wood for fuel. Depletion of these resources, therefore, has a direct impact on woman likely increasing them workload and drudgery. It also has a direct impact on the overall livelihood of the people who depend on forest resources not only for their own use but also as a crucial source of family income (Ibid, p.234). We know that (90-95)% of vendors in tribal set ups are women. Women look after the management, cultivation, harvesting and processing of the crops, although men sometimes help bring the produce to the local market. It will be interesting to observe as is maintained by Sujata (Sujata D. Hazarika : Democracy And Leadership : The Gendered Voice in Politics, Vol.57, Number 3, Sept-Dec, 2008, Indian Sociological Society, Delhi; p.362) that traditional institutions and customary laws prevalent among women though portrayed an egalitarian socio economic structure, is discriminatory when it comes to women’s rights in traditional governance. Women folk in this society have yet a long way of struggle to go to achieve the desired goal of upliftment and empowerment. Moreover, when we deeply look at the status of Meitei women we feel that though liberated and omnipotent, they still need social security and more human treatments at the hands of male partners (P.M. Gangte : Customary Laws of Meitei And Mizo Societies, Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi-2, 2008; p.337).
Women’s lower rates of literacy, school attendance, access to education and participation in trainings as well as innovative gender stereotype programmes marginalizes them in the public sphere and affects their awareness of their legal rights, such as the equal right to own and inherit land. Women from some advantaged or disadvantaged ethnic groups are also likely to drop out of school earlier because of pregnancy, child-bearing, marriage and domestic responsibilities. Lack of education on reproductive health, health and medical care, drinking water, electricity, food safety sanitation, balanced diet mass awareness and environmental and bio-diversity and its consequences keeps them captured to illiteracy and poverty.
According to Gangte, (Dispensation of Justice and Conceptualization of the Ethics of Equality to the Empowerment of Women –Priyadarshni M. Gangte – The Sangai Express, dt.23.1.2011) in Meitei society, women can be categorized into three groups – (i) educated and employed; (ii) educated and unemployed; and (iii) uneducated i.e. illiterate. The last group comprises the largest number which come out openly fighting against social issue apart from their usual income and activities of earning even bread-earnings.
We know that literacy has been identified as an important factor in women’s emancipation. The impacts of educational expansion as well as constitutional and legal provisions have made a great impact mostly in the urban centres. Presently, a greater number of women are entering high school, university and professional colleges. They believe that an educated woman is an asset to her home and family. Women who are educated and socialized in school and college develop individuation and autonomy in values and ideologies of the total number of educated women an infinitely small percentage are employed. Employment of educated to middle class women of rural areas who belong to the lower economic classes. Lack of work for the male member, drunkenness among them and economic constraints drive the Manipuri women to seek remunerative work outside their homes. On the other hand, educated women seek and secure employment in white collar jobs. A working woman’s role as bread-earner, however, cannot be considered in isolation. Her income gives the family a higher status. The role of the educated earning women is a little different from that of the educated unemployed woman. She has to perform dual duties and face a crisis of adjustment. She has multifaceted commitments. It is, however, accepted that a woman’s earning mean an economic gain. Thus, a woman is a wife, friend, companion and consultant to her husband, not merely a daughter, daughter-in-law, mother, mother-n-law. She takes upon herself the task of educating, instructing and guiding her children. The task and the impact are immense.
GENDER BIAS AND POVERTY :Gender bias in its various forms prevents hundreds of millions of women from obtaining education, health services, child care and legal status needed to escape from poverty. Most of the women’s activity takes place in the non-wage economy for household consumption, producing food crops, gathering firewood and collecting fodder. Although women toil longer, and contribute more to the family income than male family members they are viewed as “unproductive in government statistics, Jodi Jacobson (a researcher at the World watch Institute) asserts that gender bias is also the single most important cause of rapid population growth. Relating to it, Laxmi (Laxmi Devi : Women And Development : Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-2; p.329) has maintained that where women have little access to productive resources and little control over family income, they depend on children for social status and security. Chinglen (Chinglen Maisnam, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Manipur University, Canchipur – Interviewed on 7.3.2011). has firmly believed in the policy of male oriented government of India by uttering :
“Though India follows the high growth trajectories, India’s growth has remained dividend and inequitable. The current model of growth leads to widening gender gap”.
In the transitional phase, the position of woman is slowly changing. If a daughter is educated, the father is more prepared to counsel with her than with his illiterate wife. Education alone will enhance the position of women in India. They have the advantage of an infrastructure of a legal executive machinery working for their equality. Education faster autonomy, individuation and rationality in women. These make them companion for their husbands (Laxmi : Ibid; p.147). Employed women also increased the class mobility of the family. However, a word of caution is necessary. A majority of our women are illiterate. The benefits that are limited to a group of highly educated women society is then in a transitory phase since a majority of rural and urban women are still bound by the shackles of a tradition which gives them a lower status than men. The male psyche is such that they cannot visualize their wives being more educated or earning more money. I am inclined like Laxmi to propagate the idea that unless an attitudinal change occurs, the position of women is bound to be inferior. (Ibid.)
Thus, education is the major factor in enhancing the position of women in any society.And, to cite an instance, of course, during illness fewer women than men seek and receive treatment. There is a gender asymmetry in utilisation of health services. Early and forced marriages, young motherhood continue and malnutrition anemia and higher morbidity persists. As a result young adolescent girls who discontinue their education and vocational training are denied to information about their bodies, thereby constituting a life cycle of deprivation and discrimination resulting in a continuous of health related vulnerabilities for women and young girls (Tingneichong G, Kipgen: Women’s Role in the 20th Century, Manipur, Kalpaz Publication, Delhi-52, 2010, p.157). This ill conceived mechanism must undergo a drastic change.
MEDIA :Media is very important tool in the hand of upper class, upper caste men to propagate class and gender ideology. From films and television to magazines, newspaper, radio, and even internet, the portrayal of women is stereotypical and distorted. Messages about male superiority and female inferiority are repeated and insisted constantly; violence against women is rampant, especially in films. As with other sectors, women are highly under-represented in the media, professionally and biases in reporting, coverage, advertising and messaging are generally very sexist (Kamla Bhasin : What is Patriarchy ? Kali for Women, A-36 Gulmohar Park, N. Delhi-49, 1993; p.11) and one sided.It is empirical fact that print and mass media need to show the presence of women at par with men because masses of even rural areas have some access to the same in raising awareness in all spheres for upliftment among women. Needless to say, media is torch bearer and mirror of any civilized society.
ABDUCTING A WOMAN TO MARRY :As I am a person belonging to weaker section of society, I would like to highlight about the unexposed social deprivation which is one of the social institutions of marriages, i.e. abduction or kidnapping of woman to marry her which is an age old practice which is still prevalent in some parts of the state. It refers to the non-consensual kidnapping, which involves a young man and accomplices taking a girls or woman by deception or force, often kept over night and sometimes raped, to extract consent to marriage. The victim is threatened not only physically but also mentally by the shame of no longer being a virgin or pure woman.As per Touthang’s version (Sholun Touthang, 40 years Chief of Berea Village, Churachandpur District, Manipur, interviewed on 23.10.2010) forms of non-consentual kidnapping will raise ethical concerns among the people such audacious and violent practice of non consentual kidnapping and coercing woman to submit and accept the marriage cannot be a ‘tradition’ of our society. Any act of outraging the modesty of woman is tantamount to violation of human rights and is of course, illegal too. Christianity, Islam and Hinduism do not condone a forced marriage (abducted without valid consent of both people). In other words, freely given consent of both parties is a prerequisite of Christian, Hindu and Muslim marriages. Such marriage should be rejected by societies that uphold human rights and legal marriage on the fact that forced marriage negates freedom of matrimonial consent.It is pertinent to note positively that love is one of the foundations of marriage. (in some religion) “Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses”. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 16(2). Secondly, “A woman’s right to choose a spouse and enter freely into marriage is central to her life and her dignity and equality as a human being” (UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women).
A Holistic Perspective to the Development of Women : Poverty is a consequence, as well as a cause of several factors that limit life. In order to overcome such acute social problem, it is imperative to take up certain strategies that will respond to yield decisive social benefits such as the life cycle, the girls’ education, food, security, safer environment in the home and neighbourhood, vocational training, support services to save time and energy, income and employment opportunity, safe motherhood, breast feeding and proper weaning, immunity against childhood diseases, management of common illness like diarrhea and respiratory infection, growth promotion and early childhood stimulation as educational foundation leading to full and equal participation in socio-economic life (Laxmi : Ibid, p.110). These may not cover women in specifically difficult circumstances such refugees and migrants, prostitutes and victims of atrocities, the mentally and physically handicapped etc. however, for the majority of women, especially the rural poor, including tribals, an integrated and decentralized approach to planning is envisaged. The plan ultimately perceives maintaining as a long-term goal, thus, it is need of the hour to recognize holistic approach.
Voluntary Organization and Others : The scope of functions of the voluntary organisation in uplifting the status of women is very wide. But unfortunately they have not realized the potentialities that they have as pressure groups. The public has also become so dependent on the government for the solution of even those problems which can be tackled by the people themselves. It is high time that the people should realise the development of society mainly depends on the efforts of its people and merely government. (Ibid : p.340).The voluntarily organizations have to make sincere efforts to re-establish themselves as powerful agencies to fight the deep rooted social ills of the society for which they need commuted and dedicated workers. The message has to be taken door to door. The change has to come from within and not without (ibid) which will be more lasting and meaningful.It is firm conviction that unless the voluntary organizations take an active part in the movement of liberation of women, merely governmental agencies cannot achieve the desired results. It is the women themselves who have to liberate themselves from the clutches of the old, orthodox, traditions and customs of the society. This social revolution should be led by the voluntary organisation (Ibid). It is said that education liberates and so education must be exploited to gain wisdom and live a better life – a quality life rather than a deceptive and low graded life style benefit of education and skills which may demean ones life. Women’s role needs to be redefined again and again.
CONCLUSION :We have known from the preceding paragraphs how females have had sufferings due to the compelling situations arising from the social, economic, cultural religious and political conditions or ideologies of the past. Insecurities of all sorts arised for females particularly from that of economic activities are resorted in this prevailing environment. Thus, it is high time to think and materialize ones share’s due to others. If all the fallout continue what will be the future? It is, therefore, civil societies, NGO’s, Intellectual groups, and all the states should take remedial measure to abolish and of course, the Government’s role to introduce certain parameter relating to kidnapping of girls/women so that the youths (boys) should learn to respect girls which will be the only way that people be socially enlightened. Thus a deeply oriented additional policy is the need of the hour especially in Manipur – the Jewel of India.

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Justice for M. Landhoni- fasting lady in the custody!

By  G.S.Oinam Silent but hunting for about one ill-fated mother and her two children! How a private school teacher (strict in attendance and teaching) having two children, one is 6 month… Read more »

By  G.S.Oinam Silent but hunting for about one ill-fated mother and her two children! How a private school teacher (strict in attendance and teaching) having two children, one is 6 month old baby to look after, can be an active member of outlaw organisation as charge sheeted under case No. 01/2010 under section 120(B), 121(A) 122 IPC & section 16, 17, 18, and 20 of UA (P) Act, 1967 as amended in Act 35 of 2008 which implies  imprisonment may extend to 2 years and shall liable to fine  under UA (P) Act. And, how can she do systematic war against India” and trying to bring Maoists and three other outfits of Manipur under one umbrella to “destabilize” the country? What is her qualification and experiences or any other skills? Her love and affection of her husband and ignorance of law being women is human nature, perhaps, like to meet her husband, member of UNLF (outlaw organisation listed under UAPA). Even in the Case of Binayak Sen, sympathizing with nexals does not amount to sedition, says Supreme Court. And he was released on bail. The worry is about the trouble lives of M. Landhoni Devi’s two children. For the god sake, justice must be given to her and her children. Possible options are re-appealing for bail out to trial court / High Court or Supreme Court notification to trial court. But the question is, a woman drawing private school salary about Rs2000/- per month can move the case to higher court? From the government side, state government intervention and law commission revisit laws relating to UAPA. May the home ministry kindly re-examine the case as a special one?
Justification–Landhoni told to The Telegraph (Kolkata base newspaper) correspondent on March 28, “After the police arrested me, I applied for bail. The court had passed an order that if the NIA failed to file a charge sheet against me within 180 days of my judicial custody, I would be granted bail. Since the NIA filed the charge sheet a day after expiry of that period, I should have been released. Not only is the investigating agency detaining me illegally, but it is also delaying my court hearing. My hearing was supposed to take place today. Instead, I was shifted to the hospital.” Landhoni decried the silence of the State Government when she was re-arrested by NIA after she was granted bail for six months by the Court. For any unwanted consequence resulting from the fasting, the Central Government, the State Government and the NIA should be held responsible, Landhoni asserted.
Background: Khwairakpam Jiten alias Khomba ‘Lieutenant’ of UNLF and his wife Khwairakpam (O) Moirangthem Ningol Landhoni Devi were among nine alleged UNLF cadres arrested in Guwahati from one particular place by a combined team of the CRPF and the Assam Police. On the same day 10 other UNLF cadres were also arrested from other parts of Guwahati. The date was August 18, 2010. All 19 arrested were taken into custody by the NIA. Landhoni was arrested on August 18 when she went to meet her husband and on August 20, she was produced before the CJM Court of Cachar. At the time of the arrest, the only possession on Landhoni was a mobile phone, news reports said.
Regardless of an earlier bail granted by the Court, Landhoni Devi has been booked by NIA charging her to be a member of the proscribed outfit. Landhoni decried the silence of the State Government when she was re-arrested by NIA after she was granted bail for six months by the Court. Bail application filed by Landhoni’s counsel was rejected by the NIA Court on March 7 subsequent upon which the detainee resolved to launch the democratic protest inside the jail. She has also been fasting for sometimes in protest against the false charges against her. Decrying the charges leveled against her by the NIA, she started fasting from March 8, a day after she was produced in the special NIA court in Guwahati. Her bail petition was rejected by the court on the same day. Taking the stir seriously, jail authorities are trying to force feed her. But she is remaining firm on her decision to continue with her stir, the report said. In the meantime, family members of Landoni have strongly condemned the jail authority in Guwahati for not allowing meeting her. She was sent back to the Gauhati Central Jail from Gauhati Medical College on March 25 after the doctors declared that her physical condition has started showing signs of improvement.
Counsel of Landhoni, Asim Talukdar while speaking to the media said that, Landhoni who has been moved to the Gauhati Medical College after she launched a fast unto death agitation to protest her confinement is now determined to approach the Guwahati bench High Court to seek redressal for wrongful confinement. The bail which was moved earlier was heard and squashed on March 14 by the NIA Landhoni yet to give up fight, to approach High Court, said the Counsel. With other no other options left, Landhoni has decided to approach the Gauhati High Court said Talukdar. Necessary documents, including certified copies from the NIA court have been obtained, said the counsel.
A memorandum to this effect has also been sent to the Union home minister and the chief minister of Manipur, seeking intervention in the release of Landhoni. The memo termed the arrest of Landhoni from Guwahati on August 18, 2010, as “falsely implicated”. Appeals for her release have been made by rights bodies and civil organisations and various news channels reports about the development, but to no avail.
Various news reportsImphal Free Press published that Landhoni was arrested along with one Kh Jiten alias Khomba from Guwahati on the night of August 18, 2010, when they went to meet her husband and that Landhoni is a house wife not involved with any proscribe organization. The spokesperson further mentioned that separation from her two children for about the past seven months has created a lot of suffering to her children and further mentioned that the hunger strike which Landhoni has proceeded with might be due to this separation from her child. The long separation may even caused permanent disorientation to her eldest daughter who is presently suffering from mental depression.
Landhoni needs help (Hueiyen Lanpao daily paper editorial) – Is Landhoni a hard core ultra who deserves an unbailable detention? Posing this question would lead to splitting hairs on the issue. The moot question is, can this woman be denied access to her children by the NIA? The question needs no answers. This is a sort of situation where the meaning of sympathy, empathy, humanitarianism and human rights impacts everybody’s minds. We have to read between the lines here. She is the mother of two children of whom one is just six months old. She said she is a teacher in a private school and mother of two young children who need her constant attention and has no time to be involved in acts of sedition and that she should be released. The women bodies say she has been deliberately implicated in the case on the basis of a statement of one Amusana Devi who was also intimidated to do so. Under the circumstances the release of Landhoni can be secured only by intervention of the state government.
Sangai Express (editorial) – Landhoni critical– With the condition of Moirangthem Landhoni Devi, who has undertaken a fast unto death strike inside the Gauhati Central Jail since March 8 in protest against detention over alleged trumped up charges by NIA, deteriorating day by day, staff of the hospital in the jail had to put in extra efforts and work as locating her veins had become a tough task. According to information received from inside the jail, Landhoni has completed 25 days of fasting today…. Regardless of an earlier bail granted by the Court, Landhoni Devi has been booked by NIA charging her to be a member of the proscribed outfit.
Manipur Mail-The signatories of the memorandum also staged a sit-in today at Tera Lukhrakpam Leikai in Imphal West in protest against the act of detention. The united women organizations that are at the forefront of the protest are Apunba Manipur Kanba Ima Lup (AMKIL), All Manipur Women’s Social Reformation and Development Samaj (NUPI SAMAJ), Universal Mothers’ Organization (UMO), All Manipur Tammi Chingmi Apunba Nupi Lup (Tammi Chingmi) with support from meira paibis from Tera Lukhrakpam Leikai, Amudon Akham Leikai, Khuraijam Leikai etc
The Telegraph Kolkata –Protest threat –The Apunba Manipur Kanba Ima Lup, a women’s organisation, today threatened to launch a statewide agitation if Moirangthem Landhoni Devi, the wife of a UNLF cadre was not freed unconditionally by the National Investigation Agency. Landhoni was arrested along with some other cadres from Guwahati while she went there to meet her husband Moirangthem Jiten, a UNLF cadre, in August last year. She claimed she was not a militant and pleaded innocent. Landhoni has been fasting for many days after her bail was denied. She is now in Gauhati Medical College and Hospital. “Landhoni committed no crime. She is only wife of a militant and she was arrested while going to meet her husband. If she is not released unconditionally we will launch a mass movement in Manipur,” Ph. Sakhi, the president of the women’s organisation, warned today.
E-paper Telegraph–Woman rebel on fast hospitalized; Guwahati, March 11: A suspected United National Liberation Front (UNLF) cadre, M. Landhoni Devi, was admitted to the Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) today, following her refusal to touch food since the past four days. Laldhoni, who has been alleging that Assam Police and the National Investigation Agency (NIA) have been detaining her illegally in the Guwahati Central Jail, resorted to the hunger strike to reiterate her demand for bail. Since she has been refusing to eat, the police,
The North East Today( Shillong) -The call for the release of Moirangthem Ningol Landhoni who has been ‘falsely implicated’ and lodged in Guwahati Central Jail for over seven months now has grown shriller with united women front drawn from Meira Paibi Lups (women torch bearer association or activists) of Manipur throwing their weight around the issue. The united women voice has given the State and the Central government to respond positive to its demand within 3 days from April 6 failing which the association will explore different forms of agitation .A memorandum to this effect has also been sent to the Union home minister and the chief minister of Manipur, seeking intervention in the release of Landhoni.
Gauhati Medical College and Hospital – Silo breaker: Woman rebel on fast hospitalized. Guwahati, March 11: A suspected United National Liberation Front (UNLF) cadre, M. Landhoni Devi, was admitted to the Gauhati Medical collage and
Morung Express (Nagaland)-She has also been fasting for sometimes in protest against the false charges against her. The Meira Paibi Lup stated that Landhoni is just a school teacher having two children to look after and is not connected to the activities of underground…
Eastern Mirror, Nagaland- the Meira Paibi Lup stated that Landhoni is just a school teacher having two children to look after and is not connected to the activities of underground organization. “She is not even a member of the UNLF and also not connected with any activities of the said organization,” they said.
The signatories of the memorandum also staged a sit-in today at Tera Lukhrakpam Leikai in Imphal West in protest against the act of detention. The united women organizations that are at the forefront of the protest are Apunba Manipur Kanba Ima Lup (AMKIL), All Manipur Women’s Social Reformation and Development Samaj (NUPI SAMAJ), Universal Mothers’ Organization (UMO), All Manipur Tammi Chingmi Apunba Nupi Lup (Tammi Chingmi) with support from meira paibis from Tera Lukhrakpam Leikai, Amudon Akham Leikai, Khuraijam Leikai etc. Ima Ramani, president of Nupi Lup, said in the sideling of the protest that with the detention of Landhoni on false charges, the right of her students to get education has been deprived.
Legal Provision under UAPA: Under Unlawful activities (Prevention) Act, 1967—the ministry of home affairs lists on its website 32 organisations which are banned under UAPA, amended in 2008 to include terrorism-related activities. Prominent among the banned one are Al-Qaida, Maoist and Nexal groups and north east groups. Once an organisation is termed” unlawful”, serious consequences follow, even for mere members under Section 10 in the offences and penalties chapter of UNPAS. This provision says, “Where an association is declared unlawful by a notification issued under Section 3, a person who is and continues to be a member of such association shall be punishable with imprisonment for term which may extend to 2 years and shall also be liable to fine. Under UAPA, the person need not indulge in or incite violence to be treated as a criminal. With the statute clearly providing that it is a crime to become a mere member of a banned organisation, could the Supreme Court have changed the law without even considering the effect?—Times of India reported.
Case of Binayak Sen: sympathizing with nexals does not amount to sedition, says Supreme Court. The order which emphasized that merely being sympathetic to an outlawed organisation does not render one guilty of sedition.” We are concerned at the implementations of the trial court judgment. From the evidence on record, no case of sedition is made out. At the worst, he can be said to be sympathizer that is all”, a bench of Justice H.S. Bedi and C.K. Prasead said before granting bail to Sen, who was taken into custody on December 24 last year. Binayak Sen was arrested for carrying message between Piyush Guha, a businessman and Narayan Sanyal, a Maoist ideologue-remanded to custody-bail deny. Police filed charge sheet against Sen under UAPA–second bail deny and dismissed. Binayak sen’s wife Ilina Sen and two daughters seek asylum (political) outside India because of the political establishment in Chattisgarh is against them. Sen’s counsel and senior advocate Ram Jethmalani said the trial court was guided by the colonial concept of sedition and its judgment violated at least two Supreme Court judgments enunciating what constitution sedition.
After the SC order, Law minister Veerapa Moily said “sedition laws were ‘outdated’ and needed a‘re look’; SC order on Sen had thrown up many issues. I will consult the home minister and after that law commission could be asked to revisit laws relating to sedition. We can have it re looked”.
Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act : Full judgment of the Supreme Court: mere membership of a banned organisation will not make a person a criminal, in which ruling, came has conveyed the judicial abhorrence towards police employing third degree methods (torture) to extract confessions from suspected accused.
ARUP BHUYAN Appellant (s) VERSUS -STATE OF ASSAM Respondent(s) Criminal appeal no(s) 889 of 2007-Mere membership of a banned organisation will not make a person criminal unless he resorts to violence or incites people to violence or creates public disorder by violence or incitement to violence, the Supreme Court held on Thursday.A Bench of Justices Markandey Katju and Gyan Sudha Misra gave this ruling, setting aside a designated court judgment which convicted Arup Bhuyan under Section 3 (5) of the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act of being a member of the United Liberation Front of Asom.
Justice Katju quoted a U.S. Supreme Court judgment which said: “Mere advocacy or teaching the duty, necessity or propriety of violence as a means of accomplishing political or industrial reform, or publishing or circulating or displaying any book or paper containing such advocacy, or justifying the commission of violent acts with intent to exemplify, spread or advocate the propriety of the doctrines of criminal syndicalism, or to voluntarily assemble with a group formed to teach or advocate the doctrines of criminal syndicalism is not per se illegal. It will become illegal only if it incites to imminent lawless action.”
 Arup Bhuyan was convicted under the TADA Act of being a member of the banned ULFA, on the basis of a confession which is admissible evidence under the TADA Act. Allowing the appeal against this judgment of the Designated Court, Assam, in Guwahati, the Bench said the appellant denied that he was a member of the banned outfit. “Even assuming he was a member of the ULFA, it has not been proved that he was an active member and not a mere passive member.” On confessional statements, the Bench said “Torture is such a terrible thing that when a person is under torture he will confess to almost any crime. Even Joan of Arc confessed to be a witch under torture. Hence, where the prosecution case mainly rests on the confessional statement made to the police by the alleged accused, in the absence of corroborative material, the courts must be hesitant before they accept such extra-judicial confessional statements.”
WEAK EVIDENCE:The Bench said: “Confession is a very weak kind of evidence. As is well known, the widespread and rampant practice in the police in India is to use third degree methods for extracting confessions from the alleged accused. Hence, the courts have to be cautious in accepting confessions made to the police by the alleged accused.”
The judges said: “Unfortunately, the police in our country are not trained in scientific investigation (as are the police in western countries), nor are they provided the technical equipment for scientific investigation, hence to obtain a conviction they often rely on the easy short cut of procuring a confession under torture.”
In the instant case, “the prosecution case mainly relies on the alleged confessional statement of the appellant made before the Superintendent of Police. We are of the opinion that it will not be safe to convict the accused on the basis of alleged confessional statement.” Section 3 (5) of TADA could not be read literally; doing so would be violative of Articles 19 (right to freedom) and 21 (right to life and liberty) of the Constitution. The Bench acquitted the appellant of all charges.
Rights of the Public:1. Article 21 of the Constitution provides that no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law. Every person has the right to live with human dignity which include guarantee against torture and assault.2. Article 20(3) of the Indian Constitution gives the individual protection against self incrimination.3. Right to be informed of the grounds of arrest (Section 50, 55 and 75 of the Cr.P.C. & Supreme Court Judgment in Writ Petition (Crl) No. 539 of 1986 D.K. Basu Vs State of West Bengal. 4. Right not to be subjected to unnecessary restraint (Section 49 of Cr.P.C.).5. Right against arbitrary or illegal detention in custody (Section 56, 57 and 76 of Cr.P.C.). 6. Right to be released on bail if arrested (Section 436, 43, 50(2) and 167 of Cr.P.C.)7. Right to obtain receipt when property is seized (Section 100(6) and (7) of the Cr.P.C.).8. Right not to be detained for more than 24 hrs after arrest without judicial scrutiny (Section 57 of Cr.P.C.). 9. Right to medical examination at his behest to disprove the commission of an offence by him or to establish commission of an offence against his body by others (Section 54 of the Cr.P.C.).10. Right to a fair and speedy investigation (Sec. 309 CRPC). 11. Right to legal aid at the expense of the State in certain cases (Sec. 304 of the Code). 12. Any person when arrested has the right to inform his friend/relative of his arrest or detention (Supreme Court Judgment in Writ Petition (Crl) No.539 of 1986 D.K. Basu Vs State of West Bengal). 13. Any person arrested/detained without reasonable grounds has the right to take shelter of the Court U/S 220 IPC. 14. Nothing is an offence which is done in the exercise of the right of private defence (Sec. 96 of IPC). Rights of Women: 1. Every woman has a right to lodge a complaint in the police station, if she is forced to have sexual intercourse against her will (Sec. 376 of IPC). 2. Every woman has a right to take legal action against any person who assaults or tries to outrage her modesty by any deliberate constant gesture or physical force (Sec. 354 of IPC).3. A woman has the right to lodge a complaint if she is being harassed, even teased and passed rude remarks in public places like buses, trains, roads etc. (Sec. 354 of IPC).4. Every woman has a right to take legal action against her husband if she is being tortured both physical and mentally or tortured for not agreeing to the demand of money or valuables (Sec. 498(A) of IPC).5. If the relations of the husband of a woman or her mother-in-law or any other relatives, torture her and demand money, valuable articles from her parents, she can lodge a complaint against them. (Sec. 498 (A) of IPC). 6. If a woman has been kidnapped and either forced against her will to marry any person or to have sexual intercourse, a crime has been committed and she has the right to lodge a complaint. (Sec. 366 of IPC).7. If any person demands or requests for sexual favours, passes sexually coloured remarks, or verbally or non-verbally conducts himself in a sexual manner to the woman at her work place, then she has the right to complain against this harassment to her employer and the complaint would be lodged through as per procedure/guidelines of the Supreme Court. (Supreme Court judgment in Writ Petition No-666-700 of 1992 in Vishaka and others Vs State Of Rajasthan).8. A woman if she is a witness has a right to be examined in her own house in the presence of her close relatives (Sec.160 of Cr.P.C.). 9. A woman should not sign the FIR unless she is satisfied that it is accurate. (National Commission for women). 10. If the officer concerned refuses to register the FIR, a copy of the complaint should be sent to the Superintendent of Police immediately (N.C.W.).11. Every woman has the right to take legal action by approaching the Court if the officer in charge does not take any action on the complaint (N.C.W.).
Rights of child: The UN convention on the Rights of Child which lndia ratified in 1992, lists the following as the Rights of the child. 1. The Right to survival: According to the convention, the “Right to survival includes the right to life, the attainable standard of health, nutrition and an adequate standard of living. It also includes the right to a name and nationality”. These rights seek to ensure that the children have nutritious food, potable drinking water, a secure home and access to health facilities. 2. The Rights to Protection: According to the convention, this right includes freedom from all forms of exploitation, abuse and inhuman or degrading treatment. This includes the right to special protection in situations of emergency and armed conflict. The aim is simple, to protect vulnerable children from those who would take advantage of them and to safeguard their minds and bodies. 3. The Right to development: The right includes the right to be educated, to receive support for development and care during early childhood and to social security. It also includes the right to leisure, to recreation and to cultural activities. This right seeks to ensure that children can study and play with whomever they want, practice their own religion and culture and accept their own uniqueness of other cultures and religion. 4. The Right to participation: According to the convention, the Rights to participation accord the child access to appropriate information and the freedom of thought and expression, conscience and religion. In addition to this, one ought to respect the views of the child. The aim here is to see that the children are able to develop their own set of values and principles and that they have the opportunity to express themselves and their own opinions. Apart from the Rights of Child lay down by the U.N. Conventions following are some of the Rights of child laid down by different Acts & the Indian Constitution: 1. No person below eighteen years of age shall be allowed to work in any mine or part thereof (The Mines (Amendment) Act 1983). 2. No child who has not completed his fourteenth year shall be required or allowed to work in any factory (The factories Act, 1948).
The Juvenile Justice Act, 1986:The Juvenile Justice Act was enacted to provide for the care, protection, treatment, development and rehabilitation of neglected or delinquent juveniles and for the adjudication of certain matters related to and disposition of delinquent juveniles.

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1891 : Putting the record straight `Manipur National Day`

By Heigrujam NabashyamThere are certain incidents in the history of every society and of every nation which the present generation may not want to mention or talk about because those… Read more »

By Heigrujam NabashyamThere are certain incidents in the history of every society and of every nation which the present generation may not want to mention or talk about because those were unsavoury incidents. This is true for every society and for every country. But admitting the past does not belittle the present. And more so, the society which has the courage to admit its past is not dishonorable in any way because admitting the past needs courage and vision. And only few societies have the courage to do so, like the Americans do of the Negro slavery, the German society of the Holocaust of Jews by the Nazis during the war; but it is difficult to say if the Japanese society has admitted their militarism which had caused much injuries and pain to the Koreans, Chinese and some other south- east Asian nations. But man being cunning and basically selfish, it is always the mistakes and the wrongs of the past that are acknowledged; the present wrongs are being left for the posterity.
And a little earlier in this part of the world, the imperial British power had trampled the Manipuris in 1891 and destroyed even its very symbol of the Manipuri nation, the Kangla-Shaa – the Manipur Dragon, which stood in front of the Palace in Kangla, perhaps by using big guns and mortars. Recently after 12 decades, it has been restored by making a replica.
However, the British had very wisely and tactfully erased the blot on them by establishing a new princely state after the destruction, putting all the internal affairs of the state in the hands of the newly appointed king except, education and the affairs of the hills, because probably they had no interest in the affairs of the state as they had enough in their hands in the region. American actions in Iraq resemble what the British did a century ago though the comparison may seem incongruous.To mention a little from records, it was 120 years ago on March 24, 1891 that fighting broke out between the British and the Manipuri forces in the small hours of the day. It all started by the stealthy attack of the British forces to carry out the order of the Viceroy of the British India government to capture Jubraj Tikendrajit Singh, a policy of the British in those time – white men’s burden to civilize the natives –  which eventually turned out into a full blown war. The war ultimately ended when three British columns from three directions  – Burma, Cachhar and Kohima converged on Kangla, – the seat of power of Manipur on April 27, 1891.
The British found their justification for the destruction of Manipur on the ground that five British officers, including the Chief Commissioner of Assam, Mr. Quinton and the British Political Agent to Manipur, Mr. Grimwood were murdered by the Manipuris on the second day of the fight – March 25, 1891. It was a time when relations and diplomacy far outweighed rules or legality ; when relations broke violence was the rule and violence has no rule. Whatever may be the British were always right because they were the world power.
The minds of the British were clearly reflected in one of the unfair and contemptuous memoirs of a British officer, one Mr. Grant, who led the Burma column – “The fact is we left them (Manipuris) no bolte-hole, and they thought, after their treacherous murder of the five Englishmen at Manipur, that we would give them no quarter, and so every man fought till he was killed” – referring to the battle of Khongjom. The Burma column incidentally was the first to enter Kangla from the southern gate on that fateful day – April 27,1891.
The incident of the murder of the five British officers was certainly a blot on the Manipuris, who were fighting against a gigantic power, knowing fully well that the war could not be won. But as the Manipuris loved to say, “A moment’s freedom is a thousand times better than a life of slavery”; that was the spirit of the Manipuris who fought against a mighty power, till they were “killed”. And as history has shown the Manipuris have the courage to admit the past.
However to set the record straight, once and for all, it is to be put on record that, it was the treacherous attack – a plan hatched up by the British Chief Commissioner and the Political Agent, in spite of the relations established between the two since the 1820s, –  on the Manipuris in the wee hours of the previous morning, causing fatal injuries to many that had provoked them beyond controllable feelings as the British had no reason whatsoever to attack them. The British forces had also some casualty including fatal injuries to two officers –  one British and another native Indian.  And it was in that tensed situation, interspersed by intermittent firing between the Manipuri and the British forces, even using big guns that the unfortunate incident happened.
Now two decades and a century had passed since then and the world has landed on a global village. But the irony is, no society is going to lay its history to rest. And as an English essayist said, “History makes a man wise”; men have become wiser. 
It might be a right tribute to our forefathers, who had fought till their last moment for what they had believed, if Manipur solemnly commemorates April 27 as the National Day for soul-searching and reconciliation, and service, in right spirit.

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Pilate ; Truth And Politics

By Rev Simon L RaomaiAs we observe Good Friday, let us remember the precious blood Jesus shed, the pains he went through and the cross he bore for us. Let… Read more »

By Rev Simon L RaomaiAs we observe Good Friday, let us remember the precious blood Jesus shed, the pains he went through and the cross he bore for us. Let us also retrospect on how he suffered and under whom… That little phrase `suffered under Pontius Pilate` has from the beginning been” recited in the creeds of the Church and has possibly been translated into more languages around the world than even the Bible. Although that obscure Roman Governor of Judea stepped into the stage of human history for only four hours, his name is known to more people in the world than most of the people in history. What part did Pilate play in the drama of the cross on that first Good Friday between eight O`clock and twelve noon ? The answer lies in two statements recorded in Matthew`s account : Pilate`s own $64, 000 political question, `What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called Christ ? (Matt. 27:22) and his wife`s urgent message to him as he sat on the judgement seat, `Don`t have anything to do with the innocent man` (Matt. 27:9). Pilate tried to follow his wife`s advice about Jesus, but he, like every man who has attempted it since, found this course of neutrality difficult because Pilate was bribed. He also wanted to retain his political reputation and loved his political power more than Jesus Christ. Jesus suffered, in the first place, from the very beginning. Pilate was not a high-born Roman. He was of the middle rank that we call theequestrain order. He had served in the army in Germany, and during a prolonged stay in Rome, he captured the affection of a Roman girl of very high connections. She was Claudia Procula, the illegitimate daughter of Claudia, who was the third wife of Emperor Tiberius. This connection with the man at the top served Pilate`s interest in an unexpected degree, for in A. D.26, on the recommendation of Sejanus, the right-hand man of Emperor Tiberius, he was appointed the procurator of Judea. Luke 3:1 tells us that Pilate was the governor of Judea when John the Baptist began his ministry, thus he would have been the Governor of Judaea for about four years when Jesus was brought to him. In taking up his post, he was allowed the very unusual privilege of taking his wife with him to Judaea. So Pilate`s appointment was what we call a nepotistic appointment. He had connections with the right family.
Procurator was not normally a top appointment, but in Judaea it carried more responsiblity than in other places. He was responsible for law and order, administration of justice and collection of taxes as a home minister does today. Like many men appointed in this nepotistic way of family favouritism, he was not quite up to the job. He was somewhat coarse, tactless, and very obstinate. To him, it seemed, authority meant the power to enforce his will rather than the excercise of responsibility and consideration for others. He was the embodiment of that personal aggresiveness which men and women thrust into positions of authority that exceeded their powers, so often use to attain their ends. Let me illustrate.  When he arrived at Jerusalem, he brought in the Roman norms which were abhorred by the Jews because the Jews were oppressed by the Romans.
During that time, there was scarcity of water in Jerusalem. Pilate constructed an aqueduct as the Government of Manipur constructs dams to bring water into the city with the thought – `since I am doing this for the benifit of these people, I`ll use some of their money.` Therefore, he took some of the temple tax to pay for the aqueduct. He thought this item of development was in their interest. The people rebelled and rioted. He sent his soldiers in plain clothes with clubs and daggers, and at a signal, they turned on the mob, clubbed them and stabbed them to death. Many were killed in the stampede.Luke 13:1 mentions that some Galilean had their blood mingled with their sacrifices at pilate`s instigation. We don`t have any details about this incident but it is consistent with the character of pilate. Pilate was a man devoted to holding on to a job that he never would have obtained, but for his connection with the right family, a job in which he bungled one after another. His past was untidy in the extreme but he seems not to have recognised it, neither attempted to improve or rectify it. He blundered on, probably feeling that he had done no wrong and that, in each case others were to blame.
He did not know it, and you may not know it either, but that self justification, `blaming – others attitude` brings to a person a moral paralysis that incapacitates him. How about our past ? A tidy past comes from ruthless self-criticism, a readiness to see and admit our mistakes to ourselves and others, and a consequent building up of wisdom and experience and aptitude. There are still people who do the worng things with Jesus Christ because they are unwilling to face up to the realities of their origin and their past behaviour. Pilate needs to be for them, a warning.
By consrast, we see Jesus there that day in front of pilate. He had the nature of God, but did not think that by force he should try to become equal with God. Of his own free will, he gave up all that he had and took the nature of a servant. He became like man and appeared in human likeness. He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death – his death on the cross (Phil 2:6-8). There you have the two men : Pilate with the rank to which he never should have risen and Jesus with the rank to which he should never have descended. That`s the picture of Good Friday!
As well as a past he would rather forget, Pilate had a present problem. Two nights before the passover feast, it appears that Caiaphas got in touch with Pilate about the comtemplated arrest and trial of Jesus. With Pilate`s position as shaky as it was , it wasn`t difficult for Caiaphas to get to agree that next morning, he would merely rubber-stamp and approve what the Jewish court had decided during the night and sanction the death penalty. Apparently, his wife knew something about this because she dreamed about Jesus that night. He was up at dawn to attend to the matter, but when she woke up, her dream troubled her and she sent him this urgent message, `Don`t have anything to do with that innocent man.` (Matt. 27:19). What was pilate to do ? If he didn`t please the Jews, they would riot, report to Rome and perhaps he would lose his job. If he didn`t please his wife, she was the Emperor`s relative, and if she reported, he could be out of a job. That was Pilate`s dilemma, the unexpected and unwelcome problem that built up the presure under which he had to do his job on that Black Friday. Note that, both the pressures were of his own making. He had antagonised the Jews. He was given the job because of his wife`s connection. Now the birds were coming home to roost! His sin was finding him out because of the clash of these two conflicting choices. Life does this, and when it does, God is, in fact offering us mercy or judgement in the language we best understand, the language of the priorities to which we have committed ourselves.
By contrast we Jesus, single-minded, straight forward, teaching the truth without regard for man. He knew no sin. He committed no sin. In him was no sin. His selfless concern that day was not for himself at all but for others; for the women he passed going up the hill to calvary, who he told not to weep; for the soldiers who pierced his hands and feet with the hammer and the nails, about whom he said, `Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing` (Luke 23:34); for the thief to whom he said, `Today, you will be with me in paradise, (Luke 23:43). Even during the trial Jesus was concerned for others, while Pilate was thinking only of his own interests – should he please his wife ? Should he please the Jews? In contrast was Jesus, who pleased not himself but others.
Pilate set out to follow his wife`s advice and he tried very hard. He wasn`t going to be an automatic rubber stamp. The Jews were astounded, when quite unexpectedly, instead of pilate just saying, `All right, I confirm the death penalty, he said, `What accusation do you bring?` They expected him to be a rubber stamp. Therefore, the Jews asked him – why ? We wouldn`t have brought him to you if he had not been guilty!` But Pilate said, `All right, take him and judge him by your own law.` They took him but came back and said, `He teaches the people in Galilee that he would be resurrected from the death.` At the word `Galilee`, pilate said, `Is he a Galilean? Send him to Herod.` Herod was an arrogant man and dealt with Jesus in an arrogant way. Herod sent him back with the message, `I don`t find any fault in the man.` Pilate was still trying to do what his wife had urged him and was ready to release him. It was the custom at the passover feast to release a prisoner whom the people requested. A man called Barabas was in prison with the insurrectionists who had committed murder in the uprising. Pilate said, `Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?` The Jews replied, `No, give us Barabbas.` As a result his effort was once again foiled. Read John`s gospel. It does read like a tragic pantomime, complete with stage directions – `Pilate came out to them` (John 18:29), `Pilate then went back inside` (18:33),; `he went out again to the Jews` (18:38), `Once more pilate came out` (19:4); `he went back inside` (19:9), `he brought Jesus out` (19:13)
All these movements occured in the narratives as John told it and John was an eye witness – but to what purpose ? Why all this going in and going out when he ended up by delivering Jesus to be crucified ? He was still trying to have nothing to do with Jesus as his wife advised. He tried hard, but he couldn`t control events this time. Pilate found no fault in Jesus and maintained that he had done nothing worthy of death. That was the truth. But the politics were different ; he could have lost his job. And politics won. Pilate miserably failed to speak out the truth and do justice. He also compromised the truth with unfair politics. He took it for granted that he was not responsible for shedding innocent blood. So, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd and said, `I am innocent of this man`s blood. It is your responsibility !` (Matt. 27:24).
Could it be that we know the truth? We see what is just and right and fair, but dare not say or act rightly because we are threatened ? We understand Pilate panicked because the events were beyond his control. Pilate, however is a lesson to us to prove that if we imitate Pilate and put Jesus on the cross, we will suffer everlasting shame and loss like him. We cannot blame Pilate alone. There are many pastors and politicians who love their posts more than the people they are supposed to serve. By contrast, we see Jesus, dishevelled but dignified. When he was reviled, he did not revile back; when persecuted, he did not threaten. He never said a word, but remained calm, yet bearing in his body our sins on the cross; naked with nothing but wounds to cover him, yet in perfect serenity, he died for you and me!

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Is your Child at Risk for Autism??

Autism is a condition that effects a person`s communication and socialization skills including a behavior of restrictive, stereotyped and repetitive patterns of behaviour. The onset of Autism generally is before… Read more »

Autism is a condition that effects a person`s communication and socialization skills including a behavior of restrictive, stereotyped and repetitive patterns of behaviour. The onset of Autism generally is before age 3 and impairments persists throughout the lifespan. In 1911, Eugen Bluer,a Swiss psychiatrist, coins the term-Autism from the Greekword, autos(self) and in 1943, Leo Kanner, a child psychiatrist ,describe the characteristics of a childhood disorder he calls early infantile Autism.
When the child does not orient to name when called, some parents take this for a sign of hearing loss and subsequently have hearing checked. It has been seen that some families even changed the name of their son/daughter thinking that the kid got confused of his/her name. Many alert parents do say that the child in fact possed superior hearing as s/he would be the first one to be alert to father`s car horn, or scooter sound and that response to music and television sound was very good. Or when the child is unable to request desired item using index finger pointing and instead pull the hand or clothing of an adult there by leading towards the desired object. Index finger pointing is a gesture that serves three purposes; to label (what is it?) to request (I want that), to show a sight of interest (Did you see what I saw?).The third type of pointing gesture may not be mastered by many children with autism as they do not have an idea of joint attention and reference. Lack of joint attention like showing an object to the primary caregiver just to share the interest or pointing to a sight and making sure the caregiver has seen it. Triadic communication will not develop i.e., the ability to use eye gaze, gestures and vocalization effectively to communicate wants to the primary caregiver. This capability will be developed with children who are delayed in speech but do not have autism. This is one of the singular feature that can rule out autism among children with language delay. Usually it is very difficult to side track or divert attention like unusually long attention span while playing with a favourite `special interest` toy. This by itself is not bad but the side effect is that the child does not get to interact with others. Major tantrums for minor problems, no sense of showing affection to younger babies or stuffed (cuddly) toys, inability to form and develop appropriate relationship with age peers and inability to play with age peers are some features of autism. Some common queries from parents?
Is there any cure? Are there any medicines that can be tried?
Autism is not a disease, but it is a condition, therefore drug therapy has limited results. Autism does not show up in MRI scan, EEG`s or blood report. In this sense it will be appropriate to say autism cannot be treated. However some associated conditions like hyperactivity, seizures can be controlled by drugs.
Is my child retarded? Intelligence is a difficult concept to define, usually abilities of a person are measured by series of tests, the result is compared with that of the normal population. Intelligence stays stable (give or take 15 points) over time. Children with autism are very difficult to test, however professionals having extensive experience in testing can and do assess Intelligence of children with autism. Unlike children with mental retardation, children with autism exhibits islets of abilities in some field( drawing, math, music, computers, puzzles etc.),which is difficult to explain whereas the child may be very poor in other areas. So they may get low scores on tests relying on verbal intelligence, and assessing social adaptive behavior.
Will my child speak? Early diagnosis and intervention will to a great extend determine whether a child with autism will learn to speak or not. It has been reported that 75% of recovery has been due to early intervention. The other most crucial factor is the involvement of parents and the third but not the least is timely remediation.
 My child is not speaking, should I use sign language or other system of communication?
Definitely! Its of the opinion not to exclude one system of communication to other. Use a mixture of sign, pictures and speech. The emphasis should be on communication and not on the mode of speech. The emphasis should be on communication and not on the mode of speech. A good communication-system should have elements of all methods.
What are some of the therapies required by my child?
Speech language therapy will ensure that the child gets one to one stimulation, however the skills learned have to be generalized. Even those children who are very fluent will benefit from training in pragmatics and learning conversational skills. Children with autism experiences severe perceptual problems. Occupational therapy will help in coping with sensory dysfunction (extreme sensitivity in oral motor area, hearing, problems with balance and posture etc).Music is a strong area of interest for children with autism, so music therapy can be given. Also Yoga can be given.
When my child grows up will he/she outgrow autism?
Not likely. It does not mean that progress will not be made. Even verbal children with autism need assistance to cope with the demands of life.
Should I try homoepathy? Alternative medicines are gaining ground as modes of treatment with autism. These treatments are symptomatic, that is they help in dealing with hyperactivity or any related problems. However the core deficits is that of aloofness and lack of social skills will not be alleviated by any medicine. Is Autism contagious? Will my other child who does not have autism develop later?
No. Autism is not contagious. Your other child or whosoever who interacts with the child wont develop autism.
Its never too late to start working on the child, though early intervention is the best prognosis. The good news is whatever stage of development you find your child now,s/he will improve and the skills learned will not be forgotten. Hence the time to start is NOW. So dear parent, please don`t waste your precious time in self pitying and ruminating over “If Only”. This attitude is self-defeating, so I would like to request the parent to look forward and be more positive in their thinking.The writer is a cousin & niece of persons with Intellectual Disability and had pursued MSW & M.Ed Special Education from NIMH, presently working in SSA, SMA Manipur.

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