Husband killed Bedamani, alleges family members

By A Staff Reporter

IMPHAL | Aug 6

The family members of Laishram Bedamani of Koutruk Maning Leikai who died under mysterious circumstances on August 4 have urged the authorities concerned to speed up the investigation process to determine how she died. 

In a press meet at Manipur Press Club, Premjit Leishangthem, one of the family members of Bedamani said that her corpse has been kept at RIMS mortuary after the post mortem and that the family will not take the body until her husband Hemanta Thounaojam is produced and given the punishment he deserves.

Laishram Bedamani left three children. Her second child Rinky Thounaojam today recounted that her father came drunk that day with a friend and ordered her to go and buy alcohol from their locality. Her mother refused to let her daughter go out and that was at around 6 pm, then her father hit on her mother’s head and she fell down saying “kok ngaowe” (head spinning).

Rinky continued that when she came back after procuring the alcohol, she could not find her mother. She maintained that her father had locked her mother in one room. She along with her siblings in another room was also locked up, she said. When she woke up, she found her mother not breathing anymore.

One of the members of Khabam Bamdiar Meira Paibis, who does not want to be named, said that they condemned such alleged killing of their sister and should not be repeated in the future.

An FIR has been lodged at Lamsang police and a memorandum was also submitted to the deputy chief minister, Y. Joykishan yesterday. As of now, we have not received any positive response from the minister, said Premjit.

By A Staff Reporter

IMPHAL | Aug 6

The family members of Laishram Bedamani of Koutruk Maning Leikai who died under mysterious circumstances on August 4 have urged the authorities concerned to speed up the investigation process to determine how she died. 

In a press meet at Manipur Press Club, Premjit Leishangthem, one of the family members of Bedamani said that her corpse has been kept at RIMS mortuary after the post mortem and that the family will not take the body until her husband Hemanta Thounaojam is produced and given the punishment he deserves.

Laishram Bedamani left three children. Her second child Rinky Thounaojam today recounted that her father came drunk that day with a friend and ordered her to go and buy alcohol from their locality. Her mother refused to let her daughter go out and that was at around 6 pm, then her father hit on her mother’s head and she fell down saying “kok ngaowe” (head spinning).

Rinky continued that when she came back after procuring the alcohol, she could not find her mother. She maintained that her father had locked her mother in one room. She along with her siblings in another room was also locked up, she said. When she woke up, she found her mother not breathing anymore.

One of the members of Khabam Bamdiar Meira Paibis, who does not want to be named, said that they condemned such alleged killing of their sister and should not be repeated in the future.

An FIR has been lodged at Lamsang police and a memorandum was also submitted to the deputy chief minister, Y. Joykishan yesterday. As of now, we have not received any positive response from the minister, said Premjit.

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