Glimpses of North East India (NE Awareness event on 08/11/2014, London United Kingdom) A rather rain decked evening, onset of the crisp, chilly winter, a metaphorical wonderland of
Glimpses of North East India
(NE Awareness event on 08/11/2014, London United Kingdom)
Glimpses of North East India in London
A rather rain decked evening, onset of the crisp, chilly winter, a metaphorical wonderland of spectacular natural beauty. Does this ring the bells? North east would be the first place to strike anyone’s mind, when we incorporate these relevant characteristics. Well, lucky are those who hail from our picturesque mountain clad, sparkling clean region, clouded by the hypnotic fragrance of fresh soil and greenery. Every North- Eastern, no matter which corner of the world they live in, tag along their state’s pride and aroma, more to this, it is a mark of our culture to stand apart and gloat in passion about the enchanting existence of our region. The world is our oyster and our people are in places, spreading fresh North East aroma. United Kingdom, London saw first event of its kind, Glimpses of North East India on Saturday 8th November
Arunachal Pradesh – Glimpses of North East India in London
It is indeed a deep pleasure to see the way our state has been highlighted on an international platform, by our very own people, who have soul-stirring ties with their region even after crossing thousand borders. Glimpses of North east India an event organized by the North east Indians in the UK announced its grand success. This event came as a massive eye-opener where all North Eastern’s caught upon an opportunity to present the beauty of their respective states to the western world. The whole idea backing this informal event was to bring all the north easterners, mainland Indians and westerners under one umbrella to promote awareness of NE India and also to promote tourism of the unexplored beauty of North eastern and to share the firmly implanted culture and impassioned connection. More to that trying to establish grounds to attract them to North East India and experience the grandeur themselves.
Nothing can beat the originality of people and fetish they posess for their home land which is always visible in such occasions .That innate passion of North-Easterners to excel everywhere, is kind of free flow.

Meghalaya – Glimpses of North East India in London
A huge step taken by our fellow people in UK to think ahead, with motives to enhance each State’s magnificence. The evening was supposedly one of its kind with multimedia presentations from each state, followed by live music by talented North Eastern’s in UK and then the typical NE cuisines namely: Bamboo shoot, rice, momo’s , Singju……Yum. The presentations for the evening focussed on boasting about the beauty of all states through slides on rural tourism, cultural diversity, lofty snow-capped mountains, green landscapes dotted with picturesque villages, monasteries and a rich tribal cultivation crotched with vibrant accents. The audience seemed to have been mesmerized much to see a broader version of what North-East India had in its platter to offer, we are a gorgeous lovely hidden, yet to be explored gem of India, are we not?
Lien Gangte from Manipur one of the organizers, hosted the show with a twist of humour clubbed with gloating about each State’s magnificence.
Host: Lien Gangte from Manipur
Manipur – Glimpses of North East India in London
Actually quite an amusement to see how far we have spread our wings, and rapidly indeed our reputation in the world market is shooting up. North East India is an entrenched holiday maker’s hub. Given the immense dedication from our people around the globe, a gradual sea of change is not a far off thing, seeing the world step on our soil. We are the world now; let us grab every opportunity to spread like wildfire.

Sikkim- Glimpses of North East India in London
The organizers express their heart-felt appreciation to all those who took time out to attend the event and the ones who helped in putting up this show and making it a grand success. Bigger and better events in the pipeline, another occasion to celebrate our togetherness, we are a simple breed who loves to work hard and play hard. Watch out for this space!!!
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