3rd World Bamboo Workshop concludes Najma talks on benefits of bamboo – The Sangai Express

3rd World Bamboo Workshop concludes Najma talks on benefits of bamboo  The Sangai ExpressImphal, Feb 8 (DIPR) The 3rd World Bamboo Workshop, which began on February 4 at City Convention Centre, Palace Compound, concluded today with …

3rd World Bamboo Workshop concludes Najma talks on benefits of bamboo  The Sangai Express

Imphal, Feb 8 (DIPR) The 3rd World Bamboo Workshop, which began on February 4 at City Convention Centre, Palace Compound, concluded today with …

Read more / Original news source: https://www.thesangaiexpress.com/3rd-world-bamboo-workshop-concludes-najma-talks-on-benefits-of-bamboo/