PRESS RELEASE: The FIRST ALL MANIPUR QURANIC COMPETITION 2015 was held on 31st May 2015 and about 500 people attended including Non-Muslims. Total of 120 students participated in the quiz

The FIRST ALL MANIPUR QURANIC COMPETITION 2015 was held on 31st May 2015 and about 500 people attended including Non-Muslims. Total of 120 students participated in the quiz which Md. Abdus Samad anchored the event.
Before the event, a preliminary written test was conducted from which 16 applicants who scored the highest marks were selected for quiz competition.
The programme started with a Qirat of Surah Al-Fatihah by Moulana Qari Mubarak Ali, Multipurpose Educational Centre and followed by a short exposition of its meaning. Next a keynote address along with welcome address was given by Abdul Halim, Organiser, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Manipur state, in which he put forward the view that the competition was organized in order to create an interest in learning the Quran with meanings and understandings. He pointed out that unfortunately the people in Manipur including Muslims have neglected learning the meaning of the Quran. They have put the Quran under wraps and on high racks and read without understanding its meaning. If they learn the teachings of the Quran, many problems faced by the people in Manipur, including corruption, drug abuse and laziness could have been solved. This was followed by a presentation of the motto of the function by Dr. Nazimuddin Chisti, Professor and Orthopaedic Surgeon, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences. He quoted many verses of the Quran, which enlighten thoughts of our young generation.
Kheiruddin as the Quiz Master opened the quiz with the instructions of the competition. Then one question each was put in rotation to all the four groups in eight rounds. This was followed by Rapid Fire Round, in which 5 questions each put to each group in rapid succession. The quiz was concluded with Buzzer Round in which the questions were thrown to all the groups, and the group which answered first got the score. There were questions for audience at the end of each general round.
An easier way of learning Quran was demonstrated by Moulvi Zakaria, in which the audiences participated to learn the eight kinds of pronouns used often in the Quran.
Then the prizes were distributed by Md. Roushan Ali, Founder Secretry, Islamic Baby English School, Lilong.
Vote of thanks was given by Abdulhalim and he announced that the Quran Quiz will be an annual feature of the Quran Foundation. No questions set will be given before-hand in the next year. The syllabus of next Quran quiz competition will be the content of the holy book “Quran” and therefore all are asked to learn the Quran in the coming months.
The programme was ended by Md. Abdus Samad with his closing speech.
The winner team is (FIRST PRIZE : Rs. 10,000)
Group B (O. Milanchand, 2. Irfan Gufran, 4. Misban Hanif, 4. Md. Junish Khan)
And the Runners Up is (SECOND PRIZE : Rs. 7,000)
Group C (1. Uranus Kh, 2. Th Kimpu Singh, 3. Khullakpam Imran Khan, 4. Areebuddin Ph)
In Third Position (THIRD PRIZE : Rs. 5,000)
Group D (1. Md Zayyid Khan, 2. Hasnel Shah, 3. Mk Firdosh Sahani, 4. Md Tajuddin)
4th Position :CONSOLATION PRIZES : Gift Packages
Group A (1. M.N. Ahamed, 2. Syed Jamilur Rahman 3. Ch Sagir Ahmmed, 4. Md. Sadaque Khan)
PRIZES FOR AUDIENCE : Gifts Packages (10 Packages)
Institutional Prizes
- Makataba-e-Amiri, Khabeisoi Mamang Leikai,
- Knowledge Home Boarding, Hatta Imphal
- Islamic Baby English School, Lilong
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