Crisis after crisis

A sacred institution like state assembly has been desecrated by dragging it into series of controversies. Legislature, executive and judiciary are the three pillars on which the nation rest. But here in Manipur a pillar has been reduced to a farce with the guardian of the house making assembly secretariat a family fiefdom. The recent […]

A sacred institution like state assembly has been desecrated by dragging it into series of controversies. Legislature, executive and judiciary are the three pillars on which the nation rest. But here in Manipur a pillar has been reduced to a farce with the guardian of the house making assembly secretariat a family fiefdom. The recent exposure made by media indicating excessive figures of employees of the state assembly secretariat reveals what is sweeping in the minds of the guardians of the house. The present one cannot be different from the past. The allegations that start with the appointment of Speaker’s wife as an employee of the secretariat and selling away of the newly bought vehicle at heavily reduced price need to be investigated. A sacred institution, which lays down rules for the Government to function, cannot be spoilt as is being done. In Manipur funny news appear quite often and in all these stories the main characters happen to be the ministers’ or speaker’s families. There also had been news of a minister’s wife a teacher by profession not attending school for several years but drawing pay without doing anything. In USA when Hillary Rodham Clinton was to be made Secretary of State an understanding was achieved between the Clinton family and the US Government. As per the agreement former President Bill Clinton should cease all activities to pave way for his wife to become the post of her choice. Bill Clinton lost a lucrative job. He was earning then lots of money by delivering speeches in foreign countries. On the contrary here in Manipur if the husband becomes a Minister the wife if unemployed insist she be made an employee. She does not think that her status will drag down the official status of her husband. Or perhaps she thinks that in the Manipur style of politics her husband’s career in the electoral politics will be short-lived. If not for that reason why a wife should insist to become a Government employee. A husband requires a supportive housewife to shine in electoral politics. If both of them go to their respective offices, who will take care of visitors at the bungalow or at home. Rules need to be formed in such a way that if either a husband or a wife becomes an MP or an MLA the spouse should be made to relinquish the Government job if they held one. By framing such laws the controversial appointment of such nature happening in assembly secretariat will not occur. But those employees recommended either by UPSC or MPSC can be dealt with differently. Abraham Lincoln former USA President said if you want to know the character of a man giver him power. The news stories carried by media and subsequent action by opposition parties threaten to expose the character of the men in power. The situation now calls for paying the thrust to face saving. Before the highest authority of the land intervenes to correct the wrongs done one must apply one’s own wisdom and correct the wrongs done. Nothing should be done to approve the wrongs done. In doing so more ammunition will be supplied to the opposition and it may cause colossal loss to the party in power.

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