Empanelment of 6 IPS Officers For Central Deputation Approved; Lhari Dorjee Lhatoo of Manipur Cadre On the List – – Indian Masterminds

Empanelment of 6 IPS Officers For Central Deputation Approved; Lhari Dorjee Lhatoo of Manipur Cadre On the List –  Indian Masterminds

Empanelment of 6 IPS Officers For Central Deputation Approved; Lhari Dorjee Lhatoo of Manipur Cadre On the List –  Indian Masterminds

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimwFodHRwczovL2luZGlhbm1hc3Rlcm1pbmRzLmNvbS9uZXdzL2lwcy1uZXdzL2VtcGFuZWxtZW50LW9mLTYtaXBzLW9mZmljZXJzLWZvci1jZW50cmFsLWRlcHV0YXRpb24tYXBwcm92ZWQtbGhhcmktZG9yamVlLWxoYXRvby1vZi1tYW5pcHVyLWNhZHJlLW9uLXRoZS1saXN0L9IBAA?oc=5