Lok Sabha polls: Workers vandalise BJP office as party decides not to contest Outer Manipur seat – Scroll.in

Lok Sabha polls: Workers vandalise BJP office as party decides not to contest Outer Manipur seat  Scroll.in

Lok Sabha polls: Workers vandalise BJP office as party decides not to contest Outer Manipur seat  Scroll.in

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMigAFodHRwczovL3Njcm9sbC5pbi9sYXRlc3QvMTA2NTcxNS9sb2stc2FiaGEtcG9sbHMtd29ya2Vycy12YW5kYWxpc2UtYmpwLW9mZmljZS1hcy1wYXJ0eS1kZWNpZGVzLW5vdC10by1jb250ZXN0LW91dGVyLW1hbmlwdXItc2VhdNIBAA?oc=5