Police warn public against fraudsters

The Police Department has warned the public to be vigilant against fraudsters who are conning the innocent public by sending e mial messages, SMS or making phone calls and persuading them to part with information relating to their bank account details,…

The Police Department has warned the public to be vigilant against fraudsters who are conning the innocent public by sending e mial messages, SMS or making phone calls and persuading them to part with information relating to their bank account details, credit card ATM details, insurance policy details, Pan Card Aadhar card voter ID details on the pretext of crediting some prize money into their bank accounts or making investments which will bring 100 percent or more returns in a very short duration or luring with foreign trips etc Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=16&src=250216

Police warn public against fraudsters

The Police Department has warned the public to be vigilant against fraudsters who are conning the innocent public by sending e mial messages, SMS or making phone calls and persuading them to part with information relating to their bank account details,…

The Police Department has warned the public to be vigilant against fraudsters who are conning the innocent public by sending e mial messages, SMS or making phone calls and persuading them to part with information relating to their bank account details, credit card ATM details, insurance policy details, Pan Card Aadhar card voter ID details on the pretext of crediting some prize money into their bank accounts or making investments which will bring 100 percent or more returns in a very short duration or luring with foreign trips etc Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=16&src=250216