Sit-in bats for reopening of catholic schools

IMPHAL, April 19: Urging the concerned organization to lift the ban imposed on the catholic schools run by the Catholic Society at the earliest in the larger interest of the

IMPHAL, April 19: Urging the concerned organization to lift the ban imposed on the catholic schools run by the Catholic Society at the earliest in the larger interest of the students, parents of students of Sacred Heart School, Yairipok staged a sit-in-protest at Yairipok Bazar, Thoubal district today.

Several placards which read such as `Solve the impasse in the catholic schools`™, `Let students to study peacefully`™, `Do not hamper studies of students`™, `Do not use students as scapegoat`™ etc were displayed at the protest demonstration.

Speaking to newspersons, Laishram Haripriya, one of the guardians said that many students studying in the catholic schools are from poor families but they also want to excel in their studies regardless of the condition of their families.

She further said that parents cannot remain as a silent spectator to the closure of the catholic schools as students should not be deprived of education at any cost.

Expressing discontentment to the government for not coming up with a solution to the impasse, she said that unwanted incident may arise if the schools are not reopened at the earliest.

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Arrested man was with friends elsewhere and not at crime site: mother

IMPHAL, April 19: There is now a twist in the RK Diamond murder case, in which the suspect Thangjam Barun is under Police Custody for further interrogation. His mother Th

IMPHAL, April 19: There is now a twist in the RK Diamond murder case, in which the suspect Thangjam Barun is under Police Custody for further interrogation.

His mother Th Neelima in a press meet today held at Manipur Press Club said that her son was produced before the court yesterday, was earlier thrashed by a mob formed in another murder case. She continued that the mob was known to be related with the murder case of Albert from Langol.

Neelima said that her son`™s story has been flashed all over media and now it has become a question of dignity for her son even if he is found not guilty. She expressed the charge against her son is prejudicial and this will be revealed soon after a corrigendum from those who made the initial charges. She urged all concerned to have a corrigendum at the earliest to vindicate her son`™s innocence.

The press meet was conducted by Th Barun`™s family, Tebi Leima Nupi Lup, Tebi Leima Mayai Leikai Nupi Lup, Lebi Leimai Lai Committee and Kongba Students`™ Club.

General secretary Kongba Students`™ Club Takhellambam James expressed that Th Barun who was held for interrogation regarding the death of RK Diamond is innocent and physical assault by the unknown mob is regrettable.

He said he is unfairly charged with RK Diamond`™s death. He asserted the fateful incident was not related with Barun.

He said Barun was with four other friends to take part in a `Thabal Chongba`™ and therefore could not have been with the murdered man RK Diamond at the time of the murder.

He said that Barun was with his other friends at the Thabal Chongba and returned home late by 11:30 pm.

He said the physical assault by an unrelated mob was regrettable and urged clarification from their side. He lamented the incompetence of state police force to let it happen as Barun was under police custody when the assault happened. He further appealed not to let such incident recur in future.

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Rice, textbooks for students found misappropriated by school authority

IMPHAL, April 19: Textbooks and several quantity of rice meant for students given by Education Department, Government of Manipur under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyan (RMSA)

IMPHAL, April 19: Textbooks and several quantity of rice meant for students given by Education Department, Government of Manipur under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyan (RMSA) have been found misappropriated by school authority.

Levelling the allegation during a press meet at Khabeisoi Primary School near 7th MR, Imphal East today, Syed Nawaj Khan, president of All Manipur Minorities Students`™ Union (AMMSU) said that as announced earlier, the union has been inspecting schools in the state to bring quality education which is necessary.

He claimed that 12 bags of rice to be used for mid day meal and textbooks in Khurai Sajor Leikai High School were found ceased to use during an inspection visit to the school by the union.

“The rice bags and textbooks have been seized by the union`™`™, he said.

Alleging that a sum of Rs 6 lakh meant for mid day meal to be used during 2010-15 in the school had been also found swindled, the president of AMMSU contended that headmistress of the school was found filled up by a teacher without getting approval from the concerned ZEO.

“Surprisingly, mid day meal in the school is being prepared by a peon even though there is a reserved cook to look after it. One of the school teachers was also found working as a clerk instead of teaching the students,`™`™ he said.

Saying that the school authority was already asked by the union to produce the entire amount of money that had been siphoned off today but failed to do so, he made it clear that the school authority should produce the misappropriated money before April 25.

He further announced that the money will be handed over to the Education Minister.

Taking serious note of the wrongdoings committed in the school, the president of AMMSU urged the government to take up strict action against the corrupt teachers and authority of Khurai Sajor Leikai High School at the earliest.

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JD (U) extends financial assistance to family of deceased old age pensioner

IMPHAL, April 19: The Janata Dal-United (JD-U) Manipur, president has today extended financial assistance to the deceased old age pensioner who recently died while waiting for her turn to collect

IMPHAL, April 19: The Janata Dal-United (JD-U) Manipur, president has today extended financial assistance to the deceased old age pensioner who recently died while waiting for her turn to collect old age pension at first Manipur Rifles parade ground.

Moirangthem Tombi, president JD(U) and Len Gangte, general secretary personally visited the residence of the victim, the late Irengbam Purnimashi Devi, situated at Khagempall Panthak Ningom Leikai Imphal West and hand over the financial assistance.

Speaking to media person on the sideline during the visit, M Tombi termed the incident very unfortunate that an elderly woman had to meet such a fate just to collect a paltry amount of Rs. 4800 of her share of pension.

He held that the present government must take full responsibility of the tragic incident adding that they urged the government to take pre-cautionary measures to avert similar incidents in the future.

Meanwhile, extending his warm welcome to BJP national president Amit Shah, who is on his maiden visit to Manipur, Tombi said that the people of Manipur expected more from Amit Shah.

He regretted that the BJP failed to give any concrete assurance of the promises made by BJP in the run up to the recently concluded last LS Poll like repealing of the AFSPA and to safeguard the boundary and integrity Manipur.

Amit Shah`™s speech did not reflect any of the promises made by the BJP instead it focussed on campaigning for ADC election due to be held on June 1. However, the JD (U) does appreciate and welcome the schedule made by BJP to send its Union Ministers to the North East states, he said.

Amit Shah`™s appeal made to the people to give corruption free governance in Hills district if BJP candidates win the ADC is another political gimmick like it did during the LS poll, claimed the JD(U) president.

Tombi urged the people to cast its vote for JD (U) candidate if the people want change and free from centre`™s false promises.

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MLA Kikhonbou Newmai inaugurates five schools at Tamei sub-division

IMPHAL, April 19: MLA, Z Kikhonbou Newmai has inaugurated five schools at Tamei sub-division which were constructed under Surva Siksha Abiyan (SSA) in accordance to the initiation taken up by

IMPHAL, April 19: MLA, Z Kikhonbou Newmai has inaugurated five schools at Tamei sub-division which were constructed under Surva Siksha Abiyan (SSA) in accordance to the initiation taken up by state government towards the development of education sector.

The inauguration function was held during a tour programme conducted from April 16 to 18. The MLA was accompanied by Executive member of ADC-TML and member (ADC-TML) Hatling Doungel. The inaugurated five schools which were constructed under SSA are Langnom Village Primary School, Pangmol Village Primary School, Thingtungbung Primary School, Kolbung Primary School and Ngalunphei Primary School.

In connection with the inaugural function, a public meeting was held at Kaimai, Oinamlong, Phaiton area. As chief guest of the function MLA of Tamei, Z Kikhonbou Newmai said that the Tamei AC which is under Tamenglong District was in a deplorable condition earlier, but with the taking up of various developmental works, the area has developed to some extent.

The developmental works were taken up as per the initiative of Chief Minister Okram Ibobi, he expressed.

Many schools, hospital, bridges have been constructed in the sub-division for the welfare of the public. As compared to earlier days, the lifestyle of the people residing in the area has changed which is a good sign, he added.

Z Kikhonbou Newmai who is also the Vice-Chairman of Hill Area Committee appealed to the people to not give obstruction to any developmental work taken up by the government in the area.

Cooperation and support of people are much required for speedy development. Dreams of uplifting the area similar to the urban areas will not be accomplished without the support of the people. If people are not satisfied with the works taken up, then information or complaint should be given to the concerned authorities to look into the matter, instead of banning the works, the MLA said.

He continued that the government is for the people and without the support of people government cannot survive. In-order to bring more development in hill area, people should cast their votes in the ensuing ADC election to the Congress representatives, he said.

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Karmic Justice

What goes around comes around. This must be the received wisdom of practically every society, for the saying is prevalent with some variations in practically all of them. In Hinduism

What goes around comes around. This must be the received wisdom of practically every society, for the saying is prevalent with some variations in practically all of them. In Hinduism and Buddhism, and indeed most other eastern religions, this is a most pronounced belief. Everybody`™s life is a consequence of his deeds of the past, or Karma as this cause and effect phenomenon of life is described in one word in these two religions. Karma ensures nobody escapes the consequences of his deeds, good or bad. The same belief is there in other belief systems too, even the most agnostic. Therefore, there is an undeclared faith everywhere that `as you sow, so shall you reap`™. Come to think of it, this is not just about religion or any faith in a divine order. The entire edifice on which scientific enquiry rests is built around this axiom. Newton`™s third law of inertia says very much the same thing: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. If this law was not true, Robert H. Goddard`™s theory of rocket propulsion would have been redundant, as American newspapers mockingly reported his achievement in 1926. No space travel would have been possible, and that would have been boring. Imagine no `Star Wars`™ or `Star Trek`™. But on the other hand, there would also have been no ballistic missiles or indeed the explosive energy that drives bullets either. This would have been an interesting situation, for then even the dreaded Armed Forces Special Powers Act, AFSPA, would have been toothless, and equally, the chattering classes who bare their fangs and let out terrifying roars every time the word AFSPA is mentioned, would have left with only mews and purrs.
In politics too this principle is proving equally applicable, as the state BJP president, Thounaojam Chaoba Singh is finding out the hard way. From all indications, his past is now catching up with him. The news report of a press conference by ex-minister and Communist Party of India MLA, Ningthoujam Mangi, which appeared in many newspapers yesterday, ostensibly timed to coincide with the arrival of the BJP national president Amit Shah in the state, demonstrated this. The report said the High Court of Manipur has on the previous day disapproved the bid to transfer land to a bogus housing society Kombirei Housing Co-operative Society Limited in 1996, when Chaoba was the revenue minister. The report said Mangi himself had at the time taken the lead role in opposing the land transfer move, and that he discovered most of the beneficiaries of the land transfer were close relatives of Chaoba. While Chaoba was in power, nobody could do much, but two decades later, the issue has returned to haunt the man and his ambition. It remains to be seen what Chaoba does to defend and save himself from a fall from grace, or more pertinently, what the BJP central leadership does on the matter, for a lot of the stake of the BJP in the state will now depends on the nature of these actions. The question is, would Chaoba be purged or else would he be allowed to continue to lead the BJP`™s battle in the upcoming ADC election and the Assembly election in 2017?

While it is entirely up to the BJP to decide on what course of action it takes on the matter, what comes across as amazing is the brazen manner in which Chaoba was hurling corruption charges on his opponents, in this case, the leaders of the ruling Congress. Didn`™t he believe in the wisdom that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones, for one return stone can shatter his own house too? The charges he has been making all the while were probably all true for it is almost a thumb rule today in Manipur that all those who have had a taste of power have invariably been made corrupt. Politics and corruption have today become almost synonymous. As somebody who has been on the other side of the power divide, would it not have been prudent for him to have been a little more restrained in his allegations? But this is a free country and everybody is free to make his own decisions. We as laymen however can only await justice, karmic or legal or electoral. Yes, we also eagerly await the day politics in the land is dissociated from corruption, and instead comes to be identified with statesmanship.

Leader Writer: Pradip Phanjoubam

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Red alert sounded as Bird Flu outbreak confirmed in Manipur; poultry to be culled

IMPHAL, April 19: Months after the confirmation of the outbreak of Rabies and Swine Flu in the state claiming lives of people, the Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Department has today

IMPHAL, April 19: Months after the confirmation of the outbreak of Rabies and Swine Flu in the state claiming lives of people, the Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Department has today sounded the red alert on the highly pathogenic Avian Influenza, Bird Flu, outbreak in Manipur.

The alert was sounded following a positive confirmatory report of Avian Influenza (HPAI H5N1) in the poultry unit of ICAR, Lamphelpat, Imphal from the National Institute of High security Animal Diseases, Bhopal, and in accordance with the provisions under Par.14 of the action plan of Animal Husbandry for preparedness, control and containment of Avian Influenza, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Government of India.

The sample was reportedly sent on April 16 last and the confirmation was received by the ICAR yesterday.

Following the confirmation, all areas within a radius of 1km and 10 km from the epicentre, ICAR Lamphel, are declared infected zone and surveillance zone.

Subsequently, the Chief Secretary of Manipur has issued notification as a follow up action of the confirmation.

It said that all poultry birds within the infected zone shall be culled and buried with all formalities as per the Action Plan. Compensation for the culled birds will be paid at a rate to be fixed in consultation with the Government of India.

All movements/transportation and sale of poultry birds/products including eggs within the surveillance zone is banned with immediate effect.

The District Magistrate, Imphal West, has been instructed to initiate all contingency procedures immediately for control and containment for control and containment of the disease with technical assistance of the Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Department and in consultation with the Director (Vety./AH) as per the action plan.

It is further learnt that the District Magistrate is advised to invoke the provisions of sections 143 and 144 CRPC or other relevant provisions of law for executing the contingency procedures and enforcement.

The Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Department will deploy Rapid Response Team (RRT) of Imphal West district immediately that will assist the DM, Imphal West in carrying out the contingency procedures including culling of poultry birds within the infected zone ad conduct of surveillance within the surveillance zone.

It said that the Joint director, District Vety. Office, Imphal West, shall supervise all technical operation including culling and surveillance by the RRT and a control room has been set up at the directorate of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Department, Sanjenthong, Imphal, which will remain open 24×7 for monitoring the disease till it is fully controlled.

Any individual/farmer/NGO etc is asked to contact the control room for any information or clarification at 0385-2450224, 9436890396, 9089264484, it said.

Meanwhile, the Director and Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, has said that culling operation has been started within the infected areas from today at the ICAR-Poultry Unit, at Lamphelpat.

It said that during the operation, 900 chicks (8 days old) and six adult ducks are culled besides destroying 1550 eggs and 15 numbers of 70 kg bags. The culled birds are buried in a pit.

A joint meeting of all the districts Joint Directors has been convened to take up immediate measures regarding containment procedures and setting up of quarantine station for RRTs at the directorate office.

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Treasury department needs to correct the general perception of it being most corrupt: RK Nimai

IMPHAL, April 19: As general perception that the treasury department is the most corrupt department, where without tips paid no file moves, can impact the administration of state. This being

IMPHAL, April 19: As general perception that the treasury department is the most corrupt department, where without tips paid no file moves, can impact the administration of state. This being the case, the treasury office needs to correct the perception said Dr RK Nimal consultant to government of Manipur.

Speaking as chief guest in a function at the 5th annual get together of treasury department at the MFDC hall toady, he further said that in our society the general perception is that the police, engineering, treasury departments etc take money for any file to move. This will have big impact on the administration of state government, he added.

A book by the director treasury Kirankumar Thokchom, titled entitled `Compilation on Government of Manipur-Decisions and Instructions` was also released on the occasion.

`We should adopt a system to by which to identify and declare which MCS, IAS, IFS officers etc are the most corrupt among the top official of state periodically. If such a system is adopted in our service, the perception might decease. Such branding may not affect their service record of the particular officers, but will be a deterrent against corruption,` Nimai said.

Nimai further said that if the head of a department is corrupt, the rest of his subordinate officers are also likely to become corrupt. We know that our state is a very small and therefore also know who are deadwoods or corrupt, he said.

He further said that even four or five corrupt officers will spoil the image of 60 or 70 officers. We have to then bring about a situation whereby the reputation of the honest officers are left untouched by the corruption of a few dishonest officers.

Commenting on Kirankumar`™s book entitled `Compilation on Government of Manipur-Decisions and Instructions`, he said it is the most important document for officer of the state.

He further said that such a compilation is especially important for local officer of the states. Outside officers don`™t dedicate all their 35 years of service to the state as they always look for deputation etc. This being the case, for good administration of state, we need local officers, he said.

Local officers have to know the rules and regulations thoroughly to lead the administration of state. We need to go through this book, he said. `Junior officer should at least go through the whole content of the book to acquaint themselves with the working of the administration` he further said.

After merger with India in 1949, Manipur got statehood on January 21, 1972. Till then our state was not empowered to enact laws in the state. But after statehood the ageing Indian laws came to be in force in the functioning of government departments. The most important task now is to look for suitable amendments of the rule and guidance, and for this the book released today is vital, he said.

He said violations of norms set by the Manipur Assembly continue. Elaborating, he said during 2014-15 financial years the state`™s account had a positive balance of Rs. 163 crores and on April 1 got the share of Rs. 212 crores of the state, but by evening the balance shrunk to Rs. 60 crores only, which is not even able to meet pension liabilities. He said the huge withdrawal or sanction on April 1, 2015 violated the occupation act of the state legislature.

The government violating the act it created is a sign of lack of governance, and this is sure to lead to anarchy in the state said Nimai.

I K Bongpui former joint director treasury, N Sarat managing director of Manipur State Power Corporation Limited, N Ashokumar secretary to chief minister, Kirankumar Thokchom director Treasury and Accountant were the other dignitaries present in today`™s function.

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Whatever It Is, It Is Cheat And Looting In Manipur: Telecommunications as an example

BY Amar Yumnam Many disturbingly interesting stories are coming out in the case of India as a whole. First, Nehru argued extensively in the meetings of the Constituent Assembly that

BY Amar Yumnam

Many disturbingly interesting stories are coming out in the case of India as a whole. First, Nehru argued extensively in the meetings of the Constituent Assembly that the States are not to be trusted. It must be this principle which framed the Armed Forces Special Powers Act to apply only to limited places like the `Switzerland of the East`™; my little cognitive power fails to appreciate if Nehru would have had any qualms in allowing cohabitation of Switzerland and special powers of the army. Or was it a pure case that, since the States were not to be trusted, just apply the army rule to areas of which less is familiar and as acquiring knowledge takes time and involves other costs. In the light of global governance experience in a context of diversity of expedient interventions leading to long term turmoil outcomes, one cannot help feeling if this was really the case. Another second instance, which adds fuel to this suspicion, is the recent revelation that Nehru directed the Indian intelligence to monitor the activities of the relatives of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose; to a Manipuri Netaji arouses feelings of love, association, courage and unmixed patriotism. There is also the third instance of Nehru directing censoring of their communications and even forwarding them to the British intelligence (MI5) for comment; it was as if the Indian Independence and accompanying sovereignty were still incomplete. Now there is also an intense academic debate among scholars working on development issues on the imperative to go for contextualization in every attempt at understanding and policy formulation. In the Indian context, the aging Father of the Nation so emphatically argued for contextual evolution of policy when the nation got Independence. But the imitative modernization approach of Nehru carried the day. However, on hindsight, Mahatma Gandhi turns out to be much more contemporary and post-modernist.

All these stories have been put for, I am sure, many of us are puzzled by the reality of Manipur which is untouched by any debate and by any paradigm of development thinking. The case of Manipur turns out to be one where everything works only on the principle of rents and not on anything else. If we look back to the development literature of the 1950s, it would be salient to anyone how the inability of markets (market failures) to address poverty removal, care for social justice and development were so religiously emphasized. But the 1970s and 1980s saw the reversal of trend due to the global learning that market failures were only being replaced by even more dangerous government failures; rent-seeking and corruption became more real than the hypothetical market failures. In India too, the reversal became very real by the middle of 1991. Though measurement is difficult because of `non-observed and non-reported activities involved in creating, extracting, and contesting rents`, `

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Red alert sounded as Bird Flu outbreak confirmed in Manipur; poultry to be culled – KanglaOnline

E-Pao.netRed alert sounded as Bird Flu outbreak confirmed in Manipur; poultry to be culledKanglaOnlineIMPHAL, April 19: Months after the confirmation of the outbreak of Rabies and Swine Flu in the state claiming lives of people, the Veterinary and Anim…

Red alert sounded as Bird Flu outbreak confirmed in Manipur; poultry to be culled
IMPHAL, April 19: Months after the confirmation of the outbreak of Rabies and Swine Flu in the state claiming lives of people, the Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Department has today sounded the red alert on the highly pathogenic Avian Influenza, Bird
Bird flu in Manipur :: Govt takes action; Cullings to start from

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Whatever It Is, It Is Cheat And Looting In Manipur: Telecommunications as an … – KanglaOnline

Whatever It Is, It Is Cheat And Looting In Manipur: Telecommunications as an …KanglaOnlineAnother second instance, which adds fuel to this suspicion, is the recent revelation that Nehru directed the Indian intelligence to monitor the activities of th…

Whatever It Is, It Is Cheat And Looting In Manipur: Telecommunications as an
Another second instance, which adds fuel to this suspicion, is the recent revelation that Nehru directed the Indian intelligence to monitor the activities of the relatives of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose; to a Manipuri Netaji arouses feelings of love

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Death of an aged pensioner in Manipur raises many questions – The Sangai Express

Death of an aged pensioner in Manipur raises many questionsThe Sangai ExpressWhom should we blame for the death of senior citizen (aged woman pensioner) in Manipur? Who is accountable for the unpleasant incident? Are the welfare state or system, the st…

Death of an aged pensioner in Manipur raises many questions
The Sangai Express
Whom should we blame for the death of senior citizen (aged woman pensioner) in Manipur? Who is accountable for the unpleasant incident? Are the welfare state or system, the state, the Social Welfare Department, the pensioner or the society by large to

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Rainstorm destroys houses in Manipur – Nagaland Post

Rainstorm destroys houses in ManipurNagaland PostHeavy rainstorm that lashed Saturday night for the second time in less than a fortnight damaged hundreds of houses besides uprooting trees and electric poles in parts of Manipur. Non-stop pouring down of…

Rainstorm destroys houses in Manipur
Nagaland Post
Heavy rainstorm that lashed Saturday night for the second time in less than a fortnight damaged hundreds of houses besides uprooting trees and electric poles in parts of Manipur. Non-stop pouring down of rain on Sunday added woes of the people whose …

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Zomi FC Manipur win CEM’s Gold Cup – Nagaland Post

Zomi FC Manipur win CEM’s Gold Cup
Nagaland Post
Zomi FC, Manipur lifted the second edition of CEM’s Gold Cup with a 2-1 win over Rhino FC Texpur at Karbi Anglong, Diphu on April 17. The tournament was organized by Karbi Anglong Sports Association. Around hundreds football lovers thronged the …

and more »

Zomi FC Manipur win CEM's Gold Cup
Nagaland Post
Zomi FC, Manipur lifted the second edition of CEM's Gold Cup with a 2-1 win over Rhino FC Texpur at Karbi Anglong, Diphu on April 17. The tournament was organized by Karbi Anglong Sports Association. Around hundreds football lovers thronged the …

and more »

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NPF to contest Manipur ADC polls – Assam Tribune

NPF to contest Manipur ADC polls
Assam Tribune
DIMAPUR, April 19 – The Naga People’s Front (NPF) has decided to contest the maximum number of seats in the upcoming Autonomous District Council elections in Manipur. The ADC elections are scheduled for June 1 in six councils of five hill districts of …
NPF to contest ADC polls in a big

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NPF to contest Manipur ADC polls
Assam Tribune
DIMAPUR, April 19 – The Naga People's Front (NPF) has decided to contest the maximum number of seats in the upcoming Autonomous District Council elections in Manipur. The ADC elections are scheduled for June 1 in six councils of five hill districts of …
NPF to contest ADC polls in a big

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Get cracking, Amit Shah tells BJP workers in Manipur – The Hindu


Get cracking, Amit Shah tells BJP workers in Manipur
The Hindu
Mr. Shah also instructed party functionaries to open BJP branch offices in all the nine districts of Manipur. He inaugurated a building on the BJP office premises in Manipur. Ral Lal, national general secretary, inaugurated a temple constructed on the
Strengthen BJP in northeast: ShahTimes of India
Amit Shah reaches out to northeastern states to expand BJP’s baseDaily News & Analysis
Shah reaches out to northeastern states to expand BJP’s baseBusiness Standard
KanglaOnline –The Sangai Express
all 76 news articles »


Get cracking, Amit Shah tells BJP workers in Manipur
The Hindu
Mr. Shah also instructed party functionaries to open BJP branch offices in all the nine districts of Manipur. He inaugurated a building on the BJP office premises in Manipur. Ral Lal, national general secretary, inaugurated a temple constructed on the
Strengthen BJP in northeast: ShahTimes of India
Amit Shah reaches out to northeastern states to expand BJP's baseDaily News & Analysis
Shah reaches out to northeastern states to expand BJP's baseBusiness Standard
KanglaOnline –The Sangai Express
all 76 news articles »

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BJP Manipur rolls up sleeves for ADC election

IMPHAL, April 19: A representative of BJP central office will arrive in the state on a two days visit to assess the preparation of the party for the upcoming ADC

BJP National president Amit Shah at a reception in Imphal

BJP National president Amit Shah at a reception in Imphal

IMPHAL, April 19: A representative of BJP central office will arrive in the state on a two days visit to assess the preparation of the party for the upcoming ADC election of Manipur due to be held on June 1.

This was stated by M Asnikumar, general secretary administration BJP Manipur, after the inaugural function of a hall dedicated to Dr Syama Prasad Mookherjee at Nityaipat Chuthek, the BJP Manipur head office, by Amit Shah. At the same time, the national general secretary organisation of BJP, Ramlal, also inaugurated the Pakhangba temple within the office campus.

Further speaking to media persons, Asnikumar informed that the both the central leaders of the BJP left Imphal for New Delhi after the inauguration function.

Asnikumar disclosed that before their departure the national leaders convened close-door meetings along with 10 leaders of Nagas and Kukis communities with regards to the upcoming ADC election 2015.

Similarly, after attending the public meeting the BJP leaders also convened a meeting with office bearers of BJP Manipur Pradesh including ex-presidents, ex-candidate of LS poll, Morcha presidents and cells, last night at the Hotel Classic, continued Asnikumar adding that the main agenda of the meeting was strengthening the BJP party in Manipur.

Besides reviewing the status of BJP in the entire all district, Amit Shah also met with intellectuals and think tanks of the state one after another and discussed on the several issues that needed to be redressed, including the sectors like education, health, road connectivity, law and order, youths unemployment, the National Sport University construction of which is would start at earliest and for women inclusive programme to harness their talents.

During the meeting, the two national leaders of the BJP, sought comments and observation on how to improve the situation and assured their best in addressing the problems, Asnikumar further said.

Asnimkumar also said that the BJP Manipur Pradesh was advised to work hard for the upcoming ADC election and chalk out strategies to assure victory while assuring maximum help from the centre.

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`Concerted effort needed to bring awareness among people to safeguard our cultural heritage`

IMPHAL, April 18: World Heritage Day, in tandem with the observation elsewhere in the world, was also observed in the State today, under the aegis of the Manipur State Archeology,

IMPHAL, April 18: World Heritage Day, in tandem with the observation elsewhere in the world, was also observed in the State today, under the aegis of the Manipur State Archeology, Department of Art & Culture, government of Manipur.

The observation was marked by a `Heritage Tour`™ participated mostly by college and university students, which proceeded in the morning from Kangla to different heritage sites.

`We need concerted effort to bring about awareness among the public to safeguard the tangible cultural heritage of the State`, said Mutua Bahadur, Director of Mutua Museum, who was one of the resource persons of the `Heritage Tour`™ while speaking to this reporter. He lamented that the present effort of the State government in protecting the historical sites is far from satisfactory.

`Most of the sites need facelift; we cannot be satisfied with the present arrangement of giving mere roofs to the monuments. Display boards describing the importance of the site and protective barriers, which would not at the same time spoil the essence of the monuments is urgently needed`, he said before adding that we can learn from the neighbouring country Myanmar in this aspect.

S Dinamani, Superintendent of the State Archeology, who led the tour expressing his happiness on the large turnout of students, said that it is important for the younger generation to know about their cultural heritage. He added that the State Archeology is always ready to team up with the students if they are interested. `There can be more educational programmes like seminars and workshops with the young students, we are always ready`, he said.

Prof L Kunjeshori Devi, of Manipur University, who was also a resource person of the tour, speaking to IFP said that it is worrying that the present generation lack awareness of the State`™s cultural heritage. `So in collaboration with the State Archeology, we have decided to reach out to the students for a guided tour on this day`, she said.

Babita Kamei, a student of History of MU chipped in that she feels elated taking part in the tour. `I had visited the sites in the past but a guided tour with experts is a rewarding experience`, she said.

Associate Prof Pechimayum Prabhabati of Modern College opined that the government must be generous in increasing its financial allocation in protecting and promoting the sites. `We also have to be aware of the challenges of the time`, she said.

Jonathan Haokip, a student of Modern College, who has never visited such sites earlier shared that the tour was a refreshing experience. `We look forward to such tour more in the future as well`, he added.

It may be mentioned that the tour covered places like Konthoujam Lairembi, Leishangkhog, Ningel Village and Andro Village, where there are inscribed stones. Students were seen having lively discussions with the resource persons during the tour.

The tour culminated with a film release, `Kangla`™, a documentary directed by A Syam Sharma, produced by Manipur Film Development Society. It was released by K Radhakumar Singh, Secretary Art & Culture, Government of Manipur.

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ATSUM appeals to Amit Shah to set up a State ST Commission

IMPHAL, April 18: The All Tribal Students`™ Union Manipur (ATSUM) today has submitted a memorandum to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President, Amit Shah, highlighting the plight and grievances of the

IMPHAL, April 18: The All Tribal Students`™ Union Manipur (ATSUM) today has submitted a memorandum to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President, Amit Shah, highlighting the plight and grievances of the tribal populace living in Manipur.

In the memorandum the ATSUM drew the attention of the visiting BJP president the urgent need to set up a Manipur State Commission for Scheduled Tribe to oversee the implementation of various safeguards provided to Schedule Tribes under the Constitution of India.

As evidence, it said that the tribal quota in Manipur Legislative Assembly has been Manipulated and Exploited in as much as the tribal people are exploited adding that it is a reflection of the fact that the tribal are not treated as equal partner.

The end result of this discriminatory outlook a wide range of gap between the hill people and the valley dwellers in every sphere of life `“ simply because special provisions are granted in the constitution of India has been deprived by way of narrow interpretation and bureaucratic manipulation of reservation for weaker sections of the society, it said.

As necessitated to poise an equilibrium in posts and reservation in the Assembly secretariat, ATSUM had been demanding for filling up the backlog posts of ST in the Assembly Secretariat. As such, the Chief Minister instructed the officials representing the talk on October 22, 2014 at the Chief Minister`™s chamber to ascertain the number of backlog posts inclusive of detail information of employees and reservation of quotas against sanction posts.

However, Assembly secretariat has furnished a bogus data which does not correspond to the data obtained from MIS. As of fact, out of 316 post created only 19 ST employees were accommodated against the 200 points rosters of Manipur Reservation of vacancies in post and services for SC & ST, wherein scheduled tribes ought to get 52 number of posts, it alleged.

The non-existence of State Chief Information Commissioner has virtually left the RTI Act 2005 non- functional, it claimed adding that most of the information sought for by the RTI activists has been denied on a flimsy ground without citing proper justification or reason.

Substantiating its claim, the ATSUM said that the Information sought under section 6 (1) of RTI Act 2005 for furnishing information in the Manipur Legislative Assembly Secretariat on January 10, 2014 has received no response to his information requested within the specific time limits.

It further asserted that the Scheduled Tribes (STs) have historically suffered from an enormous disadvantage and development deficit as compared to the rest of the population.

The Government of India initiated the concept of Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) in Fifth Five Year Plan with critical initiatives to bridge the developmental gap between STs and the rest of the population yet despite the guidelines issued by the then Planning Commission for effective implementation of TSP, Government of Manipur had deliberately defied the guidelines, it further alleged.

In education sector as well the discriminatory practice spread its wing said ATSUM.

It claimed that despite repeated request for recruitment of lecturers in higher secondary schools in the hills, no tangible has been done so far to regularize contract Lecturers.

It is not surprising that only 17 regular Lecturers are manning 14 (fourteen) Higher Secondary Schools in the hills, it said adding that when taken into account the record of comparison between the valley and hills lecturers of government higher secondary school, there is a huge disparity.

It continued that there are 17 numbers of regular lecturers and 259 lecturers who are engaged on contractual basis in 14 Government Higher Secondary School in the Hills while there are 434 regular lecturers and 455 contract lecturers with a total of 889 lecturers manning 25 numbers of Goverment Higher Secondary Schools in the valley.

Moreover, anywhere in the educational institutions functioning in the hills, there is an acute shortage of teaching faculties and rampant survey by the Union and the data collected from the respective ZEO`™s office reveals that, in total 778 arts graduate teacher 674 science graduate teachers and 262 Hindi graduate teachers are lying vacant in the hills.

It pointed out that as agreed upon the talks between the Government of Manipur and ATSUM, subsequently approved by the cabinet on September 2, 2014 for regularisation of 705 contract lecturers in Higher Secondary School and in continuation of the talk with Government of Manipur (GoM) on October 22, 2014, the GoM was reminded to complete the special formalities of regularisation before the commencement of the academic session 2015-16. But, nothing tangible is done so far.

Despite tabling the issue for regularisation of the 333 verified Adhoc teachers under Education (s), the state government has kept the Adhoc teachers`™ position in abeyance when the Hill schools are reeling under acute shortage of teachers since the past many decades, it said.

As enshrined in the constitution of India under Article 371-C, anything pertaining to the hills should be referred to the Chairman HAC to implement proper functioning of the Hill Area Committee. Unfortunately it has not been able to function despite repeated pressure from the public. The Manipur Government has done nothing in line with the Article 371 C till date, it said.

The ATSUM also alleged that the congress led SPF government of Manipur has failed to materialise the constitutional provisions enshrined for the protection and upliftment of the weaker sections of the state in respect of every spheres, especially in the above mentioned matters.

Taking into account the prolonged plight, ATSUM appealed the BJP president to do the needful in uplifting the tribal populace in Manipur.

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Incompetent police officers should be replaced: WAD

IMPHAL, 18 April: Coming out strongly against the increasing crimes against women, Women Action Development, WAD, general secretary M Sobita in a press meet today at CSD office said that

IMPHAL, 18 April: Coming out strongly against the increasing crimes against women, Women Action Development, WAD, general secretary M Sobita in a press meet today at CSD office said that repeated application of her organisation to meet the State Governor was declined and charged that the current Governor is fluent only in delivering speeches at State occasions.

Demanding for a full fledged Governor for the state she said in the current year, 22 women are already registered as missing cases and the concerned authority is not keeping the problem as a priority. `Will those women missing be found as skeletons?`™ asked Sobita and seek cooperation from the public as a whole in fighting increasing crimes against women.

The press meet on Deterioration of Law and Order in Manipur was held at Central for Social Development, CSD office, Palace Compound jointly organised by Survivor Forum, Conflict Widow Forum, UNMM, NLF, WAD, NEDF, PPW, IRDC, WSRC, KCLWDA, AWBA and HJF.

The WAD general secretary further stated that cases of crime against women including the murder of a differently abled minor girl Shumila at Borayangbi, and that of the recent case of Naobi are still not resolved.

She lambasted the police for its failure in cracking these cases, and questioned their competent. He also doubted their integrity as uncorrupted police officers, and said they should be replaced with other more competent and honest officers.

Lamenting the current fashion of mob justice she said that it is also a fallout of the negligence by police officers.

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