ZYF hails GOI-NSCN (IM) peace accord

IMPHAL, August 9: Welcoming the peace accord signed between National Socialist Council of Nagaland (IM) and Government of India on August 3, the Zeliangrong Youth Front (ZYF) has highly appreciated

IMPHAL, August 9: Welcoming the peace accord signed between National Socialist Council of Nagaland (IM) and Government of India on August 3, the Zeliangrong Youth Front (ZYF) has highly appreciated the political will displayed by the Indian leaders in solving the Indo-Naga political issue.

In a statement, the ZYF said the Nagas have been waiting for the realization of their political aspiration with high expectation for positive outcome when the Government of India and Naga political group(s) declared ceasefire and engaged in peace talks after going through extreme situations due to military suppression for many decades in the Naga areas.

It is apparent from the signing of the historic peace accord that the Government of India and the Naga group are determined to solve the long pending Nagas political issue.

It is the belief of the Zeliangrong Youth Front in particular and Zeliangrong people in general that the signing of the peace accord will surely usher on the path of progress and prosperity and bring long lasting peace and development in the region in particular and the entire nation in general for both the Indians and the Nagas in the days to come, the statement stated.

UKHRUL, Aug 10: Many supporters took to the town`™s thoroughfare staging a silent Peace March and later gathered for Thanksgiving Day observed at TNL Ground to celebrate the recent Peace Accord signed between the NSCN-IM and Government of India (GoI).

The supporters including uniform clad students holding the Naga National Flag and a banner reading `Lonf Live PM Modiji, Long Live RN Ravji, Long Live Yaruiwo Issac Chishi Swu, Long Live ato kilonser Th Muivah` had gathered at points of the town at 11am and marched through the main road of the town from two different ends of the Town Mission ground and Dungrei Junction and finally converged at the TNL Ground.

Various Tangkhul organizations and village headmen also attended the gathering even as all shops and commercial establishments remained closed while all vehicles kept off the road during the day.

Addressing the public gathering, TNL president V Weapon Zimik thanked the Almighty for guiding both the leaders of GoI and NSCN-IM/GPRN with His infinite wisdom through the years.

TSL president SC Ringluiwon and TKS president Joel Angkang also lauded the signing of the peace pact and the public of the district for their support.

Later, in the evening from 7pm onward, power was put off and all households across the district lit up candles at their respective yards for 30 minutes.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2015/08/zyf-hails-goinscn-im-peace-accord/