Hard cores UG cadres apprehend

IMPHAL, June 21: At least three hard cores cadres of the underground KCP (City Meitei) group involved in various anti social crimes in the state were apprehended by a combined… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 21: At least three hard cores cadres of the underground KCP (City Meitei) group involved in various anti social crimes in the state were apprehended by a combined team of the Imphal East district police commandos and the personnel of 23 AR during a cordon off operation conducted at Thamnapokpi village on the early morning of the June 18.

According to an official release of the SP Imphal East, the combined security team on getting specific information about the presence of some of the hardcore activities of hard core cadres of the KCP conducted their specific operation at the Thamnapokpi village at the early morning after the areas have been kept under cordoned by the combined security forces.

The official release further mentioned that, the security forces during their course of operations in the village arrested three active members of the underground KCP (City Meitei) group identified as Sukham Ananta Meitei alias Nanao alias Salai, 20, son of S Muhindro Singh of Thamnapokpi Makha Leikai, Keisham Bindu Singh, 37, s/o K Achoubi of Thamnapokpi Mayai Leikai and Okram Somorjit Meitei alias Hemjit Singh alias Somo, 24, s/o O Chandra Meitei of Thamnapokpi Awang Leikai from their respective houses and the security force also recovered two 9mm pistol with several ammunitions from the arrested persons.

It is also mentioned that, during the preliminary interrogation, Sukham Ananta revealed that he joined the outfit in the month of March 2008 and got basic military training from Bangladesh under Army No.11023, 2nd Batch of KCP (City Meitei) and is now holding the rank of s/s corporal of the outfit and still working under the command of one s/s corporal Abom of the same outfit.

The release further mentioned that, S. Ananta also disclosed to the police that, he was involved in shooting and killing of a lady at Sabungkhok who was identified as an active worker of minister Ph Parijat on July 27 last year.

On the other hand arrested K Bindu also told the police that he is an active member of the same outfit an involved in extortion of Rs.5 Lakhs from one Rani of Yorbung a member of the village council, the release added.

Further Okram Somorjit also disclosed to the police that he was involved in killing of a worker of minister N Loken Singh at Wahengkhuman during April last month and shooting of Shyamkeshore, president of Yaingangpokpi Bazar Board near Leimakhong Mapal in the month of August last year over and above his assignment of collection of demand money of Rs.1 lakh from the Shija Hospital during March last year, the release added.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/T6KXiPG2vCE/