Film Festival at JNU, New Delhi-INVITATION

Dear Friends, Northeast Film Festival will be held at JNU,New Delhi from 11 to 14 March from 5 pm to 10 pm at Open Air Theatre behind KC Complex.Pick up… Read more »

Dear Friends,

Northeast Film Festival will be held at JNU,New Delhi from 11 to 14 March from 5 pm to 10 pm at Open Air Theatre behind KC Complex.Pick up traditional items from the Stalls & ravish on the spicy and delicious traditional food at the Food Courts. Come, enjoy and participate

Northeast Haat
Panthoibi Manipur Emporium
C-7, Emporia Complex
Baba Kharak Singh Marg,
New Delhi-110001, INDIA

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Who knows the origin of the Meiteis?- NO BODY

By: Dr Irengbam Mohendra Singh Nobody knows where the Meiteis came from. Some Europeans (Pemberton et al) skewed this idea that the Meiteis probably migrated from somewhere in the Sino-Tibetan… Read more »

By: Dr Irengbam Mohendra Singh

Nobody knows where the Meiteis came from. Some Europeans (Pemberton et al) skewed this idea that the Meiteis probably migrated from somewhere in the Sino-Tibetan region in the thirteenth or fourteenth century.

As the Tibeto-Burmans are Mongoloid, they empirically inferred that the Mongoloid tribes in northeast India must have come from a common source somewhere near to or in China, and therefore must speak a Tibeto-Burman language. This is not true.

The Khasis of Meghalaya and the Danwars of Nepal terai are Mongoloids but they do not speak Tibeto-Burman. The Meitei do not speak Tibeto-Burman. Yet they tried to link the Meiteis somehow with the Tibeto-Burman group.

It is a sort of non-tribal person’s thinking, which is linear in sequence: if A is the foundation of B therefore C must follow. It is an example of garbled logic, ranging from glaring to more subtle misrepresentation of information derived from the study of medieval Tibeto-Burman languages.

It seems to me that it was a desperate attempt for some ersatz legitimacy. Since then, as there was not anybody interested to challenge them, every one swallowed the story hook, line and sinker.

Never has the hunger for historical truth been more intense for me. We owe this to our ancestors as a part of defining reality. Two and a half million Meiteis within and without Manipur are not few Tarzans and ‘Man Fridays’ whose origins are obscure.

I am trying without prejudice, to establish the legitimate origin of the Meiteis as the primogenitors of Manipur, by scaling the Meitei history as its tectonic plates moved slowly over the centuries. To me it is the most important and possibly the most hopeless debate around.

The proposition I am making contains a subject and a predicate. The point of the debate is basically to rebut the notional ‘history’ of the Meiteis as having migrated from somewhere in the Orient, just because we have Mongolian features. It is as incredible as the acceptance of some tribal people from Manipur and Mizoram by a Chief Rabbi from Israel in 2005, as one of the ten “lost tribes of Jews” from Israel.

I can not conceive of any cogent prehistoric necessity for groups of people to traipse hundreds of thousands of miles all the way to Manipur, which was then filled with water unless they fancied some Manipuri Pengba fish (osteobrama belangeri)??

The recorded history of the Meiteis goes only as far back as 33CE, just after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It was during the reign of Nongda Lairen Pakhangba who began the dynast and kingship of Ningthouja family. Any ‘historical’ accounts before 33CE are speculations which are conjectures without a firm base. They are based on oral traditions which are not verifiable.

It is quite possible to construct a credible history out of oral traditions. Oral tradition was communal and communities had leaders who exerted control over the tradition. Before the invention of written language, and before the advent of widespread literacy, oral tradition was much more used for transmission of stories.

Oral transmission is so primitive that it can not reliably transmit anything except short, memorable phrases, such as the ‘short sayings of Jesus’, which in itself is a supposition
without any evidence. The short sayings of Jesus were the only ones recorded, but they circulated by word of mouth for 20 years before being written down.

The Bible, meaning a “collection of writings” is the most scientifically studied book. It was written 20 years after the death of Christ. There are many books debating for and against the authenticity of the Bible, which is a recorded book of oral traditions. Oral traditions are typically passed on by word of mouth, which usually entail variations in lesser or greater degree.

Prof Gangumai Kabui in his well researched ‘History of Manipur’ (1991) mentions that the origin of the Meitei tribe is obscured, which we all know, and that the Ningthouja origin of the Meiteis is a myth. I have reservations about the latter.

The mythical nature of the Pakhangba legend of the royal clan was described by Hodson (The Meitheis p5). James Johnstone wrote: “The early history of Manipur is lost in obscurity but there can be no doubt that it has existed as an independent kingdom from a very early period.”(Manipur & Naga Hills p80). So did E W Dunn (Gazetteer of Manipur p37).

However, since Cheitharol Kumbaba –Royal Chronicle (33- 1897 CE) was translated into
English by Bama C Mukherjee (1897), it became clear that Pakhangba became the king of Manipur in 33CE (Joychandra, The Lost Kingdom 1955).

However, the dates entered in the Cheitharol Kumbaba antecedent to 1485 CE are forged. (W Ibohal, The History of Manipur p15).

Recently, an historian P Lalit in his “Brief history of the Meiteis of Manipur” has taken the Meitei history as far back as 1405- 1359 BCE. This dates back to about 3,000 years ago.
He has apparently traced the origin of the Meiteis to the Tang- Shang dynasty of central China (1523-1027 BCE). According to him, “apparently a group (Tang Shang) might have migrated and settled in the Koubru hill ranges along with the Lei- Hao tribes who were the original settlers.” (Ref unknown)

‘Its Chief married Sinbee Leima, the daughter of the Lei Hao Chief and established his kingdom, circa 1445 BCE. He became known as Tang-Ja- Leela Pakhangba (1445- 1405 BCE). His wife gave birth to a son named Kangba, who established the first Mi- Tei kingdom.’

‘In (34- 18 BCE) Chingkhong Poireiton came to Manipur with Leima Leinaotabi from a region then called Khamtilong, somewhere between the present China, Burma and Tibet. A few other tribes who were neo-Tibetans, like Chakpa, Nung, Kham, Khu etc followed him. He reached Ukhrul and then Kanglatongbi where he settled as there was a vast stretch of water and swamp spreading southwards.’ “Poireiton and the original inhabitants of Tang- Shang people intermarried and the kingdom came to be known as Poirei-lam and the people as Poirei-Meetei.”

‘Nongda Lairen Pakhanba (33- 153 CE), a descendent of Tang-Ja-Leela Pakhangba married a Poireiton princess, Laisna and ascended to the throne in 33 CE. He moved his kingdom to the valley when the water drained away through a tunnel called Ching-nung-hoot in southwest Manipur.’

Another equally fascinating account is given by Heishnam Nilakanta in his paper, “The
Meiteis were the hill people in the remote past…mainly inhabited Koubru ranges and…Kanglatombi and Kangpokpi… Nongpok Keithelmanbi… However they came down from the tableland…..entered the present Manipur valley.”

He adds that “The Tai (Shan) ethnic groups who came to Manipur … were the Kakching, Kabo…etc. A horde of Shan immigrants led by Poireiton came to settle in Manipur and were forced to acknowledge Pakhangba’s suzerainty.”

According to Wahengbam Ibohol (The History of Manipur, Early period, p9) Kangba physically lived in the 11th century and part of the 12 century CE. And that the indications were that hey came from the south.

After reading this book I have a complete disorientation of time and space with regard to the early Meitei history.

A more evidence-backed book (A history of Kangleipak part II p7) by Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen, mentions: “The written history of Kangleipak began around 2000 BC. And this is supported by clinching evidence of Kanglei Iindigenous written literary evidence.”

The late Soroj N Arambam Parratt (originally from Sagolband Meino Leirak, Imphal) has a different interpretation of the Meitei origin. Parratt is one of the great contemporary Meitei scholars.

She writes in the English translated Cheitharol Kumba p12 that in Manipur there was a ‘proto-Meetei’ known as Poireiton and Manipur was known as Poirei lamdam. Pakhangba’s group arrived (? wherefrom) and the Poireiton inferred to them as Meetei (Mee=people, tei=other).Eventually Pakhangba married Laisna, the sister of Poireiton.

The two clans merged and Manipur became known as Poirei-Meetei lamdam and the language as Meetei lon. Poireiton is believed to have brought fire to Manipur, which was taken to the Andro village. It is indeed true that the eternal flame, meihoubirol is still burning in the Andro village.

I have quoted the above passages from just a few authors whose scholastic writings I do not dispute. The reference is in support of my argument that there is blurriness in the oral traditions of the origin of the Meitei and even in some of the records in Cheitharol Kumbaba. Oral traditions expose the contradictory legends on false traditions.

There is also lack of agreement among the Meitei scholars about the early history of the Meiteis as to who came first? Was it chicken or egg? Was it Pakhangba or Poireiton? Did Poireiton come from the east or the south? Where did Pakhangba come from? Who were the Lei Hao tribes? And where did they come from? According to Parratt and Cheitharol kumbaba, Poireiton’s settlement was much earlier than Pakhangba in 18-34 CE. This date has already been recorded by the eminent Meitei historian K C Tensuba.

Capt Pemberton considered the Meiteis to be descendents from a Tartar colony. “We may safely conclude them to be descendants from a Tartar colony from China.” (The Metheis p6). On the other hand when I was a small boy, young mothers used to pacify crying babies on their backs saying that “the Tartars are coming.” More reliably therefore, the Meiteis could not have been the descendents of the Tartars. Otherwise, how could the mothers lull their babies to sleep, out of fear of the Tartars?

The British rulers found the Aryan invasion theory useful as it carried the western cultural dominance over the Indian natives. The British also found it useful to group all the Mongoloid people of northeastern India and the Himalayan belt as Tibeto-Burman- a classification intended for the wild/ savage animistic and shamanistic tribes.

In obedience to oral traditions, which it will be vain to unsettle, the studies now indicate that there exist stories of prehistory of the Meiteis that are more interesting than their history. But they are not without problems. At which date prehistory becomes history is different around the world. British history did not begin until the invasion by the Romans in the first century BCE.

The Meitei prehistory is antiquity (historic period before the middle Ages, 1154- 1485). The trouble with prehistory is that it has another prehistory (a funny Greek word).

Somewhere between prehistory and history of the Meiteis, an uneasy accommodation must be made for my premise that the origin of the Meitei is lost until we have the genetic discovery of the Meitei genome that will trace us back to the autotochnous status of the Meiteis

As an interlude, has anybody ever thought of the possibility of considering that the
Meiteis might have been the original inhabitants and responsible for exporting various population groups with various modified languages to Southeast Asia?

The writer is based in the UK

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When the “Jet Fighter” President comes in Nagaland!

By Oken Jeet Sandham: The visit of Nagaland by any Presidents is history. The people of Nagaland would be happier to welcome such country’s head in their own soil. Such… Read more »

By Oken Jeet Sandham: The visit of Nagaland by any Presidents is history. The people of Nagaland would be happier to welcome such country’s head in their own soil. Such occasion would be Nagas’ “pride and joy.” The memory is still fresh and it will remain so in the minds of the Naga people of the inauguration of the Nagaland Statehood as the 16th State of the Union of India by none other than the 2nd President of the Republic India, Dr S Radhakrishnan, on December 1, 1963 here at the famous Kohima Football Ground. The arduous journey of Nagaland began from this momentous chapter.

When the news of the President Pratibha Patil’s visiting to Nagaland came in, waves of enthusiasms of welcoming her are felt; all the more so because she is the first Indian woman to have occupied the highest constitutional position of the country.

Patil entered into active politics at an early age and at the age of 27, she successfully contested her first election to the Maharashtra State legislature from the Jalgoan Assembly constituency. She served as a Member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha from 1985 to 1990 and later elected as a Member of Parliament in the Lok Sabha in the 1991 General Elections from the Amravati constituency, Maharashtra. In fact, she enjoyed the unique distinction of not having lost a single election that she contested.

She held various Ministerial portfolios in Maharashtra and also once President of Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee from 1988 to 1990. Prior to her election as the 12th President of the country, Patil served as a Governor of Rajasthan.

Her predecessor Dr APJ Abdul Kalam was a typical, yet a practical man. He was people’s President and accessible by many wherever he toured. His visit to Nagaland on 26th October, 2002 soon after his assuming office of President was a “memorable one.”

Dr Kalam first landed in Tuensang and then came to Kohima by chopper to attend civic reception at Khuzama Public Ground. Before addressing the massive crowd at the Khuzama Public Ground, he met Khuzama Village Council members.

Soon after the civic reception program was over, the missile man walked down the rostrum and chose to walk through the milling crowd, avoiding the VVIP car waiting for him in front of the rostrum, to interact with the school children eagerly waiting for him across the road at their small school compound.

I was with him while he was interacting with the school children at Khuzama and he really ignited the minds of them to become powerful leaders and great scientists of the country and make India a developed and powerful nation in the world. He was a role model to many young Naga students who had freely and frankly interacted with him sitting as close as two feet away from him. He was unassuming and was generally loved by the people of the country in general and children and students in particular.

I am deeply touched when he recalled about his memorable visit to Nagaland in one of his speeches after completing his eventful years in Rashtrapati Bhavan. He said, “It was a unique experience for me at Khuzama village to meet tribal village council members and discuss with them the village progress and the dream of the village citizens. I was very happy to see the empowered village council functioning with financial powers and taking decisions. I saw a prosperous village with fruits and vegetables production. However, there is a need for providing physical connectivity in Nagaland through quality roads for enabling faster movement of products from villages to the market. That meeting gave me a powerful message about the transformation which can take place to the 600,000 villages of India, if all the villages are empowered to deal with the development and are well connected among themselves and with the urban societies.”

I still have a fair question as to whether we can have such a President today who is practical and sincere to the citizens of the country.

On the contrary, President Patil’s coming to Nagaland happens to be much after her assuming office of President on July 25, 2007. She is the 12th President of India and also the first woman to have been elected to this august office. Her coming to Nagaland would, however, bring a lot hope and aspirations to the Nagas.

Our country has 28 States and 7 Union Territories including Delhi. So if the President of the country fails to visit any of the States during their 5-year tenure, it will make no sense. Mostly those States lying in extreme corners of northeastern region bordering China, Myanmar, Bhutan and Bangladesh cannot see their President coming to their States at least once in their 5-year tenure, there is every possibility for them to feel isolated or neglected. And also the President being a Supreme Commander of the country’s Armed Forces should instead visit this part of the country not as ritual but as often as possible for the fact that there has been increasing threats towards India from the neighboring China. Over the years, China has been seen as overtly aggressive against India and they even claimed Arunachal Pradesh as part of their territory. There has been a feeling that the Center has not done enough to counter such design by its counterpart. In such a situation, the President’s visit in the region will restore the confidence of the fast erosion of nationalism character.

President Patil’s visit to Nagaland has come at a time when the State is relatively peaceful due to the ongoing political negotiations between the representatives of the Government of India and the NSCN (IM) and reconciliation initiatives of the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) and other agencies as well. The NSCN (K) is also in truce with the Government of India and they are yet to start political negotiation with the latter.

Just a few months back, the State was also privileged to have country’s Vice President Dr M Hamid Ansari and his lady wife Salma Ansari. The Vice President came to grace for the First World Bamboo Day at Heritage Village, Kisama.

Our visiting President will have a massive “civic reception” at the same venue. As per the initial report came in media, she was to first visit Tuensang before coming to Kohima. It now stands for only Kohima due to time constraints and her heavy schedule as reported and also the state Chief Secretary clarified that, “There was no mention that the President would likely to visit any other place or village outside Kohima.” Vice President Dr Ansari, while at Kohima, too was supposed to visit Tuensang after his program at Kisama but failed to make it because of the inclement weather and finally decided to visit Kigwema.

It is, however, regrettable that the President would reportedly have 20 minutes for interaction with many NGOs, civil society leaders, etc. on March 10 before proceeding to attend the “civic reception” at the Naga Heritage Village, Kisama. But I wonder what productive message she would carry back to Delhi if she does not give sufficient time to leaders of various tribal organizations and civil societies. Instead she should put more emphasis on such so-called rarest interactions with these leaders as she would only be able to hear the genuine voices of the people from them who have been experiencing a new lease of life over the year following relative peace prevailing in their State. There has been drastic reduction of factional related violence in the State over the years and this development itself is a major step forward towards building a strong platform where people from all walks of life would ultimately come for free and frank discussions without any fear.

Here I only remember what Dr Radhakrishnan said while inaugurating the Nagaland statehood that, “The administrators must examine the human, the healing touch in their relations with the people and should not deprive the Naga of their innocent joys, their songs and dances, their feasts and festivals, which are not repugnant to our moral sense.”

Nevertheless, I will always salute “Her Excellency” for her courage for personally flying a fighter jet, the Russian-designed Su-30 MKI at the Lohegoan airbase in Pune on November 25, 2009 at her respectable age of 74. Of course, her predecessor as the President of India, then 74-year-old Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, also flew a Su-30 MKI in 2006 during his tenure in office. Yet I don’t take it a strange though, because he is a “man.”

Dr Radhakrishnan also said, “Nothing can stem the tide of progress of India if 450 million people are determined to achieve it by hard work, discipline and determination.”

Today we have a President who could fly “fighter jet” and with this big heart and strong mind, there is hope that she would surely do something for the people who want to live in peace once and for all. It is now over one billion people after 48 years of Nagaland statehood. One wonders if Dr Radhakrishnan’s vision will ever remain elusive or find its destination.

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President to visit Manipur, insurgents call 40-hr strike –

President to visit Manipur, insurgents call 40-hr strikeIBNLive.comPTI | 05:03 PM,Mar 09,2011 Imphal, March 9 (PTI) President Pratibha Patil would pay a two-day visit to Manipur from tomorrow, official sources said today. Sources said the programmes of…

President to visit Manipur, insurgents call 40-hr strike
PTI | 05:03 PM,Mar 09,2011 Imphal, March 9 (PTI) President Pratibha Patil would pay a two-day visit to Manipur from tomorrow, official sources said today. Sources said the programmes of the President were not yet announced in view of the boycott call
MPLF calls 40 hour long state bandh during President's visitKanglaOnline
Striking Manipur lawyers to decide strategyLaw et al. News
President to visit Manipur tomorrowMSN India

all 7 news articles »

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President to visit Manipur, insurgents call 40-hr strike – Deccan Herald

President to visit Manipur, insurgents call 40-hr strikeDeccan HeraldPresident Pratibha Patil would pay a two-day visit to Manipur from tomorrow, official sources said today. Sources said the programmes of the President were not yet announced in view o…

President to visit Manipur, insurgents call 40-hr strike
Deccan Herald
President Pratibha Patil would pay a two-day visit to Manipur from tomorrow, official sources said today. Sources said the programmes of the President were not yet announced in view of the boycott call of the visit given by some insurgent organisations
MPLF calls 40 hour long state bandh during President's visitKanglaOnline
Striking Manipur lawyers to decide strategyLaw et al. News

all 6 news articles »

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President on a three-day visit to Nagaland, Manipur – The Hindu

The HinduPresident on a three-day visit to Nagaland, ManipurThe HinduPTI President Pratibha Devisingh Patil arrived in Kohima this afternoon on a three-day maiden visit to the north-eastern states of Nagaland and Manipur. On her arrival at Kohima Assam…

The Hindu

President on a three-day visit to Nagaland, Manipur
The Hindu
PTI President Pratibha Devisingh Patil arrived in Kohima this afternoon on a three-day maiden visit to the north-eastern states of Nagaland and Manipur. On her arrival at Kohima Assam Rifles helipad from Dimapur airport, she was received by Governor
Patil meets Rio, governorCalcutta Telegraph
Patil admires natural beauty, rich culture & heritage of NagasMorungExpress

all 36 news articles »

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AIR Imphal News –9th March 2011 7.30 Morning

var addthis_product=’wpp-252′;_wpaudio.enc[‘wpaudio-4d783ade657f3’]=’\u0068\u0074\u0074\u0070\u003a\u002f\u002f\u006b\u0061\u006e\u0067\u006c\u0061\u006f\u006e\u006c\u0069\u006e\u0065\u002e\u0063\u006f\u006d\u002f\u0077\u0070\u002d\u0063\u006f\u006e\…

AIR News 7.30 a.m

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This Is The Time!

Original Source: The Imphal Free Press Sir, We must save Sharmila and help her repeal AFSPA. This is the best chance or best time till now to do so. All… Read more »

Original Source: The Imphal Free Press


We must save Sharmila and help her repeal AFSPA. This is the best chance or best time till now to do so. All those in this world who think her stand is right and gave prestigious awards must unite. The president of India Pratibha Devisingh Patil is coming to Manipur for two days. It is the international Day of woman. It would be the right time to let our president know what Shirin Ebadi the lady novel laureate for peace said on a trip to India in 2006. Here is an extract from Tehelka (9/12/2009)“IF SHARMILA DIES, PARLIAMENT IS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE ,” she thundered at a gathering of journalist. “IF SHE DIES, COURT AND JUDICIARY ARE RESPONSIBLE, THE MILITARY IS RESPONSIBLE… IF SHE DIES, THE EXECUTIVE, THE PM AND THE PRESIDENT ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DOING NOTHING…. IF SHE DIES EACH ONE OF YOU JOURNALIST IS RESPONSIBLE BECAUSE YOU DO NOT DO YOUR DUTY…” Moreover the London College shows solidarity to Sharmila.

Repealing of AFSPA is objected by the defense minister A.K. Anthony but the president is the supreme commander’s of armed force she can over-rides it
Yours faithfully
Sapam Subhangker
Citizen Journalist, Nagamapal.

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Zeliangrong militant outfit lashes out at NSCNIM

Zeliangrong United Front ZUF , a militant outfit, has unleashed a no holds barred condemnation against NSCN IM saying that the former’s revolutionary spirit could not be dampened by simply trying to overpowering the outfit Source Hueiyen News Servi…

Zeliangrong United Front ZUF , a militant outfit, has unleashed a no holds barred condemnation against NSCN IM saying that the former’s revolutionary spirit could not be dampened by simply trying to overpowering the outfit Source Hueiyen News Service Newmai News Network

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DRDA appoinments fixed MPP

Expressing serious concern over the prevailing conditions in the state regarding various issues, the Manipur People’s Party MPP hit out at the SPF government alleging that CM Ibobi and his government is corrupt Source Hueiyen News Service

Expressing serious concern over the prevailing conditions in the state regarding various issues, the Manipur People’s Party MPP hit out at the SPF government alleging that CM Ibobi and his government is corrupt Source Hueiyen News Service

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International Women’s day observed all over

Giving a clarion call to all the women for carrying the struggle forward, Manipur today joined the rest of the world in observing the 8th International Women’s Day Source The Sangai Express

Giving a clarion call to all the women for carrying the struggle forward, Manipur today joined the rest of the world in observing the 8th International Women’s Day Source The Sangai Express

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Underground cables ready for debut

With the work of laying cables under ground for power supply to some specific town areas like Paona Keithel, Thangal Keithel and MG Avenue nearing completion, power supply through underground cables would launched within 2 months Source The Sangai E…

With the work of laying cables under ground for power supply to some specific town areas like Paona Keithel, Thangal Keithel and MG Avenue nearing completion, power supply through underground cables would launched within 2 months Source The Sangai Express

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NSCNK, NSCNIM, FGNNNC meet in Dimapur

A ray of hope dawns again on the already rough weather sailed Naga reconciliation process after the NSCN K, NSCN IM and FGN NNC met today in Dimapur in the presence of the members of Forum for Naga Reconciliation FNR and said that they ‘realised in t…

A ray of hope dawns again on the already rough weather sailed Naga reconciliation process after the NSCN K, NSCN IM and FGN NNC met today in Dimapur in the presence of the members of Forum for Naga Reconciliation FNR and said that they ‘realised in the urgency’ of the highest level ‘summit’ of the three groups Source Hueiyen News Service Newmai News Network

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Loktak Downstream Hydro Project fails to take off

Delay in development of the approach road to the dam site is serious threat to commencement of the Loktak Downstream Project works Source The Sangai Express

Delay in development of the approach road to the dam site is serious threat to commencement of the Loktak Downstream Project works Source The Sangai Express

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Traffic regulations during President’s visit

In view of the visit of the President Pratibha Devisingh Patil on March 10, Dy SP Traffic Victoria Yengkhom has announced restrictions on the movement of vehicles at two specific routes Source The Sangai Express

In view of the visit of the President Pratibha Devisingh Patil on March 10, Dy SP Traffic Victoria Yengkhom has announced restrictions on the movement of vehicles at two specific routes Source The Sangai Express

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JAC fumes over eviction order

While reacting to the notice of evacuation of affected families by the Airport Expansion before March 31, 2011, the JAC against the Extension and Expansion of Imphal Airport, Ningombam alleged the government of indulging in dirty politics in the expans…

While reacting to the notice of evacuation of affected families by the Airport Expansion before March 31, 2011, the JAC against the Extension and Expansion of Imphal Airport, Ningombam alleged the government of indulging in dirty politics in the expansion work Source Hueiyen News Service

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Spirit of Sharmila captured on canvas

As part of the International Women’s Day observance, a Painting exhibition on the ‘Spirit of Sharmila’ was launched at the Art Gallery of Department of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University JNU , New Delhi today Source The Sangai Express

As part of the International Women’s Day observance, a Painting exhibition on the ‘Spirit of Sharmila’ was launched at the Art Gallery of Department of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University JNU , New Delhi today Source The Sangai Express

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ST students show unity under ‘quota umbrella’

Scheduled tribe students from all over the country gathered at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi today to demand the restoration of the 7 Source The Sangai Express Ninglun Hanghal

Scheduled tribe students from all over the country gathered at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi today to demand the restoration of the 7 Source The Sangai Express Ninglun Hanghal

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