Joykishan quashes own suspension, ‘terminates’ Th Shyamkumar from party

IMPHAL, June 10: With no signs of intervention from the party’s chief whip, the contest over the top post of the Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress has only got uglier. In

IMPHAL, June 10: With no signs of intervention from the party’s chief whip, the contest over the top post of the Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress has only got uglier.

In a quick riposte to Andro MLA Th Shyamkumar’s announcement of his suspension along with that of two other MLAs from the party, Thangmeiband MLA Khumukcham Joykishan has today announced that the former has been terminated from the party for six years for anti-party activities.

Andro MLA, Th Shyamkumar announced yesterday that three party MLAs namely Thangmeiband MLA Khumukcham Joykishan, Thongju MLA Th Bishwajit and Wangoi MLA O Lukhoi have been suspended and the remaining three others have been served show-cause notices.

The party has only seven MLAs including the Andro MLA.

The decision for Shyamkumar’s termination was decided by the disciplinary committee of the party, said Khumukcham Joykishan.

He was addressing a press conference at the official quarter of Hiyanglam MLA Maibam Kunjo today.

The report for the Andro MLA’s termination will also be sent to the Assembly Speaker, he continued.

The decision for termination was arrived at after considering the MLA’s attitude against the party and taken after due consideration of the party’s rule and regulation, he said.

Now, the party has maximum numbers of party executive members including former president Kim Gangte, he said while nullifying the suspension of three MLAs including himself and the show cause notice served to three others.

The party doesn’t entertain the suspension and serving of show cause notice, he said.

Vice president, Th Bishwajit who is the Thongju MLA said even in the centre, the post of the party’s president is elected and not appointed or selected.

There are seven party MLAs in the State, and unfortunately, Shyamkumar is alone, he continued.

MLA K Sarat said the anti-party activity of MLA Shyamkumar is enough for his termination.

Even though Shyamkumar had announced serving show cause notice to three MLAs and suspending three MLAs including Joykishan, there is no such letter received by any of the MLAs and executive members of the Trinamool Congress, he said.


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