School principal found dead with bullet mark, many condemn

From Our Correspondent


Principal of Manipur Baptist Convention Higher Secondary School, Kangpokpi, Lenkholal Chongloi, was found dead in a mysterious condition at a forest this morning with several bullet marks on his chest and below his armpit.

Lenkholal Chongloi, commonly known as Sir Helen, a resident of Haijang village near Kangpokpi district headquarters was survived by his wife and five children. He was currently serving as the principal of the recently shifted MBC Higher Secondary School, Kangpokpi from Imphal.

According to sources, the deceased principal, apart from his profession, was an active and enthusiastic hunter. He set out for hunting yesterday afternoon at around 3 pm but he did not returned back till the morning today unlike other days when he used to return at night.

When he did not return till morning, the villagers set out in search of him and much to their sadness, they found the dead body of the principal in the jungle approximately 3 Kilometres away from the village with bullet injuries on his body.

The villagers suspected that his death was not accidental but intentional. However, they have no clue on who could have such intention to kill him.

The dead body was brought into the village this afternoon at around 3:30 pm by the search team and the family immediately lodged an FIR at Kangpokpi Police Station. Later, his dead body was taken to RIMS for post mortem by Kangpokpi Police in the evening.

The dead body bore bullet injury mark on his chest, below his armpit, and few exit mark were there on his head and backside. The bullets were suspected to be of LG bullet, commonly used for hunting purpose by hunters.

Meanwhile, Kangpokpi Mission High School condemned the suspected killing of the principal in the strongest terms and expressed their deepest condolence over his death while conveying their share of pain and grief to the bereave family.

Haijang Village Authority also condemned the incident while sharing the pain and grief of the bereaved family. SHIPS also paid their tributes and condolence to the departed principal while sharing the pain and grief of the family member.

Kuki Revolutionary Army (KRA) strongly condemned the suspected killing of Lenkholal asked the person(s) involved in the suspected brutal killing to come out openly at the earliest.

Simte, information and publicity secretary of the outfit said that Lenkholal Chongloi aka Sir Helen is a respectable and very responsible person in the Kuki society particularly in the education sector while conveying the organization deepest condolence to the bereave family.

He also said that accidental casualty and unintentional death has occurred amongst the hunters in some occasions. When such unfortunate incident happens, the responsible individual according to the customary law, seek clemency to the victim family and the matter could be settle according to the customary law.

“It is unfortunate on the part of Lenkholal aka Sir Helen that the individual or persons involved in the incident, intentional or accidental, did not come out with clemency till today”, he added.

He further said that if the person(s) involved in the incident of killing of Helen do not come out at the earliest, KRA will investigate the matter and anyone found guilty will be punished accordingly, while the organization will not be held responsible for any action.

The deceased principal burial ceremony will be decided after the post mortem said the family source.

From Our Correspondent


Principal of Manipur Baptist Convention Higher Secondary School, Kangpokpi, Lenkholal Chongloi, was found dead in a mysterious condition at a forest this morning with several bullet marks on his chest and below his armpit.

Lenkholal Chongloi, commonly known as Sir Helen, a resident of Haijang village near Kangpokpi district headquarters was survived by his wife and five children. He was currently serving as the principal of the recently shifted MBC Higher Secondary School, Kangpokpi from Imphal.

According to sources, the deceased principal, apart from his profession, was an active and enthusiastic hunter. He set out for hunting yesterday afternoon at around 3 pm but he did not returned back till the morning today unlike other days when he used to return at night.

When he did not return till morning, the villagers set out in search of him and much to their sadness, they found the dead body of the principal in the jungle approximately 3 Kilometres away from the village with bullet injuries on his body.

The villagers suspected that his death was not accidental but intentional. However, they have no clue on who could have such intention to kill him.

The dead body was brought into the village this afternoon at around 3:30 pm by the search team and the family immediately lodged an FIR at Kangpokpi Police Station. Later, his dead body was taken to RIMS for post mortem by Kangpokpi Police in the evening.

The dead body bore bullet injury mark on his chest, below his armpit, and few exit mark were there on his head and backside. The bullets were suspected to be of LG bullet, commonly used for hunting purpose by hunters.

Meanwhile, Kangpokpi Mission High School condemned the suspected killing of the principal in the strongest terms and expressed their deepest condolence over his death while conveying their share of pain and grief to the bereave family.

Haijang Village Authority also condemned the incident while sharing the pain and grief of the bereaved family. SHIPS also paid their tributes and condolence to the departed principal while sharing the pain and grief of the family member.

Kuki Revolutionary Army (KRA) strongly condemned the suspected killing of Lenkholal asked the person(s) involved in the suspected brutal killing to come out openly at the earliest.

Simte, information and publicity secretary of the outfit said that Lenkholal Chongloi aka Sir Helen is a respectable and very responsible person in the Kuki society particularly in the education sector while conveying the organization deepest condolence to the bereave family.

He also said that accidental casualty and unintentional death has occurred amongst the hunters in some occasions. When such unfortunate incident happens, the responsible individual according to the customary law, seek clemency to the victim family and the matter could be settle according to the customary law.

“It is unfortunate on the part of Lenkholal aka Sir Helen that the individual or persons involved in the incident, intentional or accidental, did not come out with clemency till today”, he added.

He further said that if the person(s) involved in the incident of killing of Helen do not come out at the earliest, KRA will investigate the matter and anyone found guilty will be punished accordingly, while the organization will not be held responsible for any action.

The deceased principal burial ceremony will be decided after the post mortem said the family source.

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